ANNEXES to the Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast)



Document date 31-10-2022
Publication date 01-11-2022
Reference 14223/22 ADD 3
External link original article
Original document in PDF



Council of the European Union

Brussels, 31 October 2022 (OR. en)


Interinstitutional File: ADD 1

2022/0345 (COD) i

ENV 1088 SAN 580 COMPET 848 CONSOM 274 AGRI 596 CODEC 1634


From: Secretary-General of the European Commission, signed by Ms Martine DEPREZ, Director

date of receipt: 27 October 2022

To: Ms Thérèse BLANCHET, Secretary-General of the Council of the

European Union

No. Cion doc.: COM(2022) 541 final i - Annexes 1 to 8

Subject: ANNEXES to the Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN

PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast)

Delegations will find attached document COM(2022) 541 final i - Annexes 1 to 8.

Encl.: COM(2022) 541 final i - Annexes 1 to 8


Brussels, 26.10.2022 COM(2022) 541 final i

ANNEXES 1 to 8


to the

Proposal for a

DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast)

{SEC(2022) 541 final} - {SWD(2022) 541 final} - {SWD(2022) 544 final}

 91/271/EEC (adapted)  new



  • A. 

Collecting systems shall take into account waste water  wastewater  treatment requirements.

The design, construction and maintenance of collecting systems shall be undertaken in accordance with the best technical knowledge not entailing excessive costs, notably regarding:

– volume and characteristics of urban  wastewater  waste water,

– prevention of leaks,

– limitation of pollution of receiving waters due to storm water overflows.

  • B. 
  • 1. 
    Wastewater  Wastewater  treatment plants shall be designed or modified so that representative samples of the incoming wastewater  wastewater  and of treated effluent can be obtained before discharge to receiving waters.
  • 2. 
    Discharges from urban waste water  wastewater  treatment plants subject to treatment in accordance with Articles 6,4 and 75  and 8  shall meet the requirements shown in Table 1.
  • 3. 
    Discharges from urban waste water  wastewater  treatment plants  referred to in paragraph 1 and 3 of Article 7 and in Article 8 in accordance with those Articles  to those sensitive areas which are subject to eutrophication as identified in Annex II.A (a) shall, in addition  to the requirements referred to in point 2,  meet the requirements shown in Table 2 of this Annex.

     new

  • 4. 
    Discharges from urban wastewater treatment referred to in Article 8(1) and included in the list referred to in Article 8(2) shall, in addition to the requirements referred to in points 2 and 3, meet the requirements set out in Table 3.

1 Given that it is not possible in practice to construct collecting systems and treatment plants in a way such that all waste water can be treated during situations such as unusually heavy rainfall, Member States shall decide on measures to limit pollution from storm water overflows. Such measures could be based on dilution rates or capacity in relation to dry weather flow, or could specify a certain acceptable number of overflows per year.

2 Given that it is not possible in practice to construct collecting systems and treatment plants in a way

such that all waste water can be treated during situations such as unusually heavy rainfall, Member States shall decide on measures to limit pollution from storm water overflows. Such measures could be based on dilution rates or capacity in relation to dry weather flow, or could specify a certain acceptable number of overflows per year.

  • 5. 
    Authorisations for discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants using plastic biomedia shall include an obligation to permanently monitor and prevent all unintentional biomedia release in the environment.

     91/271/EEC (adapted)  new

  • 64. 
    More stringent requirements than those shown  set out  in Tables 1, and/or Table 2  and 3  shall be applied where required  necessary  to ensure that the receiving waters satisfy  fulfil the requirements laid down in Directives 2000/60/EC i, 2008/56/EC, 2008/105/EC i and 2006/7/EC  any other relevant Directives.
  • 75. 
    The points of discharge of urban waste water  wastewater  shall be chosen, as far as possible, so as to minimize the effects on receiving waters.
  • C. 

