ANNEXES to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (recast)



Document date 03-11-2022
Publication date 04-11-2022
Reference 14217/22 ADD 5
External link original article
Original document in PDF



Council of the European Union

Brussels, 3 November 2022 (OR. en)


Interinstitutional File: ADD 1

2022/0347(COD) i

ENV 1087 ENER 549 IND 437 TRANS 673 ENT 151 SAN 579 AGRI 594 CODEC 1659


From: Secretary-General of the European Commission, signed by Ms Martine DEPREZ, Director

date of receipt: 27 October 2022

To: Ms Thérèse BLANCHET, Secretary-General of the Council of the

European Union

No. Cion doc.: COM(2022) 542 final i - ANNEXES 1 to 11

Subject: ANNEXES to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe


Delegations will find attached document COM(2022) 542 final i - ANNEXES 1 to 11.

Encl.: COM(2022) 542 final i - ANNEXES 1 to 11


Brussels, 26.10.2022 COM(2022) 542 final i

ANNEXES 1 to 11


to the

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (recast)

{SEC(2022) 542 final} - {SWD(2022) 345 final} - {SWD(2022) 542 final} - {SWD(2022) 545 final}

 new




Table 1 – Limit values for the protection of human health to be attained by 1 January 2030

Averaging period Limit value

PM 2.5

1 day 25 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year

Calendar year 10 µg/m³

PM 10

1 day 45 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year

Calendar year 20 μg/m 3

Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 )

1 hour 200 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than once per calendar year

1 day 50 µg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year

Calendar year 20 μg/m 3

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )

1 hour 350 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than once per calendar year

1 day 50 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year

Calendar year 20 μg/m 3


Calendar year 3,4 μg/m 3

Carbon monoxide (CO)

maximum daily 10 mg/m 3

8-hour mean (1)

Lead (Pb)

Calendar year 0,5 μg/m 3

Arsenic (As)

Calendar year 6,0 ng/m³

Cadmium (Cd)

Calendar year 5,0 ng/m³

Nickel (Ni)

Calendar year 20 ng/m³


Calendar year 1,0 ng/m³

  • (1) 
    The maximum daily 8-hour mean concentration will be selected by examining 8-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each 8-hour average so calculated will be assigned to the day on which it ends i.e. the first calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 17.00 on the previous day to 1.00 on that day; the last calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 16.00 to 24.00 on that day.

Table 2 – Limit values for the protection of human health to be attained by [INSERT TRANSPOSITION DEADLINE]

Averaging period Limit value

PM 2.5

Calendar year 25 µg/m³

PM 10

1 day 50 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times per calendar year

Calendar year 40 μg/m 3

Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 )

1 hour 200 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times per calendar year

Calendar year 40 μg/m 3

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )

1 hour 350 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded more than 24 times per calendar year


Calendar year 5 μg/m 3

Carbon monoxide (CO)

maximum daily 10 mg/m 3

8-hour mean (1)

Lead (Pb)

Calendar year 3 0,5 μg/m

Arsenic (As)

Calendar year 6,0 ng/m³

Cadmium (Cd)

Calendar year 5,0 ng/m³

Nickel (Ni)

Calendar year 20 ng/m³


Calendar year 1,0 ng/m³

  • (1) 
    The maximum daily 8-hour mean concentration will be selected by examining 8-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each 8-hour average so calculated will be assigned to the day on which it ends i.e. the first calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 17.00 on the previous day to 1.00 on that day; the last calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 16.00 to 24.00 on that day.


  • A. 
    Definitions and criteria

The ‘Accumulated Ozone exposure over a Threshold of 40 parts per billion’ (AOT40), expressed in ‘(μg/m 3 ) × hours’, means the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations greater than 80 μg/m 3 (= 40 parts per billion) and 80 μg/m 3 over a given period using only the 1-hour values measured between 8.00 and 20.00 Central European

Time (CET) each day.

  • B. 
    Ozone target values

    Objective Averaging period Target value

Protection of Maximum daily 8- 120 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded

human health (1) hour mean on more than 18

days per calendar year averaged over 3 years (2)

Protection of the May to July AOT40 (calculated 3 18 000 μg/m × h

environment from 1-hour values) averaged over 5

years (2)

  • (1) 
    The maximum daily 8-hour mean concentration shall be selected by examining 8-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each 8-hour average so calculated shall be assigned to the day on which it ends. i.e. the first calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 17.00 on the previous day to 1.00 on that day; the last calculation period for any 1 day will be the period from 16.00 to 24.00 on the day.
  • (2) 
    If the 3- or 5-year averages cannot be determined on the basis of a full and consecutive set of annual

data, the minimum annual data required for checking compliance with the target values will be as


  • for the target value for the protection of human health: valid data for 1 year,
  • for the target value for the protection of vegetation: valid data for 3 years.
  • C. 
    Long-term objectives for ozone (O 3 )

    Objective Averaging period Long-term objective

    Protection of Maximum daily 100 μg/m 3 (1) human health 8-hour mean within a calendar year

Protection of May to July AOT40 (calculated 3 6 000 μg/m × h

vegetation from 1 h values)

  • (1) 
    99 th percentile (i.e. 3 exceedance days per year).


Averaging period Critical level

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )

Calendar year and winter (1 October to 31 March) 20 μg/m 3

Oxides of nitrogen (NO x )

Calendar year 30 μg/m 3 NO x


  • A. 
    Alert thresholds for pollutants other than ozone

To be measured over 3 consecutive hours in the case of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, and over three consecutive days for PM 10 and PM 2.5 , at locations representative

of air quality over at least 100 km 2 or an entire zone, whichever is the smaller.

Pollutant Alert threshold

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) 500 μg/m 3

Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 400 μg/m 3

PM 2.5 50 μg/m 3

PM 10 90 μg/m 3

  • B. 
    Information and alert thresholds for ozone

    Purpose Averaging period Threshold

    Information 1 hour 180 μg/m 3

    Alert 1 hour (1) 240 μg/m 3

    • (1) 
      For the implementation of Article 20, the exceedance of the threshold is to be measured or predicted for 3 consecutive hours.


  • A. 
    Average exposure indicator

    The Average Exposure Indicator expressed in μg/m 3 (AEI) shall be based upon

measurements in urban background locations in territorial units at NUTS 1 level throughout the territory of a Member State. It shall be assessed as a 3-calendar-year running annual mean concentration averaged over all sampling points of the relevant pollutant established pursuant to Point B of Annex III in each NUTS 1 territorial unit. The AEI for a particular year shall be the mean concentration of that same year and the

preceding 2 years.

Where Member States identify exceedances attributable to natural sources, contributions from natural sources shall be deducted before calculating the AEI.

The AEI is used for the examination of whether the average exposure reduction obligation is met.

  • B. 
    Average exposure reduction obligations

    As from 2030, the AEI shall not exceed a level that is:

    – for PM 2.5 , 25% lower than the AEI was 10 years before, unless it is already no higher than the average exposure concentration objective for PM 2.5 defined in Section C.

    – for NO 2 , 25% lower than the AEI was 10 years before, unless it is already no higher than the average exposure concentration objective for NO 2 defined in Section C.

  • C. 
    Average exposure concentration objectives

    The average exposure concentration objective shall be the following level of the AEI.

    Pollutant Average exposure concentration objective

    PM 2.5 AEI = 5 µg/m 3




Pollutant Assessment threshold (annual mean, unless specified)

PM 2.5 5 µg/m 3

PM 10 15 µg/m 3

Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 10 µg/m 3

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) 40 µg/m³ (24-hour mean) (1)

Benzene 1,7 µg/m 3

Carbon monoxide (CO) 4 mg/m³ (24-hour mean) (1)

Lead (Pb) 0,25 µg/m 3

Arsenic (As) 3,0 ng/m 3

Cadmium (Cd) 2,5 ng/m 3

Nickel (Ni) 10 ng/m 3

Benzo(a)pyrene 0,12 ng/m 3

Ozone (O 3 ) 100 µg/m 3 (maximum 8-hour mean) (1)

  • (1) 
    99 th percentile (i.e. 3 exceedance days per year).


Pollutant Assessment threshold (annual mean, unless specified)

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) 8 μg/m 3 (average between 1 October and 31 March)



  • A. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with limit values for the protection of human health, ozone target values, long-term objectives, information thresholds and alert thresholds
  • 1. 
    Diffuse sources

Table 1 - Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with limit values for the protection of human health and alert thresholds in zones where fixed measurement is the sole source of information (for all pollutants except ozone)

Population of Minimum number of sampling points if concentrations exceed the zone (thousands) assessment threshold

NO 2 , Sum Minimum Minimum Pb, Cd, Benzo(a) SO 2 , PM (1) PM 10 PM 2.5 As, Ni pyrene CO, in PM 10 in PM 10 benzene

0 - 249 2 4 2 2 1 1

250 - 499 2 4 2 2 1 1

500 - 749 2 4 2 2 1 1

750 - 999 3 4 2 2 2 2

1 000 - 1 499 4 6 2 2 2 2

1 500 - 1 999 5 7 3 3 2 2

2 000 - 2 749 6 8 3 3 2 3

2 750 - 3 749 7 10 4 4 2 3

3 750 - 4 749 8 11 4 4 3 4

4 750 - 5 999 9 13 5 5 4 5

6 000+ 10 15 5 5 5 5

  • (1) 
    The number of PM 2.5 and NO 2 sampling points in the urban background locations of urban areas shall meet the requirements set out in Point B.

Table 2 - Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with ozone target values, long-term objectives and information and alert thresholds where such measurements are the sole source of information (for ozone only)

Population Minimum number of sampling points if the number (thousands) of sampling points is reduced by up to 50% (1)

< 250 1

< 500 2

< 1 000 2

< 1 500 3

< 2 000 4

< 2 750 5

< 3 750 6

≥ 3 750 1 additional sampling point per 2 million inhabitants

  • (1) 
    At least 1 sampling point in areas where exposure of the population to the highest concentrations of ozone

is likely to occur. In agglomerations, at least 50 % of the sampling points shall be located in suburban


Table 3 - Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with limit values for the protection of human health and alert thresholds in zones where a 50% reduction of such measurements applies (for all pollutants except ozone)

Population of Minimum number of sampling points if the number of sampling zone (thousands) points is reduced by up to 50%

NO 2 , Sum Minimum Minimum Pb, Cd, Benzo(a) SO 2 , PM (1) PM 10 PM 2.5 As, Ni pyrene

CO, in PM 10 in PM 10 benzene

0 - 249 1 2 1 1 1 1

250 - 499 1 2 1 1 1 1

500 - 749 1 2 1 1 1 1

750 - 999 2 2 1 1 1 1

1 000 - 1 499 2 3 1 1 1 1

1 500 - 1 999 3 4 2 2 1 1

2 000 - 2 749 3 4 2 2 1 2

2 750 - 3 749 4 5 2 2 1 2

3 750 - 4 749 4 6 2 2 2 2

4 750 - 5 999 5 7 3 3 2 3

6 000+ 5 8 3 3 3 3

  • (1) 
    The number of PM 2.5 and NO 2 sampling points in the urban background locations of urban areas shall meet the requirements set out in Point B.

Table 4 - Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements to assess compliance with ozone target values, long-term objectives and information and alert thresholds in zones where a 50% reduction of such measurements applies (for ozone only)

Population of zone Minimum number of sampling points if the number of (thousands) sampling points is reduced by up to 50% (1)

< 250 1

< 500 1

< 1 000 1

< 1 500 2

< 2 000 2

< 2 750 3

< 3 750 3

≥ 3 750 1 additional sampling point per 4 million inhabitants

  • (1) 
    At least 1 sampling point in areas where exposure of the population to the highest concentrations of ozone

is likely to occur. In agglomerations, at least 50 % of the sampling points shall be located in suburban


For each zone, the minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements set out in the tables in this point shall include at least 1 background location sampling point and 1 sampling point in the area with the highest concentrations according to Point B, of Annex IV provided this does not increase the number of sampling points. For nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, benzene and carbon monoxide, this shall include at least 1 sampling point focused on measuring contribution from transport emissions. However, in the cases where there is only 1 sampling point required, this shall be in the area with the highest concentrations to which the population is likely to be directly or indirectly


For each zone, for nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, benzene and carbon monoxide, the total number of urban background location sampling points and the total number of sampling points where the highest concentrations occur required shall not differ by more than a factor of 2. The number of PM 2.5 and nitrogen dioxide sampling points at urban

background locations shall meet the requirements set out in Point B.

  • 2. 
    Point sources

For the assessment of pollution in the vicinity of point sources, the number of sampling points for fixed measurement shall be calculated taking into account emission densities, the likely distribution patterns of ambient-air pollution and the potential exposure of the population. Such sampling points shall be sited such that the application of BAT (Best

Available Techniques) as defined by Directive 2010/75 i/EU can be monitored.

  • B. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with the PM 25 and NO 2 average exposure reduction obligations for the protection of human health

For PM 2.5 and NO 2 each, one sampling point per NUTS 1 region as described in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 i, and at least 1 sampling point per million inhabitants calculated over urban areas in excess of 100 000 inhabitants shall be operated for this

purpose. Those sampling points may coincide with sampling points under Point A.

  • C. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements to assess compliance with critical levels, and with long-term objectives for ozone
    • 1. 
      Critical levels for the protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems

    If maximum concentrations exceed the 1 sampling point every 20 000 km 2

    critical levels

    If maximum concentrations exceed the 1 sampling point every 40 000 km 2

    assessment threshold

In island zones the number of sampling points for fixed measurement shall be calculated taking into account the likely distribution patterns of ambient air pollution and the

potential exposure of vegetation.

  • 2. 
    Long–term objective for the protection of human health and the environment for


For rural background measurement Member States shall ensure at least 1 sampling point per 50 000 km 2 as an average density over all zones per country. For complex terrain

1 sampling point per 25 000 km 2 is recommended.

  • D. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements of ultrafine particles where high concentrations

Ultrafine particles shall be monitored at selected locations in addition to other air pollutants. Sampling points to monitor ultrafine particles shall coincide, where appropriate, with sampling points for particulate matter or nitrogen dioxide referred to in Point A, and be sited in accordance with Section 3 of Annex VII. For this purpose, at least 1 sampling point per 5 million inhabitants shall be established at a location where high UFP concentrations are likely to occur. Member States that have fewer than 5 million inhabitants shall establish at least 1 fixed sampling point at a location where

high UFP concentrations are likely to occur.

