Agnes Jongerius (PvdA): Withdraw trade benefits Bangladesh if working conditions do not improve

Source: A.M. (Agnes) Jongerius i, published on Wednesday, April 4 2018, 4:11.
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    European Commission has to start a formal investigation -

“The trade benefits Bangladesh now receives from the European Unions must be withdrawn if the situation doesn’t get better. Therefore, it is of great importance an investigation is conducted into the conditions of the trade benefits.” This states MEP Agnes Jongerius in a letter to the European Commission.

Since the collapse of the clothing factory Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, which took the lives of 1100 people, the working conditions are still very bad. Bangladesh has promised to improve its working conditions, but it is still far from meeting the international labour agreements.

The trade benefits make it possible for Bangladesh to sell their products on the European market, but right now this is at the expense of the position of workers in Bangladesh.

“It is an appalling dilemma, because the country makes a lot of money with its export to the European Union, which is good and important for the workers too. But given the bad working circumstances, we can’t just look away. You have to draw a line and take sanctions to enforce an improvement in working conditions. “