
Legislation in force

There are at least 15 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
31.01.2018  Health technology assessment.
Regulation com(2018)51
30.08.2011  Electronic identification of bovine animals and deletion of the provisions on voluntary beef labelling.
Regulation com(2011)525
25.05.2009  Approval of the Amendments of Annex II and Annex III to the Convention for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Convention) in ...
Decision com(2009)236
11.11.2008  European action in the field of rare diseases.
Recommendation com(2008)726
28.07.2006  Flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods.
Regulation com(2006)427
28.07.2006  Food enzymes.
Regulation com(2006)425
28.07.2006  Food additives.
Regulation com(2006)428
09.02.2004  Repeal of Directive 72/462/EEC.
Directive com(2004)71
14.10.2003  Conclusion of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Decision com(2003)602
09.09.1999  Amendment of Directive 93/53/EEC introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain fish diseases.
Directive com(1999)437