Transparency in the EU institutions: which way forward? - Main contents
In March the General Court of the European Union decided on a landmark case: De Capitani vs European Parliament. Whereas trilogues and accompanying documents are normally secret and a blackbox for outsiders, the Court decided that the European institutions must in principle grant access to the so-called 4-column negotiating documents relating to ongoing trilogues. In addition, the European Ombudsman has recently called for more transparency in trilogues by proactively giving access to related documents. Both clear signs that the principle of transparency is inherent to the EU decision-making process and must be fully respected. What are the consequences of this court case for transparency in the EU decision-making process? The reforms of the Regulation on Access to Documents has been stuck in Council and Commission for many years. What can we do to facilitate a swift reformed Transparency Regulation? And how can the EU institutions achieve better access to documents by changing their internal procedures?
On 26 June, Sophie in 't Veld organises a panel discussion on this important topic. Speakers include:
-Emilio De Capitani - Applicant of landmark transparency case at CJEU
-Fergal Ó Regan – European Ombudsman | Head of Unit Coordination of Public Interest Inquiries
-Reijo Kemppinen – Council | Chair Working Party on Information
-Daniel Freund – Transparency International EU
-Helen Darbishire - Access Info Europe