Industrial waste water entering collecting systems and urban waste water treatment plants shall be subject to such pre-treatment as is required in order to:

– protect the health of staff working in collecting systems and treatment plants,

– ensure that collecting systems, waste water treatment plants and associated equipment are not damaged,

– ensure that the operation of the waste water treatment plant and the treatment of sludge are not impeded,

– ensure that discharges from the treatment plants do not adversely affect the environment, or prevent receiving water from complying with other Community Directives,

– ensure that sludge can be disposed of safety in an environmentally acceptable manner.

 new

  • 1. 
    The specific authorisation referred to in Article 14 shall ensure the following:

    (a) the polluting substances contained in the non-domestic wastewater do not impede the operation of the wastewater treatment plant, do not damage collecting systems, wastewater treatment plants and associated equipment and do not prevent the reuse of treated water and the recovery of sludge;

    (b) the polluting substances contained in the non-domestic wastewater do not harm the health of the staff working in collecting systems and urban wastewater treatment plants;

    (c) the polluting substances contained in the non-domestic wastewater can be abated by the urban wastewater treatment plant;

    (d) where an urban wastewater treatment plant treats discharges from an installation holding a permit referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2010/75 i/EU, the pollutant load from the discharges of that plant does not exceed the pollutant load that would be discharged if the discharges were released directly from the installation and were compliant with the emission limit values set in accordance with Article 15(3) of that Directive and any additional measures taken in accordance with Article 18 of that Directive;

    (e) the pollutant load in the discharge from the urban wastewater treatment plant does not deteriorate the good ecological status or potential or good chemical status of the receiving water body and does not prevent that water body from achieving such status, in accordance with the objectives set out in Article 4 of Directive 2000/60/EC i.

  • 2. 
    The specific authorisation shall include an annex, which documents the fulfilment of all the conditions set out in point 1. The provisions of the specific authorisations shall be updated in the cases where the characteristics of the non-domestic wastewater, of the urban wastewater treatment plant or of the receiving water body change significantly to ensure that those conditions remain fulfilled.

     91/271/EEC (adapted)  new

  • D. 
  • 1. 
    Member States shall ensure that a monitoring method is applied which  fulfils the requirements set out in points 2 to 5  corresponds at least with the level of requirements described below.

Alternative methods to those mentioned  referred to  in paragraphs points 2, 3 and 4 may be used provided that it can be demonstrated that equivalent results are obtained.

Member States shall provide the Commission with all relevant information concerning the applied  monitoring  method. If the Commission considers that the conditions set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are not met, it will submit an appropriate proposal to the Council.

  • 2. 
    Flow-proportional or time-based 24-hour samples shall be collected at the same welldefined point in the outlet and, if necessary, in the inlet of the  urban wastewater  treatment plant in order to monitor compliance with the requirements for discharged waste water laid down in this Directive. However, any time-based samples used to monitor micropollutants shall be 48-hour samples. 

Good international laboratory practices aiming at minimizing the degradation of samples between collection and analysis shall be applied.

  • 3. 
    The minimum annual number of samples shall be determined according to the size of the treatment plant and be collected at regular intervals during the year:

— 2000  1000  12 samples during the first year.

to 9 999 p.e.: four samples in subsequent years, if it can be shown that the water

during the first year complies with the provisions of the Directive; if one sample of the four fails, 12 samples must be taken in the year that follows.  One sample per month 

— 10 000 to 49 999  Two samples per month

  • p. 
    e.: For micro-pollutants, one sample per month  12 samples.

— 50 000  to 99  One sample per week.

999  p.e. or over: For micro-pollutants, two samples per week  24 samples.

