
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 127 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
06.03.1992  .
Report sec(1992)588
30.01.1992  Evolution of the European statistical system.
Communication com(1992)20
06.06.1991  Feasibility of an additional ad hoc community survey on cereal statistics using harmonized methods and characteristics after 1992.
Report sec(1991)1035
30.01.1991  Official numbering of directives.
Communication sec(1991)167
13.12.1990  .
Report sec(1990)2288
29.10.1990  .
Report sec(1990)2040
28.03.1990  .
Report sec(1990)546
23.02.1990  .
Regulation sec(1990)263
30.06.1989  .
Report sec(1989)1079
05.04.1989  .
Regulation com(1989)155
19.07.1988  .
Opinion sec(1988)1121
18.05.1988  .
Communication sec(1988)366
29.04.1988  Establishment of a community policy and a plan of priority actions in the field of statistical information.
Communication com(1988)248
13.04.1988  Programme for the restructuring of the system of agricultural surveys in greece.
Report com(1988)182
07.08.1987  Survey of proposals pending before the council on 30 june 1987 for which the entry into force of the single European act involves a change of legal basis and/or ...
Communication com(1987)393
16.06.1987  Programme for restructuring the agricultural statistics in greece.
Report com(1987)262
14.11.1986  .
Communication sec(1986)1886
13.01.1986  Restructuring programme for the agricultural statistical survey system in italy.
Report com(1985)850
26.12.1985  Experience acquired during the survey carried out by member states of the EC in 1982 in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of ...
Report com(1985)787
17.12.1985  .
Regulation com(1985)814
16.12.1985  Annual report on the estimated clearings and new plantings of certain types of fruit trees for the 1981/82 season.
Report com(1985)734
16.12.1985  Annual report on the estimated clearings and new plantings of certain types of fruit trees for the 1982/83 season.
Report com(1985)736
13.12.1985  .
Report com(1985)740
09.10.1985  .
Communication com(1985)529
19.07.1985  .
Opinion com(1985)445
15.05.1985  .
Communication com(1985)258
19.03.1985  .
Decision com(1985)121
30.11.1984  Draft for a protocol revising the protocol on the privileges and immunities of the EC of 8 april 1965 in respect of members of the European Parliament.
Protocol com(1984)666
21.11.1984  Establishment of preferential treatment for debts in respect of levies referred to in articles 49 and 50 of the treaty.
Recommendation com(1984)652
21.11.1984  Establishment of preferential treatment for debts in respect of levies referred to in articles 49 and 50 of the treaty.
Communication com(1984)652
04.10.1984  .
Communication com(1984)549
02.07.1984  .
Communication com(1984)364
08.09.1983  .
Report com(1983)515
06.05.1983  .
Report com(1983)257
03.02.1983  .
Communication com(1983)66
29.10.1982  .
Report com(1982)699
11.05.1982  .
Communication com(1982)277
05.10.1981  .
Directive com(1981)549
10.09.1981  .
Directive com(1981)433
29.07.1981  .
Communication com(1981)327
22.05.1981  .
Directive com(1981)258
22.04.1981  .
Report com(1981)190
16.03.1981  .
Directive com(1981)113
23.12.1980  .
Communication sec(1980)1983
23.07.1980  .
Regulation com(1980)451
16.07.1980  .
Communication sec(1980)381
12.02.1980  .
Report com(1980)44
11.02.1980  .
Report com(1980)46
15.01.1980  .
Directive com(1979)743
09.11.1979  .
Report com(1979)622