
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 174 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
25.11.2020  EU gender action plan (gap) iii - an ambitious agenda for gender equality and women’s empowerment in EU external action.
08.10.2020  Financial information on the European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2020-22 and forecasts for ...
Communication com(2020)638
26.08.2020  Implementing EU food and nutrition security policy commitments: Fourth biennial report.
Report com(2020)285
31.07.2020  Management of the Guarantee Fund of the European Fund for Sustainable Development.
Report com(2020)346
06.07.2020  Implementation of the financial assistance provided to the Overseas Countries and Territories under the 11th European Development Fund in 2019.
Report com(2020)286
12.06.2020  Financial information on the European Development Fund European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions.
Communication com(2020)235
12.06.2020  Financial contributions to be paid by Member States to finance the European Development Fund, including the second instalment for 2020.
Decision com(2020)234
02.06.2020  Implementation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development.
Report com(2020)224
08.04.2020  Communication on the Global EU response to COVID-19.
09.03.2020  Towards a comprehensive Strategy with Africa.
31.01.2020  Recommendations of the high-level group of wise persons on the European financial architecture for development.
Report com(2020)43
26.11.2019  2019 Annual Report on the implementation of the EU’s instruments for financing external actions in 2018.
Report com(2019)604
10.10.2019  Financial information on the European Development Fund: forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2019, 2020, 2021.
Communication com(2019)478
15.07.2019  Implementation of the financial assistance provided to the Overseas Countries and Territories under the 11th European Development Fund.
Report com(2019)336
05.06.2019  Financial information on the European Development Fund European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions.
Communication com(2019)258
10.05.2019  Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals across the world: The 2019 Joint Synthesis Report of the EU and its Member States.
Report com(2019)232
31.01.2019  Annual Report on the implementation of the EU's instruments for financing external actions in 2017.
Report com(2019)37
17.10.2018  Implementing EU food and nutrition security policy commitments: Third biennial report.
Report com(2018)699
16.10.2018  European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2018, 2019, 2020 and non-binding forecast for the years ...
Communication com(2018)689
12.09.2018  Communication on a new Africa - Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs: Taking our partnership for investment and jobs to the next level.
Communication com(2018)643
06.08.2018  Participation of the EU as Permanent Observer in the Pacific Community (SPC).
15.06.2018  Financial information on the European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions.
Communication com(2018)475
12.03.2018  Annual Report on the Implementation of the EU's Instruments for Financing External Actions in 2016.
Report com(2018)123
09.03.2018  EU position in the ACP-EU Council of Ministers regarding the revision of Annex IC of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2018)121
22.02.2018  For 2017 on the implementation of the financial assistance provided to the Overseas Countries and Territories under the 11th European Development Fund.
Report com(2018)78
15.12.2017  Mid-term review report of the External Financing Instruments.
Report com(2017)720
12.12.2017  Authorisation of the opening of negotiations on a Partnership Agreement with countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.
Recommendation com(2017)763
13.11.2017  Achieving Prosperity through Trade and Investment: Updating the 2007 Joint EU Strategy on Aid for Trade.
Communication com(2017)667
25.10.2017  European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2017, 2018, 2019 and non-binding forecast for the years ...
Communication com(2017)622
29.08.2017  EU Gender Action Plan II "Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations" - Annual Implementation ...
14.06.2017  Financial information on the European Development Fund European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions.
Communication com(2017)299
02.05.2017  Digital4Development: mainstreaming digital technologies and services into EU Development Policy.
24.04.2017  Sustainable garment value chains through EU development action.
19.04.2017  EU engagement with Civil Society in External Relations.
05.04.2017  Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund covering the period 2014-2015.
Report com(2017)159
05.04.2017  EC staff doc accompanying the document: implementation of the 11th European Development Fund covering the period 2014-2015.
21.02.2017  Implementation of the financial assistance provided to the Overseas Countries and Territories under the 11th European Development Fund.
Report com(2017)84
19.12.2016  2016 Annual Report on the implementation of the EU's instruments for financing external actions in 2015.
Report com(2016)810
19.12.2016  EC staff document accompanying the 2016 Annual Report on the implementation of the EU's instruments for financing external actions in 2015.
01.12.2016  Implementation, results and overall assessment of the European Year for Development 2015.
Report com(2016)525
01.12.2016  EC staff document on implementation, results and overall assessment of the European Year for Development 2015.
22.11.2016  Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development Our World, our Dignity, our Future.
Communication com(2016)740
22.11.2016  Renewed partnership with the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
Communication join(2016)52
22.11.2016  Impact assessment accompanying the document: renewed partnership with the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
22.11.2016  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: renewed partnership with the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
22.11.2016  Staff document assessing the 2005 European Consensus on Development and on the "Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development - Our World, our Dignity, our ...
22.11.2016  Staff document assessing the 2005 European Consensus on Development and on the "Proposal for a new European Consensus on Development - Our World, our Dignity, our ...
22.11.2016  Synopsis Report of the main results of the consultation on the new European Consensus on Development.
14.10.2016  European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Communication com(2016)652
20.07.2016  EU international cooperation and development first report on selected results (july 2013 - june 2014).