 — 100 000 p.e. or  One sample per day

over:  For micro-pollutants, two samples per week 

  • 4. 
    The treated waste water  wastewater  shall be assumed to conform to the relevant parameters if, for each relevant parameter considered individually, samples of the water show that it complies with the relevant parametric value in the following way:

(a) for the parameters specified in Table 1 and Article 2 (7), a maximum number of samples which are allowed to fail the requirements, expressed in concentrations

and/or percentage reductions in Table 1 and Article 2 (7), is specified in Table 43;

(b) for the parameters of Table 1 expressed in concentrations, the failing samples taken under normal operating conditions must not deviate from the parametric values by more than 100 %,.  except for the parameter total suspended solids, for which deviations from  For the parametric values in concentration relating to total

suspended solids deviations of up to 150 % may be accepted;

(c) for those parameters specified in Table 2 the annual mean of the samples for each parameter shall  be  conform to the relevant parametric values  set out in that table  .  One or both parameters may be applied depending on the local situation. The values for concentration or for the minimum percentage of reduction

shall apply; 

 new

(d) for the parameters specified in Table 3, each sample taken shall be conform to the

parametric values set out in that table.

 91/271/EEC  new

  • 5. 
     The samples shall be taken so that they reflect the pollution during dry weather conditions.  Extreme values for the water quality in question shall not be taken into consideration when they are the result of unusual situations such as those due to heavy rain.

     new

  • 6. 
    Analyses concerning discharges from lagooning shall be carried out on filtered samples; however, the concentration of total suspended solids in unfiltered water samples of such discharges shall not exceed 150 mg/l.

     91/271/EEC (adapted)  new

Table 1: Requirements for discharges from urban waste water treatment plants subject to Articles 64 and 5 of the Directive. The values for concentration or for the percentage of reduction shall apply.

Parameters Concentration Minimum Reference method of percentage of measurement

reduction 1

Biochemical 25 mg/l O 2 70-90 Homogenized, unfiltered, oxygen demand undecanted sample.

(BOD5 at 20 °C) 40 under Article without 4 (2)

Determination of dissolved oxygen before and after fivenitrification

2 day incubation at 20 °C ± 1 °C,

 (see Note in complete darkness. Addition 1)  of a nitrification inhibitor

Chemical 125 mg/l O 2 75 Homogenized, unfiltered, oxygen demand undecanted sample Potassium (COD)  (See dichromate

Note 2) 

 Total Organic  37 mg/l   75   EN 1484 

Carbon (See

Note 2) 

Total suspended 35 mg/l 3  (see 90 4  (see – Filtering of a

solids Note 3)  Note 3)  representative sample

35 under Article 4 (2) 90 under Article through a 0,45 μm (more than 10000 4 (2) (more than filter membrane.

p.e.) 10000 p.e.) Drying at 105 °C and weighing

60 under Article 4 (2) 70 under Article

(2000-10000 p.e.) 4 (2) (2000- – Centrifuging of a

10000 p.e.) representative sample (for at least five mins

with mean acceleration of 2800 to 3200 g), drying at

105 °C and weighing

1 Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

2 The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: total organic carbon (TOC) or total oxygen demand (TOD) if a relationship can be established between BOD5 and the substitute parameter.

3 This requirement is optional.

4 This requirement is optional.

 new

Note 1: The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: total organic carbon (TOC) or total oxygen demand (TOD) if a relationship can be established between BOD5 and the substitute parameter.

Note 2: Member States shall measure either the Chemical oxygen demand (COD) or the Total Organic Carbon.

Note 3: This requirement is optional.

 91/271/EEC

Analyses concerning discharges from lagooning shall be carried out on filtered samples; however, the concentration of total suspended solids in unfiltered water samples shall not exceed 150 mg/l.

 98/15/EC Art. 1 and Annex (adapted)  1 98/15/EC Art. 1 and Annex amended by Corrigendum, OJ L 189, 17.7.2015, p. 41  2 98/15/EC Art. 1 and Annex amended by Corrigendum, OJ L 139, 2.6.1999, p. 34  new

Table 2:

 1 Requirements for  tertiary treatment of  discharges from urban waste water  wastewater  treatment plants  referred to in Article 7(1) and (3)  to sensitive areas which are subject to eutrophication as identified in Annex II.A(a).  One or both parameters may be applied depending on the local situation. The values

for concentration or for the percentage of reduction shall apply.

Parameters Concentration Minimum percentage Reference method of

of reduction 7 measurement

 (See Note 1) 

Total  2 2 mg/l (10000 — 80  90  Molecular absorption phosphorus 100000 p.e.)  spectrophotometry

1 mg/l (more than 100000 p.e.)  0,5 mg/L 

Total nitrogen 8 15 mg/l (10000- 70-80  85  Molecular absorption

100000 p.e.) 9 spectrophotometry

10 mg/l (more than 100000 p.e.) 10  6 mg/L 

 new

Note 1: Natural nitrogen retention shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the minimum percentage reduction.

7 Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

8 Total nitrogen means the sum of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (organic and ammoniacal nitrogen) nitratenitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen.

9 These values for concentration are annual means as referred to in Annex I, paragraph D.4(c). However, the requirements for nitrogen may be checked using daily averages when it is proved, in accordance with Annex I, paragraph D.1, that the same level of protection is obtained. In this case, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l of total nitrogen for all the samples when the temperature from the effluent in the biological reactor is superior or equal to 12 °C. The conditions concerning temperature could be replaced by a limitation on the time of operation to take account of regional climatic conditions.

10 These values for concentration are annual means as referred to in Annex I, paragraph D.4(c). However, the requirements for nitrogen may be checked using daily averages when it is proved, in accordance with Annex I, paragraph D.1, that the same level of protection is obtained. In this case, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l of total nitrogen for all the samples when the temperature from the effluent in the biological reactor is superior or equal to 12 °C. The conditions concerning temperature could be replaced by a limitation on the time of operation to take account of regional climatic conditions.

Table 3: Requirements for quaternary treatment of discharges from urban wastewater treatment plants referred to in Article 8(1) and (3).

Indicators Minimum percentage of removal

Substances that can pollute water even at low 80 % (see Note 2) concentrations (see Note 1)

Note 1: The concentration of the organic substances referred to in points (a) and (b) shall be measured.

(a) Category 1 (substances that can be very easily treated):

(i) Amisulprid (CAS No 71675-85-9),

(ii) Carbamazepine (CAS No 298-46-4),

(iii) Citalopram (CAS No 59729-33-8),

(iv) Clarithromycin (CAS No 81103-11-9),

(v) Diclofenac (CAS No 15307-86-5),

(vi)— Hydrochlorothiazide (CAS No 58-93-5),

(vii) Metoprolol (CAS No 37350-58-6),

(viii)— Venlafaxine (CAS No 93413-69-5);

(b) Category 2 (substances that can be easily disposed of):

(i) Benzotriazole (CAS No 95-14-7),

(ii) Candesartan (CAS No 139481-59-7),

(iii) Irbesartan (CAS No 138402-11-6),

(iv) mixture of 4-Methylbenzotriazole (CAS No 29878-31-7) and 6-methylbenzotriazole

(CAS No 136-85-6).

Note 2: The percentage of removal shall be calculated for at least six substances. The number of substances in category 1 shall be twice the number of substances in category 2. If less than six substances can be measured in sufficient concentration, the competent authority shall designate other substances to calculate the minimum percentage of removal when it is necessary. The average of the percentages of removal of all substances used in the calculation shall be used in order to assess whether the required 80 % minimum percentage of removal has been reached.

 91/271/EEC

Table 43 Series of samples taken in any year Maximum permitted number of samples which fail to


4-7 1

8-16 2

17-28 3

29-40 4

41-53 5

54-67 6

68-81 7

82-95 8

96-110 9

111-125 10

126-140 11

141-155 12

156-171 13

172-187 14

188-203 15

204-219 16

220-235 17

236-251 18

252-268 19

269-284 20

285-300 21

301-317 22

318-334 23

335-350 24

351-365 25

 91/271/EEC (adapted)




  • A. 

     new

  • 1. 
    Areas located in the catchments of the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, parts of the North Sea identified as sensitive to eutrophication under Directive 2008/56/EC i and parts of the Adriatic Sea identified as sensitive to eutrophication under Directive 2008/56/EC i;

     91/271/EEC  new

A water body must be identified as a sensitive area if it falls into one of the following groups:

2.(a) Nnatural freshwater lakes, other freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters which are found to be eutrophic or which in the near future may become eutrophic if protective action is not taken.

The following elements might  shall  be taken into account when considering which nutrient should be reduced by further treatment:

(ai) lakes and streams reaching lakes/reservoirs/closed bays which are found to have a poor water exchange, whereby accumulation may take place. In these areas, the removal of phosphorus should be included unless it can be demonstrated that the removal will have no effect on the level of eutrophication. Where discharges from large agglomerations are made, the

removal of nitrogen may also be considered;

(bii) estuaries, bays and other coastal waters which are found to have a poor water exchange, or which receive large quantities of nutrients. Discharges from small agglomerations are usually of minor importance in those areas, but for large agglomerations, the removal of phosphorus and/or nitrogen should be included unless it can be demonstrated that the removal will have no effect on

the level of eutrophication;

3.(b) Ssurface freshwaters intended for the abstraction of drinking water which could contain more than the concentration of nitrate laid down under the relevant provisions of Directive (EU) 2020/2184 Council Directive 75/440/EEC i of 16 June 1975 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of

drinking water in the Member States 11 if  protective  action is not taken;

4.(c) Aareas where further treatment than that prescribed in Article 4  7  of this Directive is necessary to  comply with other Union acts in the environmental field, including in particular water bodies covered by Directive 2000/60/EC i which are at risk of not maintaining or achieving good ecological status or potential  fulfil Council Directives.

 new

  • 5. 
    Any other areas found by the Member States to be sensitive to eutrophication.

     91/271/EEC

  • B. 

A marine water body or area can be identified as a less sensitive area if the discharge of waste water does not adversely affect the environment as a result of morphology, hydrology or specific hydraulic conditions which exist in that area.

When identifying less sensitive areas, Member States shall take into account the risk that the discharged load may be transferred to adjacent areas where it can cause detrimental environmental effects. Member States shall recognize the presence of sensitive areas outside their national jurisdiction.

The following elements shall be taken into consideration when identifying less sensitive areas:

open bays, estuaries and other coastal waters with a good water exchange and not subject to eutrophication or oxygen depletion or which are considered uhlikely to become eutrophic or to develop oxygen depletion due to the discharge of urban waste water.

 new



  • 1. 
    Medicinal products for human use falling within the scope of Directive 2001/83/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council 12 .

European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products 13 .

12 Directive 2001/83/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use (OJ L 311, 28.11.2001, p. 67–128).

13 Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products (OJ L 342, 22.12.2009, p. 59–209).

 91/271/EEC



  • 1. 
  • 2. 
    Manufacture of fruit and vegetable products
  • 3. 
    Manufacture and bottling of soft drinks
  • 4. 
  • 5. 
    Meat industry
  • 6. 
  • 7. 
    Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • 8. 
    Manufacture of animal feed from plant products
  • 9. 
    Manufacture of gelatine and of glue from hides, skin and bones
  • 10. 
  • 11. 
    Fish-processing industry

     new




  • 1. 
    an analysis of the initial situation of the drainage area of the urban wastewater treatment plant of the concerned agglomeration, including at least the following:

(a) a detailed description of the network of collecting systems, the urban wastewater and urban runoff storage capacities of that network and the existing urban wastewater

treatment capacities in case of rainfall;

(b) a dynamic analysis of the flows of urban runoff and urban wastewaters in case of rainfall based on the use of hydrological, hydraulic and water quality models that take into account state-of-the-art climate projections and including an estimate of the

pollution loads released in receiving waters in case of rainfall;

  • 2. 
    objectives for the reduction of pollution from storm water overflows and urban runoff, including the following:

    (a) an indicative objective that storm water overflow, represents no more than 1 % of

    the annual collected urban wastewater load calculated in dry weather conditions;

    This indicative target shall be met by:

    (i) 31 December 2035 for all agglomerations of 100 000 p.e. and above;

    (ii) 31 December 2040 for agglomerations of 10 000 p.e. and above identified

    in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5;

(b) the progressive elimination of untreated discharges of urban runoff through separate collection networks, unless it can be demonstrated that those discharges do

not cause adverse impacts on the quality of receiving waters;

  • 3. 
    the measures to be taken to achieve the objectives referred to in point 2 accompanied with a clear identification of the actors involved and their responsibilities in the implantation of the integrated plan.
  • 4. 
    When assessing which measures to be taken under point 3, Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities consider at least the following:

(a) firstly, preventive measures aiming at avoiding the entry of unpolluted rain waters into collecting systems, including measures promoting natural water retention or rainwater harvesting, and measures increasing green spaces or limiting impermeable

surfaces in the agglomerations;

(b) secondly, measures to better manage and optimize the use of existing infrastructure including collecting systems, storage volumes, urban wastewater treatment plants with the aim to ensure that polluted rain waters are collected and treated, and releases of untreated urban wastewater into receiving waters are


(c) finally, where necessary to achieve the objectives referred to in point 2, additional mitigation measures including the adaptation of the infrastructure for the collection, storage and treatment of urban wastewater or the creation of new infrastructures with a priority to green infrastructure such as vegetated ditches, treatment wetlands and storage ponds designed in order to support biodiversity Where relevant, water reuse shall be considered in the context of the development of the integrated urban wastewater management plans referred to in

Article 5. ANNEX 6


  • (1) 
    The competent authority and the operator(s) responsible for urban wastewater collection and treatment services, including information on the ownership structure of the operators and their contact information.
  • (2) 
    The total urban wastewater load expressed in population equivalents (p.e.) generated in the agglomeration, with details on the share of that load (in %) that is:

    (a) collected and treated in urban wastewater treatment plants;

    (b) treated by registered individual systems;

    (c) not collected or treated.

  • (3) 
    Where relevant, a justification for why a certain load of urban wastewater is not collected or treated.
  • (4) 
    Information on the quality of the urban wastewater discharged from the agglomeration to each receiving water body, including the following elements:

    (a) annual average concentrations and the load of pollutants covered by Article 21

    released by each urban wastewater treatment plant;

    (b) an estimate of the load of the discharges from individual systems for the

    parameters referred to in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex I;

(c) an estimate of the load of the discharges from combined sewer and separate sewer collecting systems for urban runoff and storm water overflows for the parameters

referred to in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex I.

  • (5) 
    total annual investment costs and total annual operational costs, with a distinction between collection and treatment costs, total annual costs related to staff, energy, consumables, administration and other costs as well as average annual investment and operational costs per household and per cubic meter of urban wastewater collected and treated;
  • (6) 
    information on how the costs referred to in point 5 are covered and, where costs are recovered through a tariff system, information on the structure of the tariff per cubic meter of urban wastewater collected and treated information on the structure of the tariff either per cubic meter of urban wastewater collected and treated or per cubic meter of water supplied, including fixed and variable costs and a breakdown between costs for collection, treatment, administration and other costs;
  • (7) 
    investment plans for urban wastewater collection and treatment infrastructures at agglomeration level, with foreseen impacts on urban wastewater services tariffs, and intended financial and societal benefits;
  • (8) 
    for each urban wastewater treatment plant in the agglomeration:

    (a) the total load (in p.e.) treated and the energy required to treat the urban

    wastewater (in kWh total and per cubic meter);

    (b) the total renewable energy produced (GWh/year) each year, including a

    breakdown per source of energy;

    (c) the tonnes of CO 2 equivalent produced or avoided per year due to the operation of

    the urban wastewater treatment plant.