Monitoring supersites at urban background or rural background locations established in accordance with Article 10 shall not be included for the purpose of meeting the

requirements on the minimum number of sampling points for UFP set here.




  • A. 

    Ambient air quality shall be assessed in all zones as follows:

  • 1. 
    Ambient air quality shall be assessed at all locations except those listed in paragraph 2.

Points B and C shall apply to the location of sampling points. The principles established by Points B and C shall also apply in so far as they are relevant in identifying the specific locations in which concentration of the relevant pollutants are established where ambient

air quality is assessed through indicative measurements or modelling.

  • 2. 
    Compliance with the limit values directed at the protection of human health shall not be assessed at the following locations:

    (a) any locations situated within areas where members of the public do not have

    access and there is no fixed habitation;

    (b) in accordance with Article 4(1), on factory premises or at industrial sites to

    which all relevant provisions concerning health and safety at work apply;

    (c) on the carriageway of roads; and on the central reservations of roads except

    where there is normally pedestrian access to the central reservation.

  • B. 
    Macroscale siting of sampling points
  • 1. 

    The siting of sampling points shall take into account national gridded data of emissions

    reported under Directive (EU) 2016/2284 of the European Parliament and of the Council 1

    and emission data reported under the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register.

  • 2. 
    Protection of human health

    (a) Sampling points directed at the protection of human health shall be sited in such a way as to provide data on all of the following:

(i) concentration levels in the areas within zones with the highest concentrations to which the population is likely to be directly or indirectly exposed for a period which

is significant in relation to the averaging period of the limit value(s),

(ii) concentration levels in other areas within the zones which are representative of

the exposure of the general population, and

(iii) for arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the deposition rates representing the indirect exposure of the population through the

food chain;

1 Directive (EU) 2016/2284 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2016 on the

reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants, amending Directive 2003/35/EC i and repealing Directive 2001/81/EC i (OJ L 344, 17.12.2016, p. 1).

(b) sampling points shall in general be sited in such a way as to avoid measuring microenvironments in the immediate vicinity of the sampling point, which means that a sampling point must be sited in such a way that the air sampled is representative of air quality for a street segment no less than 100 m in length at locations measuring the contribution of road traffic and at least 250 m × 250 m at locations measuring the contribution from industrial sites or other sources such as ports or airports, where feasible;

(c) urban background locations shall be located so that their pollution level is influenced by the integrated contribution from all sources upwind of the sampling point. The pollution level shall not be dominated by a single source unless such a situation is typical for a larger urban area. Those sampling points shall, as a general rule, be representative for several square kilometres;

(d) where the objective is to measure the contribution of domestic heating, at least one sampling point shall be installed within the main wind direction of these sources;

(e) where the objective is to assess rural background levels, the sampling point shall not be influenced by urban areas or industrial sites in its vicinity, i.e. sites closer than 5 km;

(f) where contributions from industrial sources, ports or airports are to be assessed, at least 1 sampling point shall be installed downwind of the source in the nearest residential area. Where the background concentration is not known, an additional sampling point shall be situated within the main wind direction. The sampling points shall be sited such that the application of BAT can be monitored;

(g) sampling points shall, where possible, also be representative of similar locations not in the immediate vicinity of the sampling points. In the zones where the level of air pollutants is above the assessment threshold, the area which each sampling point is representative of shall be clearly defined. The whole zone shall be covered by the different areas of representativeness defined for each sampling points;

(h) account shall be taken of the need to locate sampling points on islands where that is necessary for the protection of human health;

(i) sampling points measuring arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons shall, where possible, be co-located with sampling points for PM 10 .

When defining the spatial representativeness area the following associated characteristics shall be considered:

(a) the geographical area may include non-contiguous domains but shall be limited in its extension by the borders of the air quality zone under consideration;

(b) if assessed via modelling, a fit-for-purpose modelling system shall be used and modelled concentrations shall be used at station location to prevent systematic model-measurement biases from distorting the assessment;

(c) other metrics than absolute concentrations can be considered (e.g. percentiles);

(d) the tolerance levels and possible cut-offs for the different pollutants may change depending on the station characteristics;

(e) the annual average of the observed pollutant concentration shall be used as the air quality metric for a specific year.

  • 3. 
    Protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems

    Sampling points targeted at the protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems shall be sited more than 20 km away from urban areas or more than 5 km away from other builtup areas, industrial sites or motorways or major roads with traffic counts of more than 50 000 vehicles per day, which means that a sampling point must be sited in such a way that the air sampled is representative of air quality in a surrounding area of at least 1 000 km 2 . A Member State may provide for a sampling point to be sited at a lesser distance or to be representative of air quality in a less extended area, taking account of geographical conditions or of the opportunities to protect particularly vulnerable areas.

    Account shall be taken of the need to assess air quality on islands.

  • 4. 
    Additional criteria for ozone sampling points

The following apply to fixed and indicative measurements:

Type of sampling Objectives of Representat Macro-scale siting criteria point measurement iveness (1)

Urban background Protection of human 1 to Away from the influence of locations for ozone health: 10 km 2 local emissions such as traffic,

assessments to assess the exposure petrol stations, etc.;

of the urban vented locations where well population to ozone, mixed levels can be measured; i.e. where population

density and ozone locations such as residential and concentration are commercial areas of cities, parks relatively high and (away from trees), wide streets representative of the or squares with very little or no exposure of the traffic, open areas characteristic

general population of educational, sports or recreation facilities.

Suburban locations for Protection of human 10 to At a certain distance from the

ozone assessments health and vegetation: 100 km 2 area of maximum emissions,

to assess the exposure downwind following the main of the population and wind direction/directions during vegetation located in conditions favourable to ozone the outskirts of the formation;

urban area, with the where population, sensitive highest ozone levels crops or natural ecosystems to which the located in the outer fringe of an population and urban area are exposed to high vegetation are likely ozone levels; to be directly or

indirectly exposed. where appropriate, some suburban sampling points also

upwind of the area of maximum emissions, in order to determine the regional background levels of ozone.

Rural locations for Protection of human Sub-regional Sampling points may be located ozone assessments health and vegetation: levels in small settlements and/or areas

to assess the exposure (100 to with natural ecosystems, forests of population, crops 1 000 km 2 ) or crops;

and natural representative for ozone away ecosystems to subfrom the influence of immediate regional scale ozone local emissions such as concentrations. industrial sites and roads;

at open area sites, but not on summits of higher mountains.

Rural background Protection of human Regional/nat Sampling points located in areas locations for ozone health and vegetation: ional/contin with lower population density,

assessments to assess the exposure ental levels e.g. with natural ecosystems, of crops and natural (1 000 to forests, at a distance of at least ecosystems to 10 000 km 2 ) 20 km from urban and industrial regional-scale ozone areas and away from local concentrations as well emissions;

as exposure of the avoid locations which are population. subject to locally enhanced formation of ground-near inversion conditions, also summits of higher mountains;

coastal sites with pronounced diurnal wind cycles of local character are not recommended.

  • (1) 
    Sampling points shall, where possible, be representative of similar locations not in the immediate vicinity of the sampling points.

    The locations of sampling points for rural locations and rural background locations for ozone assessment shall, where appropriate, be coordinated with the monitoring requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006 i 2 .

  • C. 
    Micro-scale siting of sampling points

    In so far as is practicable, the following shall apply:

    (a) the flow around the sampling point inlet shall be unrestricted (in general free in an arc of at least 270°, or, for sampling points at the building line, of at least 180°) without any obstructions affecting the airflow in the vicinity of the inlet (at least 1,5 m away from buildings, balconies, trees and other obstacles, and at least 0,5 m from the

2 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006 i of 7 November 2006 laying down detailed rules for the

implementation of Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 i of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community (OJ L 334, 30.11.2006, p. 1).

nearest building in the case of sampling points representing air quality at the building


(b) in general, the sampling point inlet shall be between 0,5 m (the breathing zone) and 4 m above the ground. Higher siting (up to 8m) may be appropriate if the sampling point is representative of a large area (a background location) or in other specific circumstances and any derogations shall be fully documented;

(c) the inlet probe shall not be positioned in the immediate vicinity of sources in order to avoid the direct intake of emissions unmixed with ambient air to which members of the public are unlikely to be exposed;

(d) the sampler's exhaust outlet shall be positioned so that recirculation of exhaust air to the sampler inlet is avoided;

(e) for all pollutants, sampling probes shall be at least 25 m from the edge of major junctions and no more than 10 m from the kerbside; for the purposes of this point, a ‘kerbside’ means the line that separates motorised traffic from other areas; a ‘major junction’ means a junction which interrupts the traffic flow and causes different emissions (stop&go) from the rest of the road;

(f) for the deposition measurements in rural background locations, the guidelines and criteria of EMEP shall apply as far as practicable;

(g) for ozone measurement, Member States shall ensure that the sampling point is positioned well away from sources such as furnaces and incineration flues, and more than 10 m from the nearest road, with distance increasing as a function of traffic intensity.

The following factors may also be taken into account:

(a) interfering sources;

(b) security;

(c) access;

(d) availability of electrical power and telephone communications;

(e) visibility of the site in relation to its surroundings;

(f) safety of the public and operators;

(g) the desirability of co-locating sampling points for different pollutants;

(h) planning requirements.

  • D. 
    Site selection, its review and documentation
    • 1. 
      The competent authorities responsible for air quality assessment shall for all zones fully document the site-selection procedures and record information to support the network design and choice of location for all monitoring sites. The design of the monitoring network shall be supported at least by either modelling or indicative measurements.
    • 2. 
      The documentation shall include the location of the sampling points through spatial coordinates, detailed maps and shall include information on the spatial representativeness of all sampling points.
  • 3. 
    The documentations shall include any deviation from the micro-scale siting criteria, their underlying reasons and the likely impact on measured levels.
  • 4. 
    Where indicative measurements, modelling or objective estimation, or a combination thereof are used within a zone, the documentation shall include details of these methods and information on how the criteria listed in Article 9(3) are met.
  • 5. 
    Where indicative measurements, modelling or objective estimation are used, competent authorities shall use gridded data reported under Directive (EU) 2016/2284 and emission information reported under Directive 2010/75 i/EU.
  • 6. 
    For ozone measurements, Member States shall apply proper screening and interpretation of the monitoring data in the context of the meteorological and photochemical processes affecting the ozone concentrations measured at the respective sites.
  • 7. 
    When applicable, the list of ozone precursors substances, the objective sought for measuring them and the methods used to sample and measure them shall be part of the documentation.
  • 8. 
    When applicable, information of the measurement methods used for the measurement of the chemical composition of PM 2.5 shall also be part of the documentation.
  • 9. 
    At least every 5 years the selection criteria, network design and monitoring site locations, defined by the competent authorities in view of the requirements of this Annex, shall be reviewed to ensure they remain valid and optimal overtime. The review shall be supported at least by either modelling or indicative measurements.
  • 10. 
    The documentation shall be updated following every review and other relevant changes to the monitoring network, and shall be made public through appropriate communication channels



  • A. 
    Uncertainty of measurements and modelling for ambient air quality assessment
  • 1. 
    Uncertainty for measurement and modelling of long-term mean concentrations (annual mean)

    Maximum ratio of uncertainty of modelling and

    Maximum uncertainty objective estimation

Air pollutant Maximum uncertainty of indicative over uncertainty of of fixed measurements measurements (1) fixed measurements

Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Maximum ratio value value value value

PM 2.5 3,0 µg/m 3 30 % 4,0 µg/m 3 40 % 1,7

PM 10 4,0 µg/m 3 20 % 6,0 µg/m 3 30 % 1,3

NO 2 / NO x 6,0 µg/m 3 30 % 8,0 µg/m 3 40 % 1,4

Benzene 0,75 µg/m 3 25 % 1,2 µg/m 3 35 % 1,7

Lead 0,125 µg/m 3 25 % 0,175 µg/m 3 35 % 1,7

Arsenic 2,4 ng/m 3 40 % 3,0 ng/m 3 50 % 1,1

Cadmium 2,0 ng/m 3 40 % 2,5 ng/m 3 50 % 1,1

Nickel 8,0 ng/m 3 40 % 10,0 ng/m 3 50 % 1,1

Benzo(a)pyrene 0,5 ng/m 3 50 % 0,6 ng/m 3 60 % 1,1

  • (1) 
    When using indicative measurements for other purposes other than compliance assessment, such as, but not only: design or review of the monitoring network, model calibration and validation, the uncertainty may be that established for modelling applications.
    • 2. 
      Uncertainty for measurement and modelling of short-term mean concentrations

      Maximum ratio of uncertainty of modelling and

      Maximum uncertainty objective estimation

Air pollutant Maximum uncertainty of indicative over uncertainty of of fixed measurements measurements (1) fixed measurements

Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Maximum ratio value value value value

PM 2.5 (24-hour) 6,3 µg/m 3 25 % 8,8 µg/m 3 35 % 2,5

PM 10 (24-hour) 11,3 µg/m 3 25 % 22,5 µg/m 3 50 % 2,2

NO 2 (daily) 7,5 µg/m 3 15 % 12,5 µg/m 3 25 % 3,2

NO 2 (hourly) 30 µg/m 3 15 % 50 µg/m 3 25 % 3,2

SO 2 (daily) 7,5 µg/m 3 15 % 12,5 µg/m 3 25 % 3,2

SO 2 (hourly) 52,5 µg/m 3 15 % 87,5 µg/m 3 25 % 3,2

CO (24-hour) 0,6 mg/m 3 15 % 1,0 mg/m 3 25 % 3,2

CO (8-hour) 1,0 mg/m 3 10 % 2,0 mg/m 3 20 % 4,9

Ozone (peak season): 3

uncertainty of 10,5 µg/m

3 15 % 17,5 µg/m 25 % 1,7

the 8h values

Ozone (8h mean) 18 µg/m 3 15 % 30 µg/m 3 25 % 2,2

  • (1) 
    When using indicative measurements for other purposes other than compliance assessment, such as, but not only: design or review of the monitoring network, model calibration and validation, the uncertainty may be that established for modelling applications.

