Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum (EELCF)


Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum (EELCF)


Abbreviation: EELCF

Policy Area: Energy

Lead DG: DG Energy

Type: Formal

Scope: Limited

Mission: To assist the Commission with the development and review of implementing measures and delegated acts pursuant respectively to Article 18 of Directive 2009/125/EC and Articles 12 and 16 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369. The group shall also provide expert advice relevant for the implementation of this policy framework, inter alia by examining the effectiveness of the established market surveillance mechanisms, assessing self-regulation measures and working plans, and considering other relevant ecodesign and energy labelling matters.

Task: Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 07/05/2018

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 05/06/2023

Additional Information

Activity report: Members of this group were selected via a Call for applications whose deadline was 15 July 2018. Once the selection procedure was completed, the name of the members were published in the Register

Activity report: Meeting documents can be found on the CircaBC website of the "EcoDesign and Energy Labelling of Energy related Products (ErP) - Consultation Forum"

Selection procedure: Call for applications for the selection of members of the expert group "Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum" - Members of this group are currently being selected via a call for applications. The deadline is 15 July 2018. Once the selection procedure is completed, the name of the members will be published in the Register

Rules of procedure: The Rules of Procedure were discussed and adopted by the Consultation Forum on 13.6.2019.

APPROVED ROP -EELCF - X03609.pdf (approx. 95 kb)


No Subgroups assigned to this group.