Consumer Policy Strategy of the EU (2007-2013)

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This council resolution was in effect until May 31, 2007.


Key information

official title

Draft Council resolution of 31 May 2007 on the Consumer Policy Strategy of the EU (2007-2013)
Legal instrument Council resolution
Original proposal COM(2007)99 EN
CELEX number i 32007G0714(01)


Key dates

Document 31-05-2007
Publication in Official Journal 14-07-2007; OJ C 162 p. 1-3
End of validity 31-05-2007; See 32007G0720(01)


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

C 162/1



of 31 May 2007

on the Consumer Policy Strategy of the EU (2007-2013)

(2007/C 162/01)


RECALLS that according to Article 153 of the Treaty establishing the European Community:



the Community shall contribute to protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers, as well as to promoting their right to information, education and to organise themselves in order to safeguard their interests,



Consumer protection requirements shall be taken into account in defining and implementing other Community policies and activities.

RECOGNISES the important role of consumer policy in shaping the internal market and its synergy with internal market policies. Consumer and business confidence are prerequisites for good functioning of the internal market providing impetus to competition, innovation and economic development. Informed and empowered consumers who have effective rights and confidence in them constitute a driving force for economic success and change.

RECOGNISES the potential of the retail internal market, that still remains largely fragmented along national lines, to deliver benefits for consumers and businesses through removing barriers and thus expanding opportunities to consumers and retailers.

RECOGNISES the opportunities provided by new technologies, especially in the digital environment, and innovation in responding to consumer choice and increasing access to new markets as well as the challenges in ensuring that consumer rights are adequate, clear, transparent and guaranteed, and mechanisms for sustainable consumption and understanding consumer behaviour are developed further.

UNDERLINES, bearing also in mind the subsidiarity principle laid down in Article 5 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, the importance of Community law in ensuring a high level of consumer protection and the need for effective law enforcement mechanisms, also with regard to cross-border consumer transactions.

AGREES that consumer interests should be incorporated into all fields of European policy. This is a precondition for an effective consumer policy and good basis for the achievement of the Lisbon objectives. The concerns regarding the economic consumer interests and consumer information, in particular, relate to many specialised policies. The inclusion of consumer interests into other policy fields, including for services of general interest, represents a joint task to be performed by all EU institutions and the Member States.



WELCOMES the development of a Commission's Consumer Policy Strategy for the years 2007-2013 (1) at EU level that focuses on maximising consumer choice and confidence by empowering as well as protecting consumers, promoting jobs and growth and extending competitive markets and aims to achieve a more integrated and more effective retail internal market.



CALLS UPON THE COMMISSION to implement this strategy with its three main objectives and, in doing so, especially



to continue its consumer policy geared to market transparency and the strengthening of the capacity of the internal market to fulfil consumer expectations. A consumer policy that strives for efficient markets makes a contribution to growth and employment and enhances consumer welfare,



to accord priority to a high level of consumer protection, choice and access within the Community and thus to secure consumer confidence in cross-border purchases or contracts, and to pay particular attention to developing consumer policy and consumer protection measures concerning services,



to assure consistency in the operational objectives towards those underlying the Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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