
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 544 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
23.10.2001  EEurope 2002: creating a eu framework for the exploitation of public sector information.
Communication com(2001)607
25.09.2001  EEurope 2002: Accessibility of Public Web Sites and their Content.
Communication com(2001)529
27.06.2001  Intermediate evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community programme to stimulate the establishment of the Information Society in Europe (PROMISE).
Communication com(2001)350
06.06.2001  Network and Information Security: Proposal for A European Policy Approach.
Communication com(2001)298
28.05.2001  Final evaluations of the multi-annual programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in ...
Communication com(2001)276
20.03.2001  The introduction of Third Generation Mobile Communications in the EU: State of Play and the Way Forward.
Communication com(2001)141
13.03.2001  EEurope 2002: Impact and Priorities A communication to the Spring European Council in Stockholm, 23-24 March 2001.
Communication com(2001)140
07.12.2000  Implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package.
Communication com(2000)814
06.12.2000  Results of the World Radiocommunications Conference 2000 (WRC-2000) in the context of radio spectrum policy in the EC.
Communication com(2000)811
29.11.2000  European Parliament - The eEurope 2002 update prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Nice, 7thand 8thDecember 2000.
Communication com(2000)783
17.11.2000  An Evaluation of the Bridge Phase of TIDE (Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly people).
Communication com(2000)727
05.07.2000  Internet domain name system - creating the .EU top level domain -.
Communication com(2000)421
24.05.2000  EEurope 2002 - An Information society for all - Draft Action Plan prepared by the European Commission for the European Council in Feira - 19-20 June 2000.
Report com(2000)330
08.05.2000  Overall evaluation of a set of guidelines for the development of the Euro-ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) as a Trans-European Network (TEN-ISDN).
Communication com(2000)267
26.04.2000  The results of the public consultation on the 1999 communications review and orientations for the new regulatory framework.
Communication com(2000)239
11.04.2000  The organisation and management of the Internet - International and European policy issues 1998 - 2000.
Communication com(2000)202
08.03.2000  The European positions for the world radiocommunications conference 2000 (WRC-2000).
Communication com(2000)86
08.03.2000  EEurope - An Information Society for all - Progress report for the Special European Council on Employment, Economic reforms and social cohesion towards a Europe based on ...
Report com(2000)130
02.02.2000  The creation of the .EU Internet top level domain.
Working paper com(2000)153
08.12.1999  Europe - An information society for all - Communication on a Commission initiative for the special European Council of Lisbon, 23 and 24 March 2000.
Communication com(1999)687
10.11.1999  Fifth report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package.
Communication com(1999)537
10.11.1999  Next steps in radio spectrum policy - Results of the public consultation on the Green Pape.
Communication com(1999)538
10.11.1999  Towards a new framework for Electronic Communications infrastructure and associated services - The 1999 Communications Review.
Communication com(1999)539
10.11.1999  The development of the market for digital television in the EU - Report in the context of Directive 95/47/EC of 24th October 1995 on the use of standards for the ...
Communication com(1999)540
08.04.1999  Results of the 1998 TEN-Telecom calls for proposals.
Report com(1999)153
23.03.1999  Interim evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage ...
Communication com(1999)135
18.03.1999  .
Report com(1982)129
20.01.1999  Public sector information: a key resource for Europe - Green Paper on public sector information in the information society.
Green paper com(1998)585
21.12.1998  Interoperable electronic fee collection systems in Europe.
Communication com(1998)795
09.12.1998  Green Paper on radio spectrum policy in the context of European Community policies such as telecommunications, broadcasting, transport, and R&D.
Green paper com(1998)596
25.11.1998  Fourth report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package.
Communication com(1998)594
09.10.1998  For information to the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation and functioning of the mobile ...
Communication com(1998)559
03.09.1998  Supplement to Commission communication of 27 November 1996 on assessment criteria for national schemes for the costing and financing of universal service in ...
Communication com(1998)494
29.07.1998  Internet Governance - Management of Internet names and adresses - Analysis and assessment from the European Commission of the US Department of Commerce White Paper.
Communication com(1998)476
29.07.1998  .
Working paper sec(1998)1284
28.07.1998  98/511/EC: Commission Recommendation of 29 July 1998 amending Recommendation 98/195/EC on interconnection in a liberalised telecommunications market (Part 1 - ...
Recommendation c(1998)2234
13.07.1998  Final annual report on progress in implementing the action plan for the introduction of advanced television services in Europe.
Report com(1998)441
13.05.1998  Radio frequency requirements for Community policies in the context of the World Radiocommunications Conference 1999 (WRC-99).
Communication com(1998)298
08.04.1998  98/322/EC: Commission Recommendation of 8 April 1998 on interconnection in a liberalised telecommunications market (Part 2 - Accounting separation and cost accounting).
Recommendation c(1998)960
25.02.1998  First monitoring report on universal service in telecommunications in the EU.
Communication com(1998)101
20.02.1998  International policy issues related to internet governance.
Communication com(1998)111
18.02.1998  Third report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package.
Communication com(1998)80
04.02.1998  Globalisation and the Information Society - The need for strengthened international coordination.
Communication com(1998)50
02.02.1998  Final report concerning preparatory actions in the field of Trans- European Networks: Integrated Broadband Communications launched in 1993 within the framework of the ...
Communication com(1998)45
14.01.1998  Implementation of the First Action Plan on Innovation in Europe - Innovation for Growth and Employment.
Communication com(1997)736
03.12.1997  Green Paper on the convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors, and the implications for Regulation - Towards an information society ...
Green paper com(1997)623
26.11.1997  Action Plan on promoting safe use of the Internet.
Communication com(1997)582
15.10.1997  Strategy and policy orientations with regard to the Further development of mobile and wireless communications (UMTS) - Out come of the public consultation and proposals ...
Communication com(1997)513
08.10.1997  Ensuring security and trust in electronic communication - Towards a European framework for digital signatures and encryption.
Communication com(1997)503
08.10.1997  Implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package: first update.
Communication com(1997)504