
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 444 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
15.09.2014  European Research Area Progress Report 2014.
Communication com(2014)575
15.09.2014  European research area facts and figures 2014 accompanying the document: European Research Area Progress Report 2014.
11.09.2014  Report on the implementation of the strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation.
Report com(2014)567
11.09.2014  Roadmaps for international cooperation accompanying the document: Report on the implementation of the strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation.
04.09.2014  Annual Report on Research and Technological Development Activities of the EU in 2013.
Report com(2014)549
25.08.2014  European Research Council’s operations and realization of the objectives set out in the Specific Programme “Ideas" in 2013.
Report com(2014)531
14.07.2014  Application of Council Regulation 723/2009 on the EC legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
Report com(2014)460
10.06.2014  Research and innovation as sources of renewed growth.
Communication com(2014)339
10.06.2014  State of the Innovation Union - Taking Stock 2010-2014 accompanying the document: Research and innovation as sources of renewed growth.
28.05.2014  Communication on European Citizens' Initiative "One of us".
Communication com(2014)355
08.05.2014  Interim Evaluation of the Clean Sky, Fuel cells and Hydrogen and Innovative Medicine Joint Technology Initiatives Joint Undertakings.
Report com(2014)252
06.01.2014  Annual Progress Report on the activities of the Joint Technology Initiative Joint Undertakings (JTI JUs) in 2012.
Report com(2013)935
06.01.2014  Clean sky & imi.
02.12.2013  Innovation Union Competitiveness report 2013.
Working paper swd(2013)505
29.11.2013  Summary Report on the Monitoring and Assessment Exercise of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
Report com(2013)845
17.10.2013  Annual Report on Research and Technological Development Activities of the EU in 2012.
Report com(2013)713
20.09.2013  European research area progress report 2013.
Report com(2013)637
20.09.2013  European research area facts and figures 2013 accompanying the document: European research area progress report 2013.
13.09.2013  Measuring innovation output in Europe: towards a new indicator.
Communication com(2013)624
13.09.2013  Developing an indicator of innovation output accompanying the document: Measuring innovation output in Europe: towards a new indicator.
Working paper swd(2013)272
10.07.2013  Public-private partnerships in Horizon 2020: a powerful tool to deliver on innovation and growth in Europe.
Communication com(2013)494
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: participation of the Union in a Research and Development Programme jointly undertaken by several Member States aimed at ...
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: participation of the Union in a Research and Development Programme jointly undertaken by several ...
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment accompanying the document: Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: participation of the Union in a European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research jointly undertaken by several ...
10.07.2013  Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment accompanying the document: participation by the EU in a European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) ...
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: participation of the Union in a second European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Programme jointly ...
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: participation by the EU in a second European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership ...
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking.
11.06.2013  Towards a Modern Euratom Fusion Research Programme.
Working paper swd(2013)213
30.05.2013  European Research Council's operations and realisation of the objectives set out in the Specific Programme "Ideas" in 2012.
Report com(2013)318
27.05.2013  Specific Monitoring Report on research activities for nuclear safety and security supported by the Euratom Framework Programme 2012 - 2013.
Report com(2013)308
27.05.2013  Accompanying the document: Specific Monitoring Report on research activities for nuclear safety and security supported by the Euratom Framework Programme 2012 - 2013.
21.03.2013  State of the Innovation Union 2012 - Accelerating change.
Communication com(2013)149
21.03.2013  Research and Innovation performance in EU Member States and Associated countries - Innovation Union progress at country level accompanying the document: State of the ...
14.12.2012  Annual Progress Report on the activities of the Joint Technology Initiatives Joint Undertakings (JTI JUs) in 2011.
Report com(2012)758
14.12.2012  Annual Progress Report on the activities of the Joint Technology Initiatives Joint Undertakings (JTI JUs) in 2011.
14.09.2012  Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in research and innovation: A strategic approach.
Communication com(2012)497
14.09.2012  Accompanying document to the document Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the ...
17.07.2012  Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth.
Communication com(2012)392
17.07.2012  Impact assessment accompanying the document: A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth.
19.06.2012  European Research Council's operations and realisation of the objectives set out in the Specific Programme "Ideas" in 2011.
Report com(2012)297
06.06.2012  Annual Report on Research and Technological Development Activities of the EU in 2011.
Report com(2012)279