    The uncertainty for measurements (expressed at a 95 % confidence level) of the assessment methods shall be calculated in line with the respective EN standard of each pollutant. For methods where no standard is available, the uncertainty of the assessment method shall be evaluated in accordance with the principles of the Joint Committee for Guidance in Metrology (JCGM) 100:2008 ‘Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement’ and the methodology in Part 5 of ISO 5725:1998. For indicative measurements, uncertainty shall be calculated according to the guidance on the demonstration of equivalence referred to in Point B of Annex VI.

    The percentages for uncertainty in the tables in this Section apply for all limit values (and the ozone target value) that are calculated by simple averaging of individual measurements such as hourly mean, daily mean or yearly mean values without considering the additional uncertainty for the calculation of the number of exceedances. The uncertainty shall be interpreted as being applicable in the region of the appropriate limit values (or ozone target value). The uncertainty calculation does not apply to AOT40 and values that include more than 1 year, more than 1 station (e.g. AEI) or more than 1 component. They are also not applicable for information thresholds, alert thresholds and critical levels for the protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems.

    The uncertainty of measurement data used for ambient air quality assessment shall not

    exceed either the absolute value or the relative value expressed in this Section.

The maximum uncertainty of modelling is set to the uncertainty for fixed measurements multiplied by the applicable maximum ratio. The modelling quality objective (i.e. a modelling quality indicator less or equal to 1) shall be verified at least at 90% of the available monitoring points, over the assessment area and period considered. At a given monitoring point, the modelling quality indicator shall be calculated as the ratio of the root mean square error(s) between modelling results and measurements over the square root of the quadratic sum(s) of the modelling and measurement uncertainties, over an entire assessment period. Note that the sum will reduce to a single value when annual means are considered. All fixed measurements meeting the data quality objectives (i.e. uncertainty of measurement and data coverage of measurement as specified in Sections A and B of this Annex, respectively) located in the modelling assessment area shall be used for the evaluation of uncertainty of modelling. Note that the maximum ratio shall be

interpreted as being applicable over the entire concentration range.

For short-term mean concentrations, the maximum uncertainty of measurement data used to assess the modelling quality objective shall be the absolute uncertainty calculated using the relative value expressed in this Section, above the limit value and shall decrease

linearly from the absolute value at the limit value, to a threshold at zero concentration 3 .

Both the short-term and long-term modelling quality objectives shall be fulfilled.

For modelling of annual mean concentrations of benzene, lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and benzo(a)pyrene, the maximum uncertainty of measurement data used for assessing the modelling quality objective shall not exceed the relative value expressed in this


For modelling of annual mean concentrations of PM 2.5 , PM 10 , and nitrogen dioxide the maximum uncertainty of measurement data used for assessing the modelling quality objective shall not exceed either the absolute value or the relative value expressed in this


Where an air quality model is used for assessment, references to descriptions of the model and information on the calculation of the modelling quality objective shall be


The uncertainty of objective estimation shall not exceed the uncertainty for indicative measurements by more than the applicable maximum ratio and shall not exceed 85%. The uncertainty for objective estimation is defined as the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated concentration levels, over the period considered, by the limit value (or

ozone target value), without taking into account the timing of the events.

3 The threshold shall be set to 4, 3, 10, 3 and 5 ug/m 3 for PM 10 , PM 2.5 , O 3 , NO 2 and SO 2 , respectively and 0.5 mg/m 3 for CO. These values represent the state of knowledge and shall be regularly updated at least every 5 years, to reflect developments in the state-of-art.

  • B. 
    Data coverage of measurements for ambient air quality assessment

    “Data coverage” refers to the proportion of the measurement period for which valid measurement data are available, expressed as a percentage.

Minimum data coverage

Air pollutant Fixed measurements Indicative measurements

Annual 1-hour, 8-hour Annual 1-hour, 8-hour means or 24-hour means or 24-hour means ( 1 ) means ( 1 )

SO 2 , NO 2 /NOx, CO, O 3 85 % ( 2 ) 75% ( 3 ) 13 % 50 % ( 4 )

PM 10 , PM 2.5 85 % 75% 13 % 50%

Benzene 85 % - 13 % -

Benzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic 30 % - 13 % - aromatic hydrocarbons

(PAH), total gaseous mercury

As, Cd, Ni, Pb 45 % - 13 % -

BC, Ammonia (NH 3 ), UFP, 80 % - 13 % - particle size number distribution of UFP

Total Deposition - - 30% -

  • (1) 
    For O 3 and CO, the calculation of the ‘maximum daily 8-hour mean’ for any specific day requires a minimum 75% of the hourly running eight-hour averages (i.e. 18 eight-hour averages per day).
  • (2) 
    For O 3 , minimum data coverage requirements are to be met both for the full calendar year, and for the periods of April to September, and October to March, respectively.

    Assessment of the AOT40 for ozone minimum data coverage requirements are to be met during the time period defined for calculating the AOT40 value.

  • (3) 
    For the assessment of annual mean values, Member States may apply random measurements instead of continuous measurements if they can demonstrate to the Commission that the uncertainty, including the uncertainty due to random sampling, meets the quality objectives in the table and the time coverage is still larger than the minimum data coverage for indicative measurements. Random sampling must be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results. The uncertainty due to random sampling may be determined by the procedure laid down in ISO 11222 (2002) ‘Air Quality — Determination of the Uncertainty of the Time Average of Air Quality Measurements’.
  • (4) 
    For O 3 , minimum data coverage applies for the period of April to September (no criterium of minimum data coverage is required during the winter period).

    Fixed measurements of SO 2 , NO 2 , CO, O 3 , PM 10 , PM 2.5 and benzene are to be carried out continuously during the full calendar year.

For the other cases, measurements are to be evenly distributed over the calendar year (or over the April-September period for indicative measurements of O 3 ). In order to comply with these requirements and to ensure that any potential losses of data do not skew results, the minimum data coverage requirements shall be met for specific periods (quarter, month, weekday) of the whole year depending on the pollutant and

measurement method/frequency.

For the assessment of annual mean values via indicative measurements, Member States may apply random measurements instead of continuous measurements if they can demonstrate that the uncertainty, including the uncertainty due to random sampling, meets the required data quality objectives and minimum data coverage for indicative measurements. Such random sampling shall be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results. The uncertainty due to random sampling may be determined by the procedure laid down in ISO 11222 (2002) ‘Air Quality — Determination of the

Uncertainty of the Time Average of Air Quality Measurements’.

The requirements for minimum data coverage do not include loss(es) of data due to the regular calibration or the normal maintenance of the instrumentation. Such maintenance

shall not take place during pollution peak periods.

24-hour sampling is required for the measurement of benzo(a)pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Individual samples taken over a period of up to 1 month may be combined and analysed as a composite sample, provided the method ensures that the samples are stable for that period. The three congeners benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(j)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene can be difficult to resolve analytically. In such cases, they can be reported as a sum together. Sampling must be spread evenly over the weekdays and the year. For the measurement of deposition rates monthly, or weekly,

samples throughout the year are recommended.

Furthermore, those provisions on individual samples shall also apply to arsenic, cadmium, nickel and total gaseous mercury. Moreover, sub–sampling of PM 10 filters for metals for subsequent analysis is allowed, providing there is evidence that the sub-sample is representative of the whole and that the detection sensitivity is not compromised when compared with the relevant data quality objectives. As an alternative to daily sampling, weekly sampling for metals in PM 10 is allowed provided that the collection characteristics

are not compromised.

Member States may use wet sampling only, instead of bulk sampling, if they can demonstrate that the difference between them is within 10 %. Deposition rates shall

generally be given as μg/m 2 per day.

  • C. 
    Methods for assessing compliance and estimating statistical parameters to account for low data coverage or significant data losses

An assessment of compliance with the relevant limit and ozone target value shall be carried out regardless of whether the data quality objectives are achieved, provided the available data allows for a conclusive assessment. In cases relating to the short-term limit and ozone target values, measurements that only cover a fraction of the calendar year, and that have not delivered sufficient valid data as required by Point B, may still constitute non-compliance. Where this is the case, and there are no clear grounds to doubt the quality of the valid data acquired, this shall be considered an exceedance of the limit

or target value and be reported as such.

  • D. 
    Results of air quality assessment

    The following information shall be compiled for zones where air quality modelling or objective estimation is used:

    (a) a description of assessment activities carried out,

    (b) the specific methods used, with references to descriptions of the method,

    (c) the sources of data and information,

    (d) a description of results, including uncertainties and, in particular, the extent of any area or, if relevant, the length of road within the zone over which concentrations exceed any limit value, ozone target value or long-term objective, and of any area within which concentrations exceed the assessment threshold,

    (e) the population potentially exposed to levels in excess of any limit value for protection of human health.

  • E. 
    Quality assurance for ambient air quality assessment. Data validation
  • 1. 
    To ensure accuracy of measurements and compliance with the data quality objectives laid down in Point A, the appropriate competent authorities and bodies designated

    pursuant to Article 5 shall ensure the following:

    (a) that all measurements undertaken in relation to the assessment of ambient air quality pursuant to Article 8 are traceable in accordance with the requirements set out in the harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories;

    (b) that institutions operating networks and individual sampling points have an established quality assurance and quality control system which provides for regular maintenance to assure the continued accuracy of measuring devices. The quality system shall be reviewed as necessary and at least every 5 years by the relevant national reference laboratory;

    (c) that a quality assurance/quality control process is established for the process of data collection and reporting and that organisations appointed for this task actively participate in the related Union-wide quality assurance programmes;

    (d) that the national reference laboratories are appointed by the appropriate competent authority or body designated pursuant to Article 5 of this Directive and are accredited for the reference methods referred to in Annex VI to this Directive, at least for those pollutants for which concentrations are above the assessment threshold, according to the relevant harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories, the reference to which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union pursuant to Article 2(9) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 i of the European Parliament and of

the Council 4 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance.

These laboratories shall also be responsible for the coordination in Member State's territory of the Union-wide quality assurance programmes to be organised by the Commission's Joint Research Centre and shall also be responsible for coordinating,

4 R egulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 setting out the

requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 i (OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 30).

on the national level, the appropriate use of reference methods, and the demonstration of equivalence of non-reference methods. National reference laboratories organising intercomparison on the national level shall also be accredited according to the

relevant harmonised standard for proficiency testing;

(e) that the national reference laboratories take part at least every 3 years in the Unionwide quality assurance programmes organised by the Joint Research Centre for at least those pollutants for which concentrations are above the assessment threshold. Participation for other pollutants is recommended. If this participation produces unsatisfactory results, then the national laboratory shall demonstrate at the next participation in the intercomparison satisfactory remediation measures, and provide a report to the Joint Research Centre on these measures;

(f) that the national reference laboratories support the work done by the European network of National Reference Laboratories set up by the Commission's Joint Research Centre;

(g) that the European network of National Reference Laboratories be responsible for the periodic review, at least every 5 years, of the measurement uncertainties listed in the first two columns of Tables 1 and 2 of this Annex and subsequent proposal of any necessary changes to the Commission.

  • 2. 
    All reported data under Article 23 shall be deemed to be valid except data flagged as provisional.
  • F. 
    Promotion of harmonised air quality modelling approaches
  • 1. 
    To promote and support the harmonised use of scientifically sound air quality modelling approaches by the competent authorities with an emphasis on model application, the appropriate competent authorities and bodies designated pursuant to

    Article 5 shall ensure the following:

    (a) that the designated reference institutions participate in the European network of air quality modelling set up by the Commission's Joint Research Centre;

    (b) that best practices in air quality modelling identified by the network through scientific consensus are adopted in relevant applications of air quality modelling for the purposes of fulfilling legal requirements pursuant to Union legislation, without prejudice to model adaptations necessitated by singular circumstances;

    (c) that the quality of relevant applications of air quality modelling is periodically checked and improved through intercomparison exercises organised by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre;

    (d) that the European network of air quality modelling be responsible for the periodic review, at least every 5 years, of the ratio of modelling uncertainties listed in the final columns of Tables 1 and 2 of this Annex and subsequent proposal of any necessary changes to the Commission.




  • A. 
    Reference methods for the assessment of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ozone and other pollutants in ambient air and deposition rates
  • 1. 
    Reference method for the measurement of sulphur dioxide in ambient air

The reference method for the measurement of sulphur dioxide is that described in EN 14212:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of

sulphur dioxide by ultraviolet fluorescence’.

  • 2. 
    Reference method for the measurement of nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen in ambient air

The reference method for the measurement of nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen is that described in EN 14211:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of

the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen monoxide by chemiluminescence’.

  • 3. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 10 in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 10 is that described in EN12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the

determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’.

  • 4. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 2.5 in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 2.5 is that described in EN12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the

determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’.

  • 5. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of lead, arsenic, cadmium and nickel in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling of lead, arsenic, cadmium and nickel is that described in EN 12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’. The reference method for the measurement of lead, arsenic, cadmium and nickel is that described in EN 14902:2005 ‘Standard method for measurement of Pb/Cd/As/Ni in the

PM 10 fraction of suspended particulate matter’.

  • 6. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of benzene in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling and measurement of benzene is that described in EN 14662, parts 1 (2005), 2 (2005) and 3 (2016) ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method

for measurement of benzene concentrations’.

  • 7. 
    Reference method for the measurement of carbon monoxide in ambient air

The reference method for the measurement of carbon monoxide is that described in EN 14626:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of

carbon monoxide by non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy’.

  • 8. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air is described in EN 12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’. The reference method for the measurement of benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air is that described in EN 15549:2008 ‘Air quality — Standard method for the measurement of concentration of benzo[a]pyrene in ambient air’. In the absence of a CEN standard method for the other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons referred to in Article 8(6), Member States are allowed to use national standard methods or ISO methods such as ISO standard 12884.

  • 9. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of mercury in ambient air

The reference method for the measurement of total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air is that described in EN 15852:2010 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for the determination of total gaseous mercury’.

  • 10. 
    Reference method for the sampling and analysis of the deposition of arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

The reference method for the determination of the deposition of arsenic, cadmium, and nickel is that described in EN 15841:2009 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for determination of arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel in atmospheric deposition’.

The reference method for the determination of the deposition of mercury is that described in EN 15853:2010 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for determination of mercury deposition’.

