
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 548 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
19.04.2016  Implementation of the Action Plan for the European High-Performance Computing strategy accompanying the European Cloud Initiative.
19.04.2016  Document on Quantum technologies accompanying the European Cloud Initiative.
19.04.2016  Implementation and Evaluation report accompanying the document: EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016 - 2020 Accelerating the digital transformation of government.
19.04.2016  Executive summary of the implementation and evaluation report accompanying the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 Accelerating the digital transformation of government.
19.04.2016  Advancing the Internet of Things in Europe accompanying the document: Digitising European Industry Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market.
02.02.2016  Executive summary of the Impact Assessment to the proposal for a Decision on the use of the 470-790 MHz frequency band in the Union.
Working paper swd(2016)19
02.02.2016  Impact Assessment Accompanying the proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the use of the 470-790 MHz frequency band in the Union.
18.12.2015  Implementation, functioning and effectiveness of the .eu Top-Level Domain.
Report com(2015)680
09.12.2015  Towards a modern, more European copyright framework.
Communication com(2015)626
09.12.2015  Impact assessment to the Proposal for a Regulation on ensuring the cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market.
09.12.2015  Executive summary of impact assessment to the Proposal for a Regulation on ensuring the cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market.
Working paper swd(2015)271
19.06.2015  Implementation of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communication - 2015.
Working paper swd(2015)126
29.05.2015  EU position in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15).
Decision com(2015)234
06.05.2015  Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe.
Communication com(2015)192
15.01.2015  Implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.
16.09.2014  FET Flagships: A novel partnering approach to address grand scientific challenges and to boost innovation in Europe.
Working paper swd(2014)283
01.09.2014  Radio Spectrum Inventory.
Report com(2014)536
14.07.2014  Implementation of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications - 2014.
Working paper swd(2014)249
02.07.2014  Towards a thriving data-driven economy.
Communication com(2014)442
02.07.2014  Report on the Implementation of the Communication 'Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe' accompanying the document: 'Towards a thriving data-driven ...
28.05.2014  Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014.
Working paper swd(2014)180
15.05.2014  European film in the digital era: Bridging cultural diversity and competitiveness.
Communication com(2014)272
22.04.2014  Implementation of the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme.
Report com(2014)228
10.04.2014  Green paper on mobile Health ("mHealth").
Green paper com(2014)219
10.04.2014  Existing EU legal framework applicable to lifestyle and wellbeing apps accompanying the document: GREEN PAPER on mobile Health ("mHealth").
12.02.2014  Internet Policy and Governance - Europe's role in shaping the future of Internet Governance.
Communication com(2014)72
18.12.2013  Final evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme.
Report com(2013)898
27.11.2013  Second interim evaluation of the ARTEMIS and ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives.
Report com(2013)830
19.11.2013  Implementation, functioning and effectiveness of the .eu Top-Level Domain.
Report com(2013)804
01.10.2013  SMEs Going Digital - A Blueprint for ICT Innovation Vouchers.
Working paper swd(2013)408
11.09.2013  Telecommunications Single Market.
Communication com(2013)634
11.09.2013  Impact Assessment.
11.09.2013  Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment.
Working paper swd(2013)332
10.07.2013  Impact assessment accompanying the document: participation of the Union in the Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme jointly undertaken by ...
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: Union’s participation in the Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Research and Development Programme ...
10.07.2013  Impact Assessment accompanying the document: ECSEL Joint Undertaking.
10.07.2013  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: ECSEL Joint Undertaking.
25.06.2013  Against lock-in: building open ICT systems by making better use of standards in public procurement.
Communication com(2013)455
25.06.2013  Guide for the procurement of standards-based ICT — Elements of Good Practice accompanying the document: Against lock-in: building open ICT systems by making better use ...
12.06.2013  Digital agenda scoreboard 2013.
Working paper swd(2013)217
10.06.2013  Regulatory framework for electronic communications. Implementation report.
06.06.2013  Analysis of measures that could lead significant market players in the ICT sector to license interoperability information.
Working paper swd(2013)209
28.05.2013  Guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networks.
23.05.2013  European strategy for micro- and nanoelectronic components and systems.
Communication com(2013)298
24.04.2013  Green paper - Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values.
Green paper com(2013)231
23.04.2013  On the Evaluation Report of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and its office.
Working paper swd(2013)152
18.04.2013  Opinion on the evaluation report regarding BEREC and the Office.
18.04.2013  Negotiations for an EU/Malaysia partnership and cooperation agreement. Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS.
11.04.2013  Strengthening the environment for Web entrepreneurs in the EU.
Working paper swd(2013)142
26.03.2013  Impact Assessment accompanying the document: measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks.