Meeting of the Horizontal Working Party on Drugs, Brussels - Main contents
date | January 21, 2020 10:00 - January 22, 2020 |
city | Brussels, Belgium |
address | Wetstraat 175 [map] |
location | Justus Lipsius building i ![]() |
room | Room 50.1 |
organisation | European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) i, Horizontal Working Party on Drugs (HDG) |
IB |
Council of the European Union |
1 General Secretariat |
Brussels, 14 January 2020 |
CM 5133/19 |
Contact: | |
Tel./Fax: |
+ |
Subject: |
Meeting of the Horizontal Working Party on Drugs |
Date: |
21 and 22 January 2020 |
Time: |
10.00, 9.30 |
Venue: |
Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS
1.Adoption of the agenda
2.Information on drug-related discussions at other Council bodies and on other drug-related developments
3.State of play by the Commission on EU legislation on hemp WK 14407/2019
4.Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
A.Report on the 62nd reconvened session of the CND (Vienna, 12-13 December 2019) WK 14408/19
CM 5133/19
B.Preparation of the 63 rd session of the CND (Vienna, 2-6 March 2020)
a)International scheduling of cannabis and cannabis-related substances - Proposal for a Council Decision
5221/20 (to be issued) WK 14360/19
b)International scheduling of new psychoactive substances - Proposal for a Council Decision
5222/20 (to be issued)
c)Proposals for resolutions by EU Member States for the 63rd session of the CND
WK 10770/19 REV 3
WK 12375/19 REV 2 (to be issued)
d)Exchange of information on other resolutions, on side-events and on speakers and panellists for the CND session in March 2020
WK 286/20
e)Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ) - state of play
f)Preparation for EU statements
5.Report on the EU-Russia Expert Meeting on Drugs (Brussels, 4 December 2019)
6.EU-CELAC - Preparation of the next Technical Committee Meetings (Brussels,
22 January 2020 and Brussels, 20 February 2020) and of the High Level Meeting (Zagreb, 2-3 April 2020)
CM 1125/20 (to be issued) WK 284/20 (to be issued) WK 13538/19 REV 2 WK 10777/19 REV 2
7.Preparation of the first EU-China Dialogue on Drugs (Brussels, 18 February 2020)
WK 12207/19
WK 315/20 (to be issued)
8.EU-Iran Dialogue on Drugs - State of play WK 10775/19 REV 3
9.Preparation of the EU-Brazil Expert Meeting on Drugs (Vienna, 6 March 2020) WK 13336/19
10.Preparation of the EU-Western Balkans Expert Meeting on Drugs (Brussels, 23 April 2020) WK 285/20 (to be issued)
CM 5133/19
a)Report by EUROPOL on the 3rd Annual Conference 3rd Annual Conference "Drugs in Europe: a bold law enforcement response" (4 5 December 2019, at EUROPOL, The Hague)
b)Information by the European Commission and the EEAS on a video-conference with Colombia (Brussels, 6 December 2019)
c)Information by the Commission on the open public consultation on the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020
NB: Council documents are available on Delegates Portal. Room attendants will provide copies on request at the earliest opportunity.
CM 5133/19
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the hub of drug-related information in the European Union. Its role is to gather, analyse and disseminate ‘factual, objective, reliable and comparable information’ on drugs and drug addiction and, in so doing, provide its audiences with a sound and evidence-based picture of the drug phenomenon at European level.
Among the Centre’s target groups are policy-makers, who use this information to help formulate coherent national and Community drug strategies. Also served are professionals and researchers working in the drugs field and, more broadly, the European media and general public.