The reference method for the determination of the deposition of benzo(a)pyrene and the other polycyclic hydrocarbons referred to in Article 8(6) is that described in EN 15980:2011 ‘Air quality - Determination of the deposition of benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene’.

  • 11. 
    Reference method for the measurement of ozone in ambient air

The reference method for the measurement of ozone is that described in EN 14625:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of ozone by ultraviolet photometry’.

  • 12. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of volatile organic compounds that are ozone precursor substances in ambient air

In the absence of a European Committee for Standardization (CEN) standard method for sampling and measuring volatile organic compounds that are ozone precursor substances in ambient air other than benzene, Member States may choose the sampling and measuring methods they use, in accordance with Annex V and taking into account the measurement objectives set out in Section 2, Point A, of Annex VII.

  • 13. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of elemental carbon and organic carbon in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling of elemental carbon and organic carbon is that describe in EN 12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’. The reference method for the measurement of elemental carbon and organic carbon in ambient air is that described in EN 16909:2017 ‘Ambient air - Measurement of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) collected on filters’.

  • 14. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of NO 3 - , SO 4 ² - , Cl - , NH 4 + , Na + , K + , Mg² + , Ca² + in PM 2.5 in ambient air

The reference method for the sampling of elemental carbon and organic carbon is that describe in EN 12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’. The reference method for the measurement of NO 3 - , SO 4 ² - , Cl - , NH 4 + + , Na , K + , Mg² + , Ca² + in PM 2.5 in ambient air is that described in EN 16913:2017 ’Ambient air - Standard method for measurement of NO 3 - , SO 4 ² - , Cl - , NH 4 + , Na + , K + , Mg² + + , Ca² in

PM 2.5 as deposited on filters’.

  • B. 
    Demonstration of equivalence
    • 1. 
      A Member State may use any other method which it can demonstrate gives results equivalent to any of the reference methods referred to in Point A or, in the case of particulate matter, any other method which the Member State concerned can demonstrate displays a consistent relationship to the reference method. In that event, the results achieved by such other method must be corrected to produce results equivalent to those that would have been achieved by using the reference method.
    • 2. 
      The Commission may require Member States to prepare and submit a report on the demonstration of equivalence in accordance with point 1.
    • 3. 
      When assessing the acceptability of the report mentioned in point 2, the Commission will refer to its guidance on the demonstration of equivalence. Where Member States have been using interim factors to approximate equivalence, approximate equivalence shall be confirmed or amended with reference to that guidance.
    • 4. 
      Member States shall ensure that whenever appropriate, the correction is also applied retroactively to past measurement data in order to achieve better data comparability.
  • C. 

    For gaseous pollutants, the volume must be standardised at a temperature of 293 K and an atmospheric pressure of 101,3 kPa. For particulate matter and substances to be analysed in particulate matter (including lead, arsenic, cadmium, and benzo(a)pyrene), the sampling volume refers to ambient conditions in terms of temperature and atmospheric pressure at the date of measurements.

    When demonstrating that equipment meets the performance requirements of the reference methods listed in Point A, the competent authorities and bodies designated pursuant to Article 5 shall accept test reports issued in other Member States provided that the test laboratories are accredited by the relevant harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories.

    The detailed test reports and all the results of the tests shall be available to other competent authorities or their designated bodies. Test reports shall demonstrate that the equipment meets all the performance requirements including where some environmental and site conditions are specific to a Member State and are outside the conditions for which the equipment has been already tested and type approved in another Member State.

  • D. 
    Mutual recognition of data

When demonstrating that equipment meets the performance requirements of the reference methods listed in Point A, the competent authorities and bodies designated pursuant to Article 5 shall accept test reports issued in other Member States provided that the test laboratories are accredited by the relevant harmonised standard for testing and calibration


The detailed test reports and all the results of the tests shall be available to other competent authorities or their designated bodies. Test reports shall demonstrate that the equipment meets all the performance requirements including where some environmental and site conditions are specific to a Member State and are outside the conditions for which the equipment has been already tested and type approved in another Member State.

  • E. 
    Reference air quality modelling applications

    In the absence of a CEN standard on modelling quality objectives, Member States may choose the modelling applications they use, in accordance with Annex V, Section F.




  • A. 

The main objectives of such measurements are to ensure that adequate information is made available on levels in urban background and rural background locations. This information is essential to judge the enhanced levels in more polluted areas (such as urban background, industry related locations, traffic related locations), assess the possible contribution from long-range transport of pollutants, support source apportionment analysis and for the understanding of specific pollutants such as particulate matter. It is also essential for the increased use of modelling also in urban areas.

  • B. 

Measurement of PM 2.5 must include at least the total mass concentration and concentrations of appropriate compounds to characterise its chemical composition. At least the list of chemical species given below shall be included.

SO 4 2– Na + NH 4 + Ca 2+ elemental carbon (EC)

NO 3 – K + Cl – Mg 2+ organic carbon (OC)

  • C. 

Measurements shall be taken in urban background and rural background locations in accordance with Annex IV.


  • A. 

The main objectives of measurements of ozone precursor substances are to analyse any trend in ozone precursors, to check the efficiency of emission reduction strategies, to check the consistency of emission inventories, to support the understanding of ozone formation and precursor dispersion processes, as well as the application of photochemical

models, and to help attribute emission sources to observed pollution concentrations.

  • B. 

Measurement of ozone precursor substances shall include at least nitrogen oxides (NO and NO 2 ), and appropriate volatile organic compounds (VOC). The selection of the specific compounds to be measured completed by other compounds of interest will

depend on the objective sought.

(a) Member States may use the method which it considers suitable for the

objective sought;

(b) the reference method as specified under Annex VI applies for nitrogen dioxide

and oxides of nitrogen;

(c) methods that are being standardised by the CEN shall be used once available.

A list of VOC recommended for measurement is given below:

Substance Chemical

family Trivial name IUPAC name Formula CAS


Methanol Methanol CH 4 O 67-56-1 Alcohols

Ethanol Ethanol C 2 H 6 O 64-17-5

Formaldehyde Methanal CH 2 O 50-00-0

Aldehyde Acetaldehyde Ethanal C 2 H 4 O 75-07-0

Methacrolein 2-Methylprop-2-enal C 4 H 6 O 78-85-3

Alkynes Acetylene Ethyne C 2 H 2 74-86-2

Ethane Ethane C 2 H 6 74-84-0

Propane Propane C 3 H 8 74-98-6

n-Butane Butane C 4 H 10 106-97-8

i-Butane 2-Methylpropane C 4 H 10 75-28-5

n-Pentane Pentane C 5 H 12 109-66-0

Alkanes i-Pentane 2-Methylbutane C 5 H 12 78-78-4

n-Hexane Hexane C 6 H 14 110-54-3

i-Hexane 2-Methylpentane C 6 H 14 107-83-5

n-Heptane Heptane C 7 H 16 142-82-5

n-Octane Octane C 8 H 18 111-65-9

i-Octane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C 8 H 18 540-84-1

Ethylene Ethene C 2 H 4 75-21-8

Propene / Propylene Propene C 3 H 6 115-07-1 Alkenes

1,3-Butadiene Buta-1,3-diene C 4 H 6 106-99-0 Trans-2-Butene (E)-but-2-ene C 4 H 8 624-64-6

cis-2-Butene (Z)-but-2-ene C 4 H 8 590-18-1

1-Pentene Pent-1-ene C 5 H 10 109-67-1

(Z)-Pent-2-ene 627-20-3 (cis-2

pentene) 2-Pentene C 5 H 10

(E)-Pent-2-ene 646-04-8 (trans-2 pentene)

Benzene Benzene C 6 H 6 71-43-2

Toluene / Methylbenzene Toluene C 7 H 8 108-88-3

Ethyl benzene Ethylbenzene C 8 H 10 100-41-4

1,3-Dimethylbenzene 108-38-3 (m-Xylene) (m-Xylene)

m + p-Xylene C 8 H 10

Aromatic 1,4-Dimethylbenzene 106-42-3 hydrocarbons (p-Xylene) (p-Xylene)

o-Xylene 1,2-Dimethylbenzene C 8 H 10 (o-Xylene) 95-47-6

1,2,4-Trimethylebenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene C 9 H 12 95-63-6

1,2,3-Trimethylebenzene 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene C 9 H 12 526-73-8

1,3,5-Trimethylebenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylebenzene C 9 H 12 108-67-8

Acetone Propan-2-one C 3 H 6 O 67-64-1

Ketones Methyl ethyl ketone Butan-2-one C 4 H 8 O 78-93-3

Methyl vinyl ketone 3-Buten-2-one C 4 H 6 O 78-94-4

Isoprene 2-Methylbut-1,3-diene C 5 H 8 78-79-5

p-Cymene 1-Methyl-4-(1- methylethyl)benzene C 10 H 14 99-87-6

Limonene 1-methyl-4-(1- methylethenyl)-cyclohexene C 10 H 16 138-86-3


 -Myrcene 7-Methyl-3-methylene-1,6- octadiene C 10 H 16 123-35-3

 -Pinene 2,6,6-Trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene C 10 H 16 80-56-8


Camphene 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylenebicyclo[2.2.1]heptane C 10 H 16 79-92-5

 3 -Carene 3,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene C 10 H 16 13466-78-9

1,8-Cineol 1,3,3 trimethyl 2 oxabicyclo[2,2,2]octane C 10 H 18 O 470-82-6

  • C. 

Measurements shall be taken at sampling points set up in accordance with the requirements of this Directive and considered appropriate with regards to the monitoring

objectives referred to in Point A of this Section.


  • A. 

The objective of such measurements is to ensure that adequate information is available at locations where high concentrations of UFP occur that are mainly influenced by sources from air, water or road transport (such as airports, ports, roads), industrial sites or domestic heating. The information shall be appropriate to judge on enhanced levels of

UFP concentrations from those sources.

  • B. 


  • C. 

    Sampling points shall be established in accordance with Annex IV and V at a location

    where high UFP concentrations are likely to occur and within the main wind direction.




  • A. 
    Information to be provided under Article 19(5)
  • 1. 
    Localisation of excess pollution

    (a) region;

    (b) city (map);

    (c) sampling point(s) (map, geographical coordinates).

  • 2. 
    General information

    (a) type of zone (urban, industrial or rural area) or characteristics of NUTS 1 territorial unit (including urban, industrial or rural areas);

    (b) estimate of the polluted area (in km 2 ) and of the population exposed to the pollution;

    (c) concentrations or average exposure indicator of the relevant pollutant observed at least 5 years prior to the exceedance;

  • 3. 
    Responsible authorities

    Names and addresses of the competent authorities responsible for the development and implementation of air quality plans.

  • 4. 
    Origin of pollution taking into account reporting under Directive (EU) 2016/2284 and information provided in the national air pollution control programme

    (a) list of the main emission sources responsible for pollution;

    (b) total quantity of emissions from these sources (in tonnes/year);

    (c) assessment of the level of emissions (e.g. city level, regional level, national level, and transboundary contributions);

    (d) source apportionment according to relevant sectors that contribute to the exceedance in the national air pollution control programme.

  • 5. 
    Expected impact of measures to reach compliance within 3 years after adoption of the air quality plan

    (a) expected quantified concentration reduction (in µg/m³) at each sampling point in exceedance of limit values, ozone target value or of the average exposure indicator in case of an exceedance of the average exposure reduction obligation, from the measures referred to in point 6;

    (b) estimated year of compliance per air pollutant covered by the air quality plan taking into account measures referred to in point 6.

  • 6. 
    Annex 1: Details of measures to reduce air pollution under point 5

    (a) listing and description of all the measures set out in the air quality plan, including the identification of the competent authority in charge of their implementation;

    (b) quantification of emission reduction (in tonnes/year) of each measure under point (a);

(c) timetable for implementation of each measure and responsible actors;

(d) estimate of the concentration reduction as a consequence of each air quality measure, in relation to the exceedance concerned;

(e) list of the information (including modelling and assessment results of measures) to reach the air quality standard concerned in accordance with Annex I.

  • 7. 
    Annex 2: Further background information

    (a) climatic data;

    (b) data on topography;

    (c) information on the type of targets requiring protection in the zone, (if applicable);

    (d) listing and description of all additional measures, that unfold their full impact on ambient air pollutant concentrations in 3 years or more.

  • 8. 
    Annex 3: Evaluation of measures (in case of an air quality plan update)

(a) assessment of timetable of measures from the previous air quality plan;

(b) estimate of impact on emission reduction and pollutant concentrations of measures from the previous air quality plan.

  • B. 
    Indicative list of air pollution abatement measures
  • 1. 
    Information concerning the status of implementation of the Directives referred to in Article 14(3), point (b), of Directive (EU) 2016/2284.
  • 2. 
    Information on all air pollution abatement measures that have been considered at local, regional or national level for implementation in connection with the attainment of air quality objectives, including:

    (a) reduction of emissions from stationary sources by ensuring that polluting small and medium-sized stationary combustion sources (including for biomass) are fitted with emission control equipment or replaced, and that the energy efficiency of buildings is improved;

    (b) reduction of emissions from vehicles through retrofitting with zero emissions powertrains and emission control equipment. The use of economic incentives to accelerate take-up shall be considered;

(c) procurement by public authorities, in line with the handbook on environmental public procurement, of zero emissions road vehicles, fuels and combustion equipment to reduce emissions;

(d) measures to limit transport emissions through traffic planning and management (including congestion pricing, differentiated parking fees or other economic incentives; establishing urban vehicles access restrictions schemes, including low emission zones);

(e) measures to encourage a shift towards less polluting forms of transport;

(f) measures to encourage a shift towards zero emissions vehicles and non-road machinery for both private and commercial applications;

(g) measure to ensure that low emission fuels are given preference in small-, medium- and large-scale stationary sources and in mobile sources;

(h) measures to reduce air pollution from industrial sources under Directive 2010/75 i/EU, and through the use of economic instruments such as taxes, charges or emission trading, while taking into account specificities of SMEs;

(i) measures to protect the health of children or other sensitive population groups.



  • 1. 
    Member States shall provide at least the following information:

    (a) hourly up-to-date data per sampling point of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), carbon monoxide and ozone. This shall apply to information from all sampling points where up-to-date information is available, and at least to information from the minimum number of sampling points required under Annex III. When available, up-to-date information resulting from modelling shall also be provided;

    (b) measured concentrations of all pollutants presented according to the appropriate periods as laid down in Annex I;

    (c) information on observed exceedance(s) of any limit value, ozone target value, and average exposure reduction obligation, including at least:

    (i) the location or area of the exceedance,

    (ii) the start time and duration of the exceedance,

(iii) the measured concentration in comparison to the air quality standards, or average exposure indicator in case of an exceedance of the

average exposure reduction obligation;

(d) information regarding on health and vegetation, including at least:

(i) the health impacts of air pollution on general population,

(ii) the health impacts of air pollution on vulnerable groups,

(iii) description of likely symptoms,

(iv) recommended precautions to be taken,

(v) where to find further information;

(e) information on preventive actions to reduce pollution and exposure to it: indication of main source sectors; recommendations for actions to reduce emissions;

(f) information on measuring campaigns or similar activities and their results where performed.

  • 2. 
    Member States shall ensure that timely information about actual or predicted exceedances of alert thresholds, and any information threshold, is provided to the public. Details supplied shall include at least the following information:

    (a) information on observed exceedance(s):

    – location or area of the exceedance,

– type of threshold exceeded (information or alert),

– start time and duration of the exceedance,

– highest one hour concentration and in addition highest eight hour

mean concentration in the case of ozone;

(b) forecast for the following afternoon/day(s):

– geographical area of expected exceedances of information and/or alert threshold,

– expected changes in pollution (improvement, stabilisation or deterioration), together with the reasons for those changes;

(c) information on the type of population concerned, possible health effects and

recommended behaviour:

– information on population groups at risk,

– description of likely symptoms,

– recommended precautions to be taken by the population concerned,

– where to find further information;

(d) information on preventive action to reduce pollution and/or exposure to it:

indication of main source sectors; recommendations for action to reduce emissions;

(e) in the case of predicted exceedances, Member State shall take steps to ensure

that such details are supplied to the extent practicable.

  • 3. 
    When an exceedance occur or when there is a risk of exceedance of any limit value, ozone target value, average exposure reduction obligation, alert thresholds or information thresholds, Member States shall ensure that the information referred to in this Annex is additionally promoted to the public.


    Part A

    Repealed Directives with lists of the successive amendments thereto (referred to in Article 30)

Directive 2004/107/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council

(OJ L 23, 26.1.2005, p. 3)

Regulation (EC) No 219/2009 i of the European only point 3.8 of the Annex Parliament and of the Council

(OJ L 87, 31.3.2009, p. 109)

Commission Directive (EU) 2015/1480 only Article 1

(OJ L 226, 29.8.2015, p. 4)

Directive 2008/50/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council

(OJ L 152, 11.6.2008, p. 1)

Commission Directive (EU) 2015/1480 only Article 2

(OJ L 226, 29.8.2015, p. 4)

Part B

Time-limits for transposition into national law (referred to in Article 30)

Directive Time-limit for transposition

2004/107/EC 15 February 2007

2008/50/EC 11 June 2010




This Directive Directive 2008/50/EC i Directive 2004/107/EC i

Article 1 — —

Article 2 Article 1 Article 1

Article 3 Article 32 Article 8

Article 4 Article 2 Article 2

Article 5 Article 3 —

Article 6 Article 4 Article 4(1)

Article 7 Articles 5 and 9(2) Article 4(2), (3) and (6)

Article 8 Articles 6 and 9(1) Article 4(1) to (5) and 4(8)and (10)

Article 9 Articles 7 and 10 Article 4(7) and (11)

Article 10 — Article 4(9)

Article 11 Articles 8 and 11 Article 4(12) and (13)

Article 12 Articles 12, 17(1) and (3) and Article 3(2)

Article 18

Article 13 Articles 13, 15 and 17(1) Article 3(1) and (3)

Article 14 Article 14 —

Article 15 Article 19 —

Article 16 Article 20 —

Article 17 Article 21 —

Article 18 Article 22

Article 19 Articles 17(2) and 23 Article 3(3)

Article 20 Article 24 —

Article 21 Article 25 —

Article 22 Article 26 Article 7

Article 23 Article 27 Article 5

Article 24 Article 28 Article 4(15)

Article 25 — —

Article 26 Article 29 Article 6

Article 27 — —

Article 28 — —

Article 29 Article 30 Article 9

Article 30 Article 31 —

Article 31 — —

Article 32 Article 33 Article 10

Article 33 Article 34 Article 11

Article 34 Article 35 Article 12

 2004/107


Data quality objectives and requirements for air quality models

  • I. 

The following data quality objectives are provided as a guide to quality assurance.

 2015/1480 Art. 1 and Annex I.1(a)

Benzo(a)pyrene Arsenic, Polycyclic aromatic Total cadmium hydrocarbons other than depositi

and nickel benzo(a)pyrene, total on gaseous mercury

Uncertaint y

indicative measurements

Modelling 60 % 60 % 60 % 60 %

— Minimum 90 % 90 % 90 % 90 % data capture

— Minimum time coverage

Fixed 33 % 50 % measurements 5

Indicative 14 % 14 % 14 % 33 %

measurements 67

 2004/107/EC  1 2015/1480 Art. 1 and Annex I.1(b)

The uncertainty (expressed at a 95 % confidence level) of the methods used for the assessment of ambient air concentrations will be evaluated in accordance with the principles of the CEN Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (ENV 13005-1999), the methodology of ISO 5725:1994, and the guidance provided in the CEN Report, ‘Air quality — Approach to uncertainty estimation for ambient air reference measurement methods’ (CR 14377:2002E). The percentages for uncertainty are given for individual measurements, which are averaged over typical sampling times, for a 95 % confidence interval. The uncertainty of the measurements should be interpreted as being applicable in the region of the appropriate target value. Fixed and indicative measurements must be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results.

The requirements for minimum data capture and time coverage do not include losses of data due to regular calibration or normal maintenance of the instrumentation. Twenty-four-hour sampling is required for the measurement of benzo(a)pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. With care, individual samples taken over a period of up to one month can be combined and analysed as a composite sample, provided the method ensures that the samples are stable for that period. The three congeners benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(j)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene can be difficult to resolve analytically. In such cases they can be reported as sum. 1 ---  Sampling must be spread evenly over the weekdays and the year. For the measurement of deposition rates monthly, or weekly, samples throughout the year are recommended.

5 Distributed over the year to be representative of various conditions for climate and anthropogenic activities

6 Distributed over the year to be representative of various conditions for climate and anthropogenic activities

7 Indicative measurement being measurements which are performed at reduced regularity but fulfil the other data quality objectives

 2015/1480 Art. 1 and Annex I.1(c)

The provisions on individual samples in the previous paragraph apply also to arsenic, cadmium, nickel and total gaseous mercury. Moreover, sub–sampling of PM 10 filters for metals for subsequent analysis is allowed, providing there is evidence that the sub-sample is representative of the whole and that the detection sensitivity is not compromised when compared with the relevant data quality objectives. As an alternative to daily sampling, weekly sampling for metals in PM 10 is allowed provided that the collection characteristics are not compromised.

 2004/107/EC

Member States may use wet only instead of bulk sampling if they can demonstrate that the

difference between them is within 10 %. Deposition rates should generally be given as μg/m 2

per day.

Member States may apply a minimum time coverage lower than indicated in the table, but not lower than 14 % for fixed measurements and 6 % for indicative measurements provided that they can demonstrate that the 95 % expanded uncertainty for the annual mean, calculated from the data quality objectives in the table according to ISO 11222:2002 — ‘Determination of the uncertainty of the time average of air quality measurements’ will be met.


Where an air quality model is used for assessment, references to descriptions of the model and information on the uncertainty shall be compiled. The uncertainty for modelling is defined as the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated concentration levels, over a full year, without taking into account the timing of the events.


Where objective estimation techniques are used, the uncertainty shall not exceed 100 %.


For substances to be analysed in the PM 10 fraction, the sampling volume refers to ambient conditions.

 2004/107


Reference methods for assessment of concentrations in ambient air and deposition rates

 2015/1480 Art. 1 and Annex I.2

  • I. 


The reference method for the sampling of arsenic, cadmium and nickel in ambient air is described in EN 12341:2014. The reference method for the measurement of arsenic, cadmium and nickel in ambient air is that described in EN 14902:2005 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for the measurement of Pb, Cd, As and Ni in the PM10 fraction of suspended particulate matter’.

A Member State may also use any other methods which it can demonstrate give results equivalent to the above method.



The reference method for the sampling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air is described in EN 12341:2014. The reference method for the measurement of benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air is that described in EN 15549:2008 ‘Air quality — Standard method for the measurement of concentration of benzo[a]pyrene in ambient air’. In the absence of a CEN standard method for the other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons referred to in Article 4(8), Member States are allowed to use national standards methods or ISO methods such as ISO standard 12884.

A Member State may also use any other method which it can demonstrate give results equivalent to the above method.



The reference method for the measurement of total gaseous mercury concentrations in ambient air is that described in EN 15852:2010 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for the determination of total gaseous mercury’.

A Member State may also use any other method which it can demonstrate give results equivalent to the above method.


The reference method for the determination of the deposition of arsenic, cadmium, and nickel is that described in EN 15841:2009 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for determination of arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel in atmospheric deposition’.

The reference method for the determination of the deposition of mercury is that described in EN 15853:2010 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for determination of mercury deposition’.

The reference method for the determination of the deposition of benzo(a)pyrene and the other polycyclic hydrocarbons referred to in Article 4(8) is that described in EN 15980:2011 ‘Air quality. Determination of the deposition of benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene’.

 219/2009 Art. 1 and Annex .3(8)

  • V. 

Reference air quality modelling techniques cannot be specified at present. The Commission may make amendments to adapt this point to scientific and technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(3).

 2008/50



  • A. 

    Sulphur dioxide, Benzene Particulate matter Ozone and nitrogen dioxide and (PM 10 /PM 2,5 ) and related NO oxides of nitrogen and lead and NO 2

    carbon monoxide


measurements 8

Uncertainty 15 % 25 % 25 % 15 %

Minimum data 90 % 90 % 90 % 90 % during capture summer

75 % during winter

Minimum time coverage:

— urban — 35 % 9 — —

background and traffic

— industrial — 90 % — — sites

Indicative measurements

Uncertainty 25 % 30 % 50 % 30 %

Minimum data 90 % 90 % 90 % 90 %

8 Member States may apply random measurements instead of continuous measurements for benzene, lead and particulate matter if they can demonstrate to the Commission that the uncertainty, including the uncertainty due to random sampling, meets the quality objective of 25 % and the time coverage is still larger than the minimum time coverage for indicative measurements. Random sampling must be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results. The uncertainty due to random sampling may be determined by the procedure laid down in ISO 11222 (2002) ‘Air Quality — Determination of the Uncertainty of the Time Average of Air Quality Measurements’. If random measurements are used to assess the requirements of the PM 10 limit value, the 90,4 percentile (to be lower than or equal to 50 μg/m 3 ) should be evaluated instead of the number of exceedances, which is highly influenced by data coverage.


Minimum time 14 % 10 14 % 11 14 % 12 > 10 %

coverage during summer

Modelling uncertainty:

Hourly 50 % — — 50 %

Eight-hour 50 % — — 50 % averages

Daily averages 50 % — not yet defined —

Annual averages 30 % 50 % 50 % —

Objective estimation

Uncertainty 75 % 100 % 100 % 75 %

The uncertainty (expressed at a 95 % confidence level) of the assessment methods will be evaluated in accordance with the principles of the CEN Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (ENV 13005-1999), the methodology of ISO 5725:1994 and the guidance provided in the CEN report ‘Air Quality — Approach to Uncertainty Estimation for Ambient Air Reference Measurement Methods’ (CR 14377:2002E). The percentages for uncertainty in the above table are given for individual measurements averaged over the period considered by the limit value (or target value in the case of ozone), for a 95 % confidence interval. The uncertainty for the fixed measurements shall be interpreted as being applicable in the region of the appropriate limit value (or target value in the case of ozone).

The uncertainty for modelling is defined as the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated concentration levels for 90 % of individual monitoring points, over the period considered, by the limit value (or target value in the case of ozone), without taking into account the timing of the events. The uncertainty for modelling shall be interpreted as being applicable in the region of the appropriate limit value (or target value in the case of ozone). The fixed measurements that have to be selected for comparison with modelling results shall be representative of the scale covered by the model.

The uncertainty for objective estimation is defined as the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated concentration levels, over the period considered, by the limit value (or target value in the case of ozone), without taking into account the timing of the events.

10 One measurement a week at random, evenly distributed over the year, or eight weeks evenly distributed over the year.

11 One day's measurement a week at random, evenly distributed over the year, or eight weeks evenly distributed over the year.

12 One measurement a week at random, evenly distributed over the year, or eight weeks evenly distributed over the year.

The requirements for minimum data capture and time coverage do not include losses of data due to the regular calibration or the normal maintenance of the instrumentation.

  • B. 

The following information shall be compiled for zones or agglomerations within which sources other than measurement are employed to supplement information from measurement or as the sole means of air quality assessment:

– a description of assessment activities carried out,

– the specific methods used, with references to descriptions of the method,

– the sources of data and information,

– a description of results, including uncertainties and, in particular, the extent of any area or, if relevant, the length of road within the zone or agglomeration over which concentrations exceed any limit value, target value or long-term objective plus margin of tolerance, if applicable, and of any area within which concentrations exceed the upper assessment threshold or the lower assessment threshold,

– the population potentially exposed to levels in excess of any limit value for protection of human health.

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.1

  • C. 
  • 1. 
    To ensure accuracy of measurements and compliance with the data quality objectives laid down in Section A, the appropriate competent authorities and bodies designated pursuant to Article 3 shall ensure the following:

(i) that all measurements undertaken in relation to the assessment of ambient air quality pursuant to Articles 6 and 9 are traceable in accordance with the requirements

set out in the harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories,

(ii) that institutions operating networks and individual stations have an established quality assurance and quality control system which provides for regular maintenance to assure the continued accuracy of measuring devices. The quality system shall be reviewed as necessary and at least every five years by the relevant National

Reference Laboratory

(iii) that a quality assurance/quality control process is established for the process of data collection and reporting and that institutions appointed for this task actively

participate, in the related Union-wide quality assurance programmes,

(iv) that the National Reference Laboratories are appointed by the appropriate competent authority or body designated pursuant to Article 3 and are accredited for the reference methods referred to in Annex VI, at least for those pollutants for which concentrations are above the lower assessment threshold, according to the relevant harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories, the reference to which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union pursuant to Article 2(9) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 i setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance. These laboratories shall also be responsible for the coordination in Member State's territory of the Union-wide quality assurance programmes to be organised by the Commission's Joint Research Centre and shall also be responsible for coordinating, on the national level, the appropriate use of reference methods, and the demonstration of equivalence of non-reference methods. National Reference Laboratories organising intercomparison on the national level should also be accredited according to the relevant harmonised standard for

proficiency testing.

(v) that the National Reference Laboratories, take part at least every three years in the Union-wide quality assurance programmes organized by the Commission's Joint Research Centre. If this participation produces unsatisfactory results then the national laboratory should demonstrate at the next participation in the intercomparison satisfactory remediation measures, and provide a report to the Joint Research Centre

on these.

(vi) that the national reference laboratories support the work done by the European

network of National Reference Laboratories set up by the Commission.

  • 2. 
    All reported data under Article 27 shall be deemed to be valid except data flagged as provisional.

     2008/50/EC


Determination of requirements for assessment of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2,5 ), lead, benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air within a zone or agglomeration

  • A. 

The following upper and lower assessment thresholds will apply:

  • 1. 
    Sulphur dioxide

Health protection Vegetation protection

Upper 60 % of 24-hour limit value (75 μg/m 3 , not to be 60 % of winter critical

assessment exceeded more than 3 times in any calendar level

threshold year) (12 μg/m 3 )

Lower 40 % of 24-hour limit value (50 μg/m 3 , not to be 40 % of winter critical assessment exceeded more than three times in any calendar level

threshold year) (8 μg/m 3 )

  • 2. 
    Nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen

    Hourly limit value for the Annual limit value Annual critical level for protection of human for the protection of the protection of

    health (NO 2 ) human health (NO 2 ) vegetation and natural ecosystems (NO x )

Upper 70 % of limit value 80 % of limit value 80 % of critical level

assessment (140 μg/m 3 , not to be (32 μg/m 3 ) (24 μg/m 3 )

threshold exceeded more than 18 times in any calendar


Lower 50 % of limit value 65 % of limit value 65 % of critical level

threshold exceeded more than 18 times in any calendar

year) 3. Particulate matter (PM 10 /PM 2,5 )

24-hour average PM 10 Annual average Annual average PM 10 PM 2,5 13

Upper 70 % of limit value (35 μg/m 3 , not to 70 % of limit 70 % of limit assessment be exceeded more than 35 times in value 3 value (17 μg/m ) threshold any calendar year) (28 μg/m 3 )

Lower 50 % of limit value (25 μg/m 3 , not to 50 % of limit 50 % of limit assessment be exceeded more than 35 times in value 3 value (12 μg/m ) threshold any calendar year) (20 μg/m 3 )

  • 4. 

    Annual average

    Upper assessment threshold 70 % of limit value

    (0,35 μg/m 3 )

    Lower assessment threshold 50 % of limit value

    (0,25 μg/m 3 )

  • 5. 

    Annual average

    Upper assessment threshold 70 % of limit value (3,5 μg/m 3 )

Lower assessment threshold 40 % of limit value (2 μg/m 3 )

  • 6. 
    Carbon monoxide

    Eight-hour average

Upper assessment threshold 70 % of limit value (7 mg/m 3 )

Lower assessment threshold 50 % of limit value (5 mg/m 3 )

13 The upper assessment threshold and the lower assessment threshold for PM 2,5 do not apply to the measurements to assess compliance with the PM 2,5 exposure reduction target for the protection of human health.

 2008/50/EC


Assessment of ambient air quality and location of sampling points for the measurement of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM 10

and PM 2,5 ), lead, benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air

  • A. 

Ambient air quality shall be assessed in all zones and agglomerations in accordance with the following criteria:

  • 1. 
    Ambient air quality shall be assessed at all locations except those listed in paragraph 2, in accordance with the criteria established by Sections B and C for the location of sampling points for fixed measurement. The principles established by Sections B and C shall also apply in so far as they are relevant in identifying the specific locations in which concentration of the relevant pollutants are established where ambient air quality is assessed by indicative measurement or modelling.
  • 2. 
    Compliance with the limit values directed at the protection of human health shall not be assessed at the following locations:

    (a) any locations situated within areas where members of the public do not have

    access and there is no fixed habitation;

(b) in accordance with Article 2(1), on factory premises or at industrial installations to which all relevant provisions concerning health and safety at work


(c) on the carriageway of roads; and on the central reservations of roads except

where there is normally pedestrian access to the central reservation.

  • B. 
  • 1. 
    Protection of human health

    (a) Sampling points directed at the protection of human health shall be sited in

    such a way as to provide data on the following:

    – the areas within zones and agglomerations where the highest concentrations occur to which the population is likely to be directly or indirectly exposed for a period which is significant in relation to the averaging period of the limit value(s),

    – levels in other areas within the zones and agglomerations which are representative of the exposure of the general population,

(b) Sampling points shall in general be sited in such a way as to avoid measuring very small micro-environments in their immediate vicinity, which means that a sampling point must be sited in such a way that the air sampled is representative of air quality for a street segment no less than 100 m length at traffic-orientated sites

and at least 250 m × 250 m at industrial sites, where feasible;

(c) Urban background locations shall be located so that their pollution level is influenced by the integrated contribution from all sources upwind of the station. The pollution level should not be dominated by a single source unless such a situation is typical for a larger urban area. Those sampling points shall, as a general rule, be

representative for several square kilometres;

(d) Where the objective is to assess rural background levels, the sampling point shall not be influenced by agglomerations or industrial sites in its vicinity, i.e. sites

closer than five kilometres;

(e) Where contributions from industrial sources are to be assessed, at least one sampling point shall be installed downwind of the source in the nearest residential area. Where the background concentration is not known, an additional sampling

point shall be situated within the main wind direction;

(f) Sampling points shall, where possible, also be representative of similar

locations not in their immediate vicinity;

(g) Account shall be taken of the need to locate sampling points on islands where

that is necessary for the protection of human health.

  • 2. 
    Protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems

Sampling points targeted at the protection of vegetation and natural ecosystems shall be sited more than 20 km away from agglomerations or more than 5 km away from other built-up areas, industrial installations or motorways or major roads with traffic counts of more than 50000 vehicles per day, which means that a sampling point must be sited in such a way that

the air sampled is representative of air quality in a surrounding area of at least 1000 km 2 . A

Member State may provide for a sampling point to be sited at a lesser distance or to be representative of air quality in a less extended area, taking account of geographical conditions or of the opportunities to protect particularly vulnerable areas.

Account shall be taken of the need to assess air quality on islands.

  • C. 

In so far as is practicable, the following shall apply:

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.2(a)

– the flow around the inlet sampling probe shall be unrestricted (in general free in an arc of at least 270° or 180° for sampling points at the building line) without any obstructions affecting the airflow in the vicinity of the inlet (normally some metres away from buildings, balconies, trees and other obstacles and at least 0,5 m from the nearest building in the case of sampling points representing air quality at the building line),

– in general, the inlet sampling point shall be between 1,5 m (the breathing zone) and 4 m above the ground. Higher siting may also be appropriate if the station is representative of a large area and any derogations should be fully documented,

 2008/50/EC

– the inlet probe shall not be positioned in the immediate vicinity of sources in order to avoid the direct intake of emissions unmixed with ambient air,

– the sampler's exhaust outlet shall be positioned so that recirculation of exhaust air to the sampler inlet is avoided,

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.2(a)

– for all pollutants, traffic-orientated sampling probes shall be at least 25 m from the edge of major junctions and no more than 10 m from the kerbside. A ‘major junction’ to be considered here is a junction which interrupts the traffic flow and causes different emissions (stop&go) from the rest of the road.,

 2008/50/EC

The following factors may also be taken into account:

– interfering sources,

– security,

– access,

– availability of electrical power and telephone communications,

– visibility of the site in relation to its surroundings,

– safety of the public and operators,

– the desirability of co-locating sampling points for different pollutants,

– planning requirements.,

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.2(a)

Any deviation from the criteria listed in this Section shall be fully documented through the procedures described in Section D.

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.2(b)

  • D. 

The competent authorities responsible for air quality assessment shall for all zones and agglomerations fully document the site-selection procedures and record information to support the network design and choice of location for all monitoring sites. The documentation shall include compass-point photographs of the area surrounding monitoring sites and detailed maps. Where supplementary methods are used within a zone or agglomeration, the documentation shall include details of these methods and information on how the criteria listed in Article 7(3) are met. The documentation shall be updated as necessary and reviewed at least every 5 years, to ensure that selection criteria, network design and monitoring site locations remain valid and optimal over time. The documentation shall be provided to the Commission within 3 months of being requested.

 2008/50



  • A. 

The main objectives of such measurements are to ensure that adequate information is made available on levels in the background. This information is essential to judge the enhanced levels in more polluted areas (such as urban background, industry related locations, traffic related locations), assess the possible contribution from long-range transport of air pollutants, support source apportionment analysis and for the understanding of specific pollutants such as particulate matter. It is also essential for the increased use of modelling also in urban areas.

  • B. 

Measurement of PM 2.5 must include at least the total mass concentration and concentrations of appropriate compounds to characterise its chemical composition. At least the list of chemical species given below shall be included.

SO 4 2– Na + NH 4 + Ca 2+ elemental carbon (EC)

NO 3 – K + Cl – Mg 2+ organic carbon (OC)

  • C. 

Measurements should be taken in urban background and rural background areas in accordance with parts A, B and C of Annex III.

 2008/50


Criteria for determining minimum numbers of sampling points for fixed measurement of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate

matter (PM 10 , PM 2,5 ), lead, benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air

  • A. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with limit values for the protection of human health and alert thresholds in zones and agglomerations where fixed measurement is the sole source of information
  • 1. 
    Diffuse sources

    Population of If maximum concentrations If maximum concentrations are agglomeration or exceed the upper assessment between the upper and lower

zone threshold 14 assessment thresholds

(thousands) Pollutants PM 15 (sum of Pollutants PM 16 (sum of

except PM PM 10 and except PM PM 10 and PM 2,5 )

PM 2,5 )

0-249 1 2 1 1

250-499 2 3 1 2

500-749 2 3 1 2

750-999 3 4 1 2

1000-1499 4 6 2 3

1500-1999 5 7 2 3

2000-2749 6 8 3 4

14 For nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, benzene and carbon monoxide: to include at least one urban background monitoring station and one traffic-orientated station provided this does not increase the number of sampling points. For these pollutants, the total number of urban-background stations and the total number of traffic oriented stations in a Member State required under Section A(1) shall not differ by more than a factor of 2. Sampling points with exceedances of the limit value for PM 10 within the last three years shall be maintained, unless a relocation is necessary owing to special circumstances, in particular spatial development.

15 Where PM

2,5 and PM 10 are measured in accordance with Article 8 at the same monitoring station, these shall count as two separate sampling points. The total number of PM 2,5 and PM 10 sampling points in a Member State required under Section A(1) shall not differ by more than a factor of 2, and the number of PM 2,5 sampling points in the urban background of agglomerations and urban areas shall meet the requirements under Section B of Annex V.

16 Where PM

2,5 and PM 10 are measured in accordance with Article 8 at the same monitoring station, these shall count as two separate sampling points. The total number of PM 2,5 and PM 10 sampling points in a Member State required under Section A(1) shall not differ by more than a factor of 2, and the number of PM 2,5 sampling points in the urban background of agglomerations and urban areas shall meet the requirements under Section B of Annex V.

2750-3749 7 10 3 4

3750-4749 8 11 3 6

4750-5999 9 13 4 6

≥ 6000 10 15 4 7

  • 2. 
    Point sources

For the assessment of pollution in the vicinity of point sources, the number of sampling points for fixed measurement shall be calculated taking into account emission densities, the likely distribution patterns of ambient-air pollution and the potential exposure of the population.

  • B. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurement to assess compliance with the PM 2,5 exposure reduction target for the protection of human health

One sampling point per million inhabitants summed over agglomerations and additional urban areas in excess of 100000 inhabitants shall be operated for this purpose. Those sampling points may coincide with sampling points under Section A.

  • C. 
    Minimum number of sampling points for fixed measurements to assess compliance with critical levels for the protection of vegetation in zones other than agglomerations

If maximum concentrations exceed the If maximum concentrations are between upper upper assessment threshold and lower assessment threshold

1 station every 20000 km 2 1 station every 40000 km 2

In island zones the number of sampling points for fixed measurement should be calculated taking into account the likely distribution patterns of ambient-air pollution and the potential exposure of vegetation.

 2008/50/EC


Reference methods for assessment of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2,5 ), lead, benzene, carbon

monoxide, and ozone

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(a)

  • A. 
  • 1. 
    Reference method for the measurement of sulphur dioxide

The reference method for the measurement of sulphur dioxide is that described in EN 14212:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of sulphur dioxide by ultraviolet fluorescence’.

  • 2. 
    Reference method for the measurement of nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen

The reference method for the measurement of nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen is that described in EN 14211:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen monoxide by chemiluminescence’.

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(a) amended by Corrigendum, OJ L 072, 14.3.2019, p. 141

  • 3. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of lead

The reference method for the sampling of lead is that described in Section A(4) of this Annex. The reference method for the measurement of lead is that described in EN 14902:2005 ‘Standard method for measurement of Pb/Cd/As/Ni in the PM 10 fraction of suspended particulate matter’.

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(a)

  • 4. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 10

The reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 10 is that described in EN12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2,5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’.

  • 5. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 2,5

The reference method for the sampling and measurement of PM 2,5 is that described in EN12341:2014 ‘Ambient Air — standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM 10 or PM 2,5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter’

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(a) amended by Corrigendum, OJ L 072, 14.3.2019, p. 141

  • 6. 
    Reference method for the sampling and measurement of benzene

The reference method for the measurement of benzene is that described in EN 14662:2005, parts 1, 2 and 3 ‘Ambient air quality — Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations’.

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(a)

  • 7. 
    Reference method for the measurement of carbon monoxide

The reference method for the measurement of carbon monoxide is that described in EN 14626:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of carbon monoxide by non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy’.

  • 8. 
    Reference method for measurement of ozone

The reference method for the measurement of ozone is that described in EN 14625:2012 ‘Ambient air — Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of ozone by ultraviolet photometry’.

 2008/50/EC

  • B. 
  • 1. 
    A Member State may use any other method which it can demonstrate gives results equivalent to any of the methods referred to in Section A or, in the case of particulate matter, any other method which the Member State concerned can demonstrate displays a consistent relationship to the reference method. In that event the results achieved by that method must be corrected to produce results equivalent to those that would have been achieved by using the reference method.
  • 2. 
    The Commission may require the Member States to prepare and submit a report on the demonstration of equivalence in accordance with paragraph 1.
  • 3. 
    When assessing the acceptability of the report mentioned in paragraph 2, the Commission will make reference to its guidance on the demonstration of equivalence (to be published). Where Member States have been using interim factors to approximate equivalence, the latter shall be confirmed and/or amended with reference to the Commission's guidance.
  • 4. 
    Member States should ensure that whenever appropriate, the correction is also applied retroactively to past measurement data in order to achieve better data comparability.
  • C. 

For gaseous pollutants the volume must be standardised at a temperature of 293 K and an atmospheric pressure of 101,3 kPa. For particulate matter and substances to be analysed in particulate matter (e.g. lead) the sampling volume refers to ambient conditions in terms of temperature and atmospheric pressure at the date of measurements.

  • E. 

     2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.3(c)

When demonstrating that equipment meets the performance requirements of the reference methods listed in Section A of this Annex, the competent authorities and bodies designated pursuant to Article 3 shall accept test reports issued in other Member States provided that the test laboratories are accredited to the relevant harmonised standard for testing and calibration laboratories.

The detailed test reports and all the results of the tests shall be available to other competent authorities or their designated bodies. Test reports shall demonstrate that the equipment meets all the performance requirements including where some environmental and site conditions are specific to a Member State and are outside the conditions for which the equipment has been already tested and type approved in another Member State.

 2008/50/EC



  • A. 
  • 1. 

AOT40 (expressed in (μg/m 3 ) · hours) means the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations greater than 80 μg/m 3 (= 40 parts per billion) and 80 μg/m 3 over a given period using only the one-hour values measured between 8.00 and 20.00 Central European Time (CET) each day.

  • 2. 

The following criteria shall be used for checking validity when aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters:

Parameter Required proportion of valid data

One hour values 75 % (i.e. 45 minutes)

Eight hours values 75 % of values (i.e. six hours)

Maximum daily 8 hours mean 75 % of the hourly running eight hours averages (i.e. from hourly running 8 hours 18 eight-hourly averages per day)

AOT40 90 % of the one hour values over the time period defined for calculating the AOT40 value 17

Annual mean 75 % of the one hour values over summer (April to September) and 75 % over winter (January to March, October to December) seasons separately

Number of exceedances and 90 % of the daily maximum eight hours mean values (27 maximum values per month available daily values per month)

90 % of the one hour values between 8.00 and 20.00 CET

Number of exceedances and five out of six months over the summer season (April

17 In cases where all possible measured data are not available, the following factor shall be used to calculate AOT40 values:

AOT40 estimate = AOT40 measured × total possible number of hours (*)

number of measured hourly values

(*) being the number of hours within the time period of AOT40 definition, (i.e. 08:00 to 20:00 CET from 1 May to 31 July each year, for vegetation protection and from 1 April to 30 September each year for forest protection).

maximum values per year to September)

  • B. 

Objective Averaging period Target value Date by which target value

should be met 18

Protection of Maximum daily 120 μg/m 3 not to be exceeded on 1.1.2010 human health eight-hour more than 25 days per calendar

mean 19 year averaged over three years 20

Protection of May to July AOT40 (calculated from 1 h 1.1.2010 vegetation values)

18000 μg/m 3 · h averaged over five years 21

  • C. 

    Objective Averaging period Longterm objective Date by which the longterm objective should be met

Protection of Maximum daily eight 120 μg/m 3 not defined

18 Compliance with target values will be assessed as of this date. That is, 2010 will be the first year the data for which is used in calculating compliance over the following three or five years, as appropriate.

19 The maximum daily eight-hour mean concentration shall be selected by examining eight-hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each eight -hour average so calculated shall be assigned to the day on which it ends. i.e. the first calculation period for any one day will be the period from 17:00 on the previous day to 01:00 on that day; the last calculation period for any one day will be the period from 16:00 to 24:00 on the day.

20 If the three or five year averages cannot be determined on the basis of a full and consecutive set of

annual data, the minimum annual data required for checking compliance with the target values will be as follows:

– for the target value for the protection of human health: valid data for one year,

– for the target value for the protection of vegetation: valid data for three years.

21 If the three or five year averages cannot be determined on the basis of a full and consecutive set of

annual data, the minimum annual data required for checking compliance with the target values will be as follows:

– for the target value for the protection of human health: valid data for one year,

– for the target value for the protection of vegetation: valid data for three years.

human health hour mean within a calendar year

Protection of May to July AOT40 (calculated not defined vegetation from 1 h values)

6000 μg/m 3 · h

 2008/50


Criteria for classifying and locating sampling points for assessments of ozone


The following apply to fixed measurements:

  • A. 

Type of Objectives of Representativeness 22 Macroscale siting criteria station measurement

Urban Protection of A few km 2 Away from the influence human health: of local emissions such

to assess the as traffic, petrol stations, exposure of the etc.;

urban population vented locations where to ozone, i.e. well mixed levels can be where population measured; density and ozone

concentration are locations such as relatively high and residential and representative of commercial areas of the exposure of cities, parks (away from the general the trees), big streets or

population squares with very little or no traffic, open areas

characteristic of educational, sports or recreation facilities

Suburban Protection of Some tens of km 2 At a certain distance

human health and from the area of vegetation: maximum emissions,

to assess the downwind following the exposure of the main wind population and direction/directions vegetation located during conditions in the outskirts of favourable to ozone the agglomeration, formation;

where the highest where population, ozone levels, to sensitive crops or natural which the ecosystems located in the population and outer fringe of an vegetation are agglomeration are

22 Sampling points should, where possible, be representative of similar locations not in their immediate vicinity.

likely to be exposed to high ozone directly or levels; indirectly exposed

occur where appropriate, some suburban stations also

upwind of the area of maximum emissions, in order to determine the regional background levels of ozone

Rural Protection of Sub-regional levels Stations can be located in human health and

vegetation: (some hundreds of km

2 ) small settlements and/or

areas with natural

to assess the ecosystems, forests or exposure of crops;

population, crops representative for ozone and natural away from the influence ecosystems to subof immediate local regional scale emissions such as ozone industrial installations concentrations and roads;

at open area sites, but not on summits of higher mountains

Rural Protection of Regional/national/continental Station located in areas background vegetation and levels with lower population

human health: (1000 to 10000 km 2 ) density, e.g. with natural to assess the ecosystems, forests, at a exposure of crops distance of at least 20 km and natural from urban and industrial ecosystems to areas and away from regional-scale local emissions;

ozone avoid locations which are concentrations as subject to locally well as exposure enhanced formation of of the population ground-near inversion conditions, also summits of higher mountains;

coastal sites with pronounced diurnal wind cycles of local character are not recommended.

For rural and rural background stations the location shall, where appropriate, be coordinated with the monitoring requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006 i of No 2152/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning monitoring of

forests and environmental interactions in the Community 23 .

  • B. 

In so far as is practicable the procedure on microscale siting in Section C of Annex III shall be followed, ensuring also that the inlet probe is positioned well away from such sources as furnaces and incineration flues and more than 10 m from the nearest road, with distance increasing as a function of traffic intensity.

  • C. 

The procedures in Section D of Annex III shall be followed, applying proper screening and interpretation of the monitoring data in the context of the meteorological and photochemical processes affecting the ozone concentrations measured at the respective sites.

 2008/50/EC


Criteria for determining the minimum number of sampling points for fixed

measurement of concentrations of ozone

 2015/1480 Art. 2 and Annex II.4

  • A. 


Minimum number of sampling points for fixed continuous measurements to assess compliance with target values, long — term objectives and information and alert thresholds where such measurements are the sole source of information.

Population (× Agglomeration 24 Other zones 25 Rural background 1000)

< 250 1 1 station/50000 km 2 as an average density over all

< 500 1 2 zones per country 26

< 1000 2 2

< 1500 3 3

< 2000 3 4

< 2750 4 5

< 3750 5 6

> 3750 One additional station per One additional

2 million inhabitants station per 2 million inhabitants

24 At least 1 station in areas where exposure of the population to the highest concentrations of ozone is likely to occur. In agglomerations, at least 50 % of the stations shall be located in suburban areas.

25 At least 1 station in areas where exposure of the population to the highest concentrations of ozone is likely to occur. In agglomerations, at least 50 % of the stations shall be located in suburban areas.

 2008/50/EC

  • B. 

The number of sampling points for ozone shall, in combination with other means of supplementary assessment such as air quality modelling and collocated nitrogen dioxide measurements, be sufficient to examine the trend of ozone pollution and check compliance with the long-term objectives. The number of stations located in agglomerations and other zones may be reduced to one-third of the number specified in Section A. Where information from fixed measurement stations is the sole source of information, at least one monitoring station shall be kept. If, in zones where there is supplementary assessment, the result of this is that a zone has no remaining station, coordination with the number of stations in neighbouring zones shall ensure adequate assessment of ozone concentrations against long-term objectives.

 2008/50



  • A. 

The main objectives of such measurements are to analyse any trend in ozone precursors, to check the efficiency of emission reduction strategies, to check the consistency of emission inventories and to help attribute emission sources to observed pollution concentrations.

An additional aim is to support the understanding of ozone formation and precursor dispersion processes, as well as the application of photochemical models.

  • B. 

Measurement of ozone precursor substances shall include at least nitrogen oxides (NO and NO 2 ), and appropriate volatile organic compounds (VOC). A list of volatile organic compounds recommended for measurement is given below:

1-Butene Isoprene Ethyl benzene

Ethane Trans-2-Butene n-Hexane m + p-Xylene

Ethylene cis-2-Butene i-Hexane o-Xylene

Acetylene 1,3-Butadiene n-Heptane 1,2,4-Trimethylebenzene

Propane n-Pentane n-Octane 1,2,3-Trimethylebenzene

Propene i-Pentane i-Octane 1,3,5-Trimethylebenzene

n-Butane 1-Pentene Benzene Formaldehyde

i-Butane 2-Pentene Toluene Total non-methane hydrocarbons

  • C. 

Measurements shall be taken in particular in urban or suburban areas at any monitoring site set up in accordance with the requirements of this Directive and considered appropriate with regard to the monitoring objectives referred to in Section A.

 2008/50



  • A. 

Without prejudice to Annex I, the following criteria shall be used for checking validity when aggregating data and calculating statistical parameters:

Parameter Required proportion of valid data

One hour values 75 % (i.e. 45 minutes)

Eight hours values 75 % of values (i.e. 6 hours)

Maximum daily 8-hour mean 75 % of the hourly running eight hour averages (i.e. 18 eight hour averages per day)

24-hour values 75 % of the hourly averages (i.e. at least 18 hour values)

Annual mean 90 % 27 of the one hour values or (if not available) 24-hour values over the year

  • B. 

Averaging Limit value Margin of tolerance Date by which Period limit value is to be met

Sulphur dioxide

One hour 350 μg/m 3 , not to 150 μg/m 3 (43 %) — 28 be exceeded more

than 24 times a calendar year

One day 125 μg/m 3 , not to None — 29

be exceeded more than 3 times a calendar year

27 The requirements for the calculation of annual mean do not include losses of data due to the regular calibration or the normal maintenance of the instrumentation.

28 Already in force since 1 January 2005

Nitrogen dioxide

One hour 200 μg/m 3 , not to 50 % on 19 July 1999, 1 January 2010

be exceeded more decreasing on 1 January 2001 than 18 times a and every 12 months thereafter calendar year by equal annual percentages to reach 0 % by 1 January 2010

Calendar year 40 μg/m 3 50 % on 19 July 1999, 1 January 2010 decreasing on 1 January 2001

and every 12 months thereafter by equal annual percentages to reach 0 % by 1 January 2010


Calendar year 5 μg/m 3 5 μg/m 3 (100 %) on 1 January 2010

13 December 2000, decreasing on 1 January 2006 and every 12

months thereafter by 1 μg/m 3 to

reach 0 % by 1 January 2010

Carbon monoxide

maximum 10 mg/m 3 60 % — 31 daily eight

hour mean 30


Calendar year 332 0,5 μg/m 100 % — 33

PM 10

One day 50 μg/m 3 , not to be 50 % — 34

30 The maximum daily eight hour mean concentration will be selected by examining eight hour running averages, calculated from hourly data and updated each hour. Each eight hour average so calculated will be assigned to the day on which it ends i.e. the first calculation period for any one day will be the period from 17:00 on the previous day to 01:00 on that day; the last calculation period for any one day will be the period from 16:00 to 24:00 on that day.

31 Already in force since 1 January 2005

32 Already in force since 1 January 2005. Limit value to be met only by 1 January 2010 in the immediate vicinity of the specific industrial sources situated on sites contaminated by decades of industrial activities. In such cases, the limit value until 1 January 2010 will be 1,0 μg/m 3 . The area in which higher limit values apply must not extend further than 1000 m from such specific sources.

33 Already in force since 1 January 2005. Limit value to be met only by 1 January 2010 in the immediate vicinity of the specific industrial sources situated on sites contaminated by decades of industrial activities. In such cases, the limit value until 1 January 2010 will be 1,0 μg/m 3 . The area in which higher limit values apply must not extend further than 1000 m from such specific sources.

exceeded more than 35 times a calendar year

Calendar year 40 μg/m 3 20 % — 35

34 Already in force since 1 January 2005

 2008/50/EC



  • A. 

To be measured over three consecutive hours at locations representative of air quality over at least 100 km 2 or an entire zone or agglomeration, whichever is the smaller.