  • (9) 
    the total greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes of CO 2 equivalent) produced or avoided per year by the operation of urban wastewater collection and treatment infrastructures in each agglomeration and, if available, the total greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) produced during the construction of those infrastructures;
  • (10) 
    a summary of the nature and statistics regarding complaints and of the answers provided by the urban wastewater treatment plant operators on matters falling within the scope of this Directive.

    ANNEX 7

    Part A

    Repealed Directive with list of the successive amendments thereto

    (referred to in Article [19])

Council Directive 91/271/EEC i (OJ L 135, 30.5.1991, p. 40)

Commission Directive 98/15/EC i (OJ L 67, 7.3.1998, p. 29)

Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 i of the only Annex III, point 21 European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 i of the only Annex, point 4.2 European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 311, 21.11.2008, p. 1)

Council Directive 2013/64 i/EU only Article 1 (OJ L 353, 28.12.2013, p. 8)

Part B

Time-limits for transposition into national law

Directive Time-limit for transposition

91/271/EC 30 June 1993

98/15/EC 30 September 1998

2013/64/EU 31 December 2018 as regards Article 1(1), (2) and (3)

30 June 2014 as regards Article 1(5), point (a)

31 December 2014 as regards Article 1(5), point (b)




Directive 91/271/EC i This Directive

Article 1 Article 1

Article 2, introductory wording Article 2, introductory wording

Article 2, points 1 to 4 Article 2, points 1 to 4

  • Article 2, points 5 and 6

Article 2, point 5 Article 2, point 7

  • Article 2, points 8 and 9

Article 2, point 6 Article 2, point 10

Article 2, point 8 Article 2, point 11

  • Article 2 ,points 12 and 13

Article 2, point 10 Article 2, point 14

Article 2, point 11 Article 2, point 15

  • Article 2, point 16 to 23

Article 3(1) Article 3(1)

  • Article 3(2)

Article 3(2) Article 3(3)

Article 3(1) third subparagraph Article 4(1)

  • Article 4(2)
  • Article 4(3)
  • Article 4(4)
  • Article 4(5)
  • Article 5

Article 4(1) Article 6(1)

  • Article 6(2)
  • Article 6(3)

Article 4(4) Article 6(4)

  • Article 7(1)
  • Article 7(2)

Article 5(2) Article 7(3)

  • Article 7(4)

Article 5(4) Article 7(5)

Article 5(5) Article 7(6)

Article 5(7) Article 7(7)

  • Article 8
  • Article 9
  • Article 10
  • Article 11

Article 9 Article 12(1)

  • Article 12(2)

Article 10 Article 13

Article 11(1) Article 14(1)

  • Article 14(2)
  • Article 14(3)

Article 11(3) Article 14(4)

  • Article 15(1)

Article 12(2) Article 15(2)

Article 12(3) Article 15(3)

  • Article 16
  • Article 17
  • Article 18
  • Article 19
  • Article 20

Article 15(1) Article 21(1)

  • Article 21(2)
  • Article 21(3)
  • Article 22

Article 17(1) Article 23(1)

  • Article 23(2)
  • Article 23(3)
  • Article 23(4)
  • Article 24
  • Article 25
  • Article 26
  • Article 27

Article 18 Article 28

  • Article 29
  • Article 30
  • Article 31
  • Article 32

Article 19 Article 33

  • Article 34

Article 20 Article 35

Annex I Annex I(A)

Annex I(B) Annex I(B)

Annex I(C) Annex I(C)

Annex I(D) Annex I(D)

Annex II Annex II

  • Annex III

Annex III Annex IV

  • Annex V
  • Annex VI
  • Annex VII
  • Annex VIII



Referenced document

31 Oct
ANNEXES to the Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast)



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