
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 548 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
30.09.2005  I2010 : digital libraries.
Communication com(2005)465
29.09.2005  EU spectrum policy priorities for the digital switchover in the context of the upcoming ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 (RRC-06).
Communication com(2005)461
14.09.2005  The 2nd eSafety Communication - Bringing eCall to Citizens.
Communication com(2005)431
14.09.2005  A market-based approach to spectrum management in the EU.
Communication com(2005)400
13.09.2005  Comittee of the Regions - eAccessibility [SEC(2005)1095].
Communication com(2005)425
06.09.2005  European Parliament - A Forward-looking radio spectrum policy for the EU - Second annual Report.
Communication com(2005)411
01.08.2005  Mid term review of the eTEN Programme.
Communication com(2005)354
24.06.2005  Final evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community programme (1998-2002) to stimulate the establishment of the Information Society in Europe (PROMISE).
Communication com(2005)260
02.06.2005  Towards a Global Partnership in the Information Society : the Contribution of the EU to the Second Phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
Communication com(2005)234
01.06.2005  “i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment”.
Communication com(2005)229
24.05.2005  Review of the Scope of Universal Service in accordance with Article 15 of Directive 2002/22/EC [SEC(2005)660].
Communication com(2005)203
24.05.2005  Accelerating the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.
Communication com(2005)204
02.12.2004  European Electronic Communications Regulation and Markets 2004 [SEC(2004)1535].
Communication com(2004)759
19.11.2004  Challenges for the European Information Society beyond 2005.
Communication com(2004)757
07.09.2004  Security Research : The Next Steps.
Communication com(2004)590
30.07.2004  Interoperability of digital interactive television services [SEC(2004)1028].
Communication com(2004)541
20.07.2004  First annual report on Radio Spectrum Policy in the EU; State of implementation and outlook.
Communication com(2004)507
13.07.2004  Towards a Global Partnership in the Information Society: Translating the Geneva principles into actions - Commission proposals for the second phase of the World Summit ...
Communication com(2004)480
30.06.2004  Mobile Broadband Services.
Communication com(2004)447
17.05.2004  EEurope 2005 Action Plan: An Update.
Communication com(2004)380
12.05.2004  Connecting Europe at High Speed : National Broadband Strategies.
Communication com(2004)369
30.04.2004  E-Health - making healthcare better for European citizens: an action plan for a European e-Health Area.
Communication com(2004)356
16.03.2004  Follow-up to the Commission communication on certain legal aspects relating to cinematographic and other audiovisual works (Cinema communication) of 26.09.2001 ...
Communication com(2004)171
18.02.2004  EEurope 2005 Mid-term Review.
Communication com(2004)108
17.02.2004  Towards a Global Partnership in the Information Society: Follow-up of the Geneva Summit of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS).
Communication com(2004)111
03.02.2004  Connecting Europe at high speed: recent developments in the sector of electronic communications.
Communication com(2004)61
22.01.2004  Unsolicited commercial communications or 'spam'.
Communication com(2004)28
19.11.2003  European Electronic Communications Regulation and Markets 2003 - Report on the Implementation of the EU Electronic Communications Regulatory Package [SEC(2003) 1342].
Communication com(2003)715
19.11.2003  Results of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03).
Communication com(2003)707
03.11.2003  Evaluation of the Multiannual Community Action Plan on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies by combating illegal and harmful content primarily ...
Communication com(2003)653
10.10.2003  Mid term evaluation of the multiannual Community programme to stimulate the development and use of European digital content on the global networks and to promote ...
Communication com(2003)591
26.09.2003  The Role of eGovernment for Europe's Future [SEC(2003) 1038].
Communication com(2003)567
17.09.2003  Transition from analogue to digital broadcasting (from digital 'switchover' to analogue 'switch-off') [SEC(2003)992].
Communication com(2003)541
15.09.2003  Information and Communications Technologies for Safe and Intelligent Vehicles (SEC(2003) 963).
Communication com(2003)542
09.07.2003  Barriers to widespread access to new services and applications of the information society through open platforms in digital television and third generation mobile ...
Communication com(2003)410
19.05.2003  Towards A Global Partnership In The Information Society: EU perspective in the context of the UN world summit on the information society (WSIS).
Communication com(2003)271
14.04.2003  The World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03).
Communication com(2003)183
11.02.2003  Electronic Communications: the Road to the Knowledge Economy.
Communication com(2003)65
11.02.2003  EEurope 2002 Final Report.
Communication com(2003)66
03.12.2002  Implementation of the Telecommunications Regulatory Package - European telecoms regulation and markets 2002.
Report com(2002)695
29.11.2002  EEurope 2002: Quality Criteria for Health related Websites.
Communication com(2002)667
21.11.2002  EEurope 2005: Benchmarking Indicators.
Communication com(2002)655
11.06.2002  Towards the Full Roll-Out of Third Generation Mobile Communications.
Communication com(2002)301
28.05.2002  EEurope 2005: An information society for all - An Action Plan to be presented in view of the Sevilla European Council, 21/22 June 2002.
Communication com(2002)263
22.03.2002  Follow-up to the multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks.
Communication com(2002)152
21.02.2002  Next Generation Internet - priorities for action in migrating to the new Internet protocol IPv6.
Communication com(2002)96
05.02.2002  EEurope Benchmarking Report - eEurope 2002.
Communication com(2002)62
10.12.2001  Report on the implementation of Decision No 1336/97/EC on a series of guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networks.
Report com(2001)742
26.11.2001  Seventh Report on the Implementation of the Telecommunications Regulatory Package [SEC(2001)1922].
Communication com(2001)706
23.11.2001  Intermediate evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on ...
Communication com(2001)690