Pollutant Alert threshold

Sulphur dioxide 500 μg/m 3

Nitrogen dioxide 400 μg/m 3

  • B. 

Purpose Averaging period Threshold

Information 1 hour 180 μg/m 3

Alert 1 hour 36 240 μg/m 3

36 For the implementation of Article 24, the exceedance of the threshold is to be measured or predicted for three consecutive hours.

 2008/50



Averaging period Critical level Margin of tolerance

Sulphur dioxide

Calendar year and winter (1 October 20 μg/m 3 None to 31 March)

Oxides of nitrogen

Calendar year 30 μg/m 3 NO x None

 2008/50/EC




  • A. 

The Average Exposure Indicator expressed in μg/m 3 (AEI) shall be based upon measurements in urban background locations in zones and agglomerations throughout the territory of a Member State. It should be assessed as a three-calendar year running annual mean concentration averaged over all sampling points established pursuant to Section B of Annex V. The AEI for the reference year 2010 shall be the mean concentration of the years 2008, 2009 and 2010.

However, where data are not available for 2008, Member States may use the mean concentration of the years 2009 and 2010 or the mean concentration of the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Member States making use of these possibilities shall communicate their decisions to the Commission by 11 September 2008.

The AEI for the year 2020 shall be the three-year running mean concentration averaged over all those sampling points for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The AEI is used for the examination whether the national exposure reduction target is met.

The AEI for the year 2015 shall be the three-year running mean concentration averaged over all those sampling points for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015. The AEI is used for the examination whether the exposure concentration obligation is met.

  • B. 

Exposure reduction target relative to the AEI in 2010 Year by which the exposure reduction target should be met

Initial concentration Reduction target in percent 2020 in μg/m 3

< 8,5 = 8,5 0 %

> 8,5 — < 13 10 %

  • 13 — < 18 15 %
  • 18 — < 22 20 %

≥ 22 All appropriate measures to achieve 18 μg/m 3

Where the AEI in the reference year is 8,5 μg/m 3 or less the exposure reduction target shall be

zero. The reduction target shall be zero also in cases where the AEI reaches the level of 8,5 μg/m 3 at any point of time during the period from 2010 to 2020 and is maintained at or below that level.

  • C. 

Exposure concentration obligation Year by which the obligation value is to be met

20 μg/m 3 2015

  • D. 

Averaging period Target value Date by which target value should be met

Calendar year 25 μg/m 3 1 January 2010

  • E. 

Averaging Limit value Margin of tolerance Date by which limit period value is to be met


Calendar 25 μg/m 3 20 % on 11 June 2008, decreasing on the 1 January 2015

year next 1 January and every 12 months thereafter by equal annual percentages to reach 0 % by 1 January 2015

STAGE 2 37

Calendar 20 μg/m 3 1 January 2020


37 Stage 2 — indicative limit value to be reviewed by the Commission in 2013 in the light of further information on health and environmental effects, technical feasibility and experience of the target value in Member States.

 2008/50


Information to be included in the local, regional or national air quality plans for

improvement in ambient air quality

  • A. 
  • 1. 
    Localisation of excess pollution

    (a) region;

    (b) city (map);

    (c) measuring station (map, geographical coordinates).

  • 2. 
    General information

    (a) type of zone (city, industrial or rural area);

(b) estimate of the polluted area (km 2 ) and of the population exposed to the


(c) useful climatic data;

(d) relevant data on topography;

(e) sufficient information on the type of targets requiring protection in the zone.

  • 3. 
    Responsible authorities

Names and addresses of persons responsible for the development and implementation of improvement plans.

  • 4. 
    Nature and assessment of pollution

    (a) concentrations observed over previous years (before the implementation of the

    improvement measures);

    (b) concentrations measured since the beginning of the project;

    (c) techniques used for the assessment.

  • 5. 
    Origin of pollution

    (a) list of the main emission sources responsible for pollution (map);

    (b) total quantity of emissions from these sources (tonnes/year);

    (c) information on pollution imported from other regions.

  • 6. 
    Analysis of the situation

    (a) details of those factors responsible for the exceedance (e.g. transport, including

    cross-border transport, formation of secondary pollutants in the atmosphere);

    (b) details of possible measures for the improvement of air quality.

  • 7. 
    Details of those measures or projects for improvement which existed prior to 11 June 2008, i.e:

    (a) local, regional, national, international measures;

    (b) observed effects of these measures.

  • 8. 
    Details of those measures or projects adopted with a view to reducing pollution following the entry into force of this Directive:

    (a) listing and description of all the measures set out in the project;

    (b) timetable for implementation;

    (c) estimate of the improvement of air quality planned and of the expected time

    required to attain these objectives.

  • 9. 
    Details of the measures or projects planned or being researched for the long term.
  • 10. 
    List of the publications, documents, work, etc., used to supplement information required under this Annex.
  • B. 
  • 1. 
    All information as laid down in Section A.
  • 2. 
    Information concerning the status of implementation of the following Directives:
  • 1. 
    Council Directive 70/220/EEC i of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions

    from motor vehicles 38 ;

  • 2. 
    Directive 94/63/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994 on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service

    stations 39 ;

    • 3. 
      Directive 2008/1/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control 40 ;
  • 4. 
    Directive 97/68/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal

    combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery 41 ;

    13 October 1998 relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels 42 ;

  • 6. 
    Council Directive 1999/13/EC i of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain

    activities and installations 43 ;

  • 7. 
    Council Directive 1999/32/EC i of 26 April 1999 relating to a reduction in the

    sulphur content of certain liquid fuels 44 ;

38 OJ L 76, 6.4.1970, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2006/96/EC i (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 81).

39 OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 24. Directive as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 i (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).

40 OJ L 24, 29.1.2008, p. 8.

41 OJ L 59, 27.2.1998, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2006/105/EC i.

42 OJ L 350, 28.12.1998, p. 58. Directive as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 i.

43 OJ L 85, 29.3.1999, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2004/42/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 87).

  • 8. 
    Directive 2000/76/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of

    4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste 45 ;

  • 9. 
    Directive 2001/80/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from

    large combustion plants;

    23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants;

  • 11. 
    Directive 2004/42/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing

    products 46 ;

  • 13. 
    Directive 2005/55/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied

    petroleum gas for use in vehicles 48 ;

    5 April 2006 on energy end-use efficiency and energy services 49 .

  • 3. 
    Information on all air pollution abatement measures that have been considered at appropriate local, regional or national level for implementation in connection with the attainment of air quality objectives, including:

(a) reduction of emissions from stationary sources by ensuring that polluting small and medium sized stationary combustion sources (including for biomass) are fitted

with emission control equipment or replaced;

(b) reduction of emissions from vehicles through retrofitting with emission control equipment. The use of economic incentives to accelerate take-up should be


(c) procurement by public authorities, in line with the handbook on environmental public procurement, of road vehicles, fuels and combustion equipment to reduce

emissions, including the purchase of:

– new vehicles, including low emission vehicles,

– cleaner vehicle transport services,

44 OJ L 121, 11.5.1999, p. 13. Directive as last amended by Directive 2005/33/EC i of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 191, 22.7.2005, p. 59).

45 OJ L 332, 28.12.2000, p. 91.

46 OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 87.

47 OJ L 191, 22.7.2005, p. 59.

48 OJ L 275, 20.10.2005, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 i (OJ L 171, 29.6.2007, p. 1).

– low emission stationary combustion sources,

– low emission fuels for stationary and mobile sources,

(d) measures to limit transport emissions through traffic planning and management (including congestion pricing, differentiated parking fees or other economic incentives; establishing low emission zones);

(e) measures to encourage a shift of transport towards less polluting modes;

(f) ensuring that low emission fuels are used in small, medium and large scale stationary sources and in mobile sources;

(g) measures to reduce air pollution through the permit system under Directive 2008/1/EC i, the national plans under Directive 2001/80/EC i, and through the use of economic instruments such as taxes, charges or emission trading.

(h) where appropriate, measures to protect the health of children or other sensitive groups.

 2008/50/EC



  • 1. 
    Member States shall ensure that up-to-date information on ambient concentrations of the pollutants covered by this Directive is routinely made available to the public.
  • 2. 
    Ambient concentrations provided shall be presented as average values according to the appropriate averaging period as laid down in Annex VII and Annexes XI to XIV. The information shall at least indicate any levels exceeding air quality objectives including limit values, target values, alert thresholds, information thresholds or long term objectives of the regulated pollutant. It shall also provide a short assessment in relation to the air quality objectives and appropriate information regarding effects on health, or, where appropriate, vegetation.
  • 3. 
    Information on ambient concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (at least PM 10 ), ozone and carbon monoxide shall be updated on at least a daily basis, and, wherever practicable, information shall be updated on an hourly basis. Information on ambient concentrations of lead and benzene, presented as an average value for the last 12 months, shall be updated on a three-monthly basis, and on a monthly basis, wherever practicable.
  • 4. 
    Member States shall ensure that timely information about actual or predicted exceedances of alert thresholds, and any information threshold is provided to the public. Details supplied shall include at least the following information:

    (a) information on observed exceedance(s):

    – location or area of the exceedance,

    – type of threshold exceeded (information or alert),

    – start time and duration of the exceedance,

    – highest one hour concentration and in addition highest eight hour mean concentration in the case of ozone;

    (b) forecast for the following afternoon/day(s):

    – geographical area of expected exceedances of information and/or alert threshold,

    – expected changes in pollution (improvement, stabilisation or deterioration), together with the reasons for those changes;

    (c) information on the type of population concerned, possible health effects and

    recommended behaviour:

    – information on population groups at risk,

    – description of likely symptoms,

    – recommended precautions to be taken by the population concerned,

    – where to find further information;

    (d) information on preventive action to reduce pollution and/or exposure to it:

    indication of main source sectors; recommendations for action to reduce emissions;

    (e) in the case of predicted exceedances, Member State shall take steps to ensure

    that such details are supplied to the extent practicable.

     2008/50 (adapted)



This Directive Directive Directive Directive Directive 96/62/EC i 1999/30/EC 2000/69/EC i 2002/3/EC

Article 1 Article 1 Article 1 Article 1 Article 1

Article 2(1) to (5) Article 2(1) — — — to (5)

Article 2(6) and (7) — — — —

Article 2(8) Article 2(8) Article 2(7) — —

Article 2(9) Article 2(6) — — Article 2(9)

Article 2(10) Article 2(7) Article 2(6) — Article 2(11)

Article 2(11) — — — Article 2(12)

Article 2(12) — Article 2(13) Article 2(a) — and (13) and (14) and (b)

Article 2(14) — — — Article 2(10)

Article 2(15) Article 2(9) Article 2(8) — Article 2(7) and (16) and (10) and (9) and (8)

Article 2(17) — Article 2(11) — — and (18) and (12)

Article 2(19), (20), — — — —

(21), (22) and (23)

Article 2(24) — Article 2(10) — —

Article 2(25) Article 6(5) — — — and (26)

Article 2(27) — — — Article 2(13)

Article 2(28) — — — Article 2(3)

Article 3, with the Article 3 — — — exception of paragraph (1)(f)

Article 3(1)(f) — — — —

Article 4 Article 2(9) — — — and (10),

Article 6(1)

Article 5 — Article 7(1) Article 5(1) —

Article 6(1) to (4) Article 6(1) — — — to (4)

Article 6(5) — — — —

Article 7 — Article 7(2) Article 5(2) — and (3) with and (3) with

amendments amendments

Article 8 — Article 7(5) Article 5(5) —

Article 9 — — — Article 9(1) first and

second subparagraphs

Article 10 — — — Article 9(1) to (3) with amendments

Article 11(1) — — — Article 9(4)

Article 11(2) — — — —

Article 12 Article 9 — — —

Article 13(1) — Articles 3(1), Articles 3(1) —

4(1), 5(1) and 6 and 4

Article 13(2) — Articles 3(2) — — and 4(2)

Article 13(3) — Article 5(5) — —

Article 14 — Articles 3(1) — — and 4(1) with amendments

Article 15 — — — —

Article 16 — — — —

Article 17(1) — — — Articles 3(1) and 4(1)

Article 17(2) — — — Article 3(2) and (3)

Article 17(3) — — — Article 4(2)

Article 18 — — — Article 5

Article 19 Article 10 with Article 8(3) — Article 6 with amendments amendments

Article 20 — Articles 3(4) — — and 5(4) with amendments

Article 21 — — — —

Article 22 — — — —

Article 23 Article 8(1) — — — to (4) with


Article 24 Article 7(3) — — Article 7 with with amendments amendments

Article 25 Article 8(5) — — Article 8 with with amendments amendments

Article 26 — Article 8 with Article 7 with Article 6 with amendments amendments amendments

Article 27 Article 11 with Article 5(2) — Article 10 with amendments second amendments


Article 28(1) Article 12(1) — — — with


Article 28(2) Article 11 with — — — amendments

Article 28(3) — — — —

Article 28(4) — Annex IX with — — amendments

Article 29 Article 12(2) — — —

Article 30 — Article 11 Article 9 Article 14

Article 31 — — — —

Article 32 — — — —

Article 33 Article 13 Article 12 Article 10 Article 15

Article 34 Article 14 Article 13 Article 11 Article 17

Article 35 Article 15 Article 14 Article 12 Article 18

Annex I — Annex VIII with Annex VI Annex VII amendments

Annex II — Annex V with Annex III — amendments

Annex III — Annex VI Annex IV —

Annex IV — — — —

Annex V — Annex VII with Annex V — amendments

Annex VI — Annex IX with Annex VII Annex VIII amendments

Annex VII — — — Annex I,

Annex III section II

Annex VIII — — — Annex IV

Annex IX — — — Annex V

Annex X — — — Annex VI

Annex XI — Annex I, Annex I, — section I, Annex II

Annex II, section I and Annex III (with amendments); Annex IV (unchanged)

Annex XII — Annex I, — Annex II, section II, section I Annex II,

section II,

Annex XIII — Annex I, — — section I, Annex II, section I

Annex XIV — — — —

Annex XV Section Annex IV — — —


Annex XV Section — — — —


Annex XVI — Article 8 Article 7 Article 6 with amendments


Referenced document

3 Nov
ANNEXES to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (recast)



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