Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1978)307 - PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION reviewing the second multiannual research and development programme for the EEC in the environmental field (indirect action) adopted by Decision 76/311/EEC (submitted to the Council by the Commission)

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COM (78)307

Vol. 1978/0110


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COM(78) 307 final.

Brussels, 30 June 1978



reviewing the second multiannual research and development programme

for the European Economic Community in the environmental field (indirect action) adopted by Decision 76/311/EEC

(submitted to the Council by the Commission)

COM(78) 307 final


‘ . Page

I. Introduction , 3

II. Implementation of phase one of the programme 3

III. Proposed revision for phase two of „ 6

programme .. ,

A. Programme content , 6

' B. Total funding - 15 -

C. Implementation 16

List of concerted research actions . 18

Annex i : Opinion of the Advisory Committee 20

Annex II Draft Council Decision .22


. - (INDIRECT ACTION) - 1976-1980

INTRODUCTION ■■■■•:■ . ■./.' ' . .

The Second Environmental Research Programme (indirect action) was decided by the Council of Ministers on 15 March 1976 ( O.J.n° L 74/36 of 20.3.76) for a five-year period (1976-80) with a EEC budget of 16 Mua. It includes four research areas :

1. Research aimed at the establishment of criteria, i.e. exposure-

effect relationships for pollutants with regard to human health and the environment ; ' .

2. - Research and development on environmental information management,

- essentially on environmental chemicals (ECDIN project) ; '

3. -Research and development on the reduction and prevention of -

pollution and nuisances (including application of "clean” technologies) ; . . -

4., Research and development concerning the protection of the natural environment. •

Each one of these areas is subdivided into a number of topics and subtopics. , ,

Article 4 of the Council Decision provided for a review and possible revision of the programme to take effect at the beginning of 1978, in order to adapt the programme to developments in research requirements and to the needs of the new Action Programme of the European Communities on the environment. .

Accordingly, the programme was subdivided into two phases. The first ' phase was implemented with some delay due to the fact thatthe Council Decision took' place only on 15 March 1976 and that the very large num-_____ bar of research proposals received afterwards required much time to be examined. Consequently most research contracts, which were limited to _

"a maximum duration^ of two years, did not start until early .1977. committing

funds until the end of 1978. The revision of the programme,, therefore,_______

cannot he implpmentpri effectively b^fpre January 1979. ;


A call for tenders was published-in the Official Journal of the European Communities, on 3 April 1976, setting the deadline of 30 June 1976 for the submission of proposals. A total of 732proposals were received of which 145 were from the Federal Republic of Germany,235 from France, 60 from Italy,.. 78 from the Netherlands, 47 from Belgium,

1 from Luxemburg, 127 from the United Kingdom, 16 from Ireland and 23 from Denmark. ' , ■

The funds sollicited in the proposals, adjusted for the duration of phase one, totalled 106,769,048 u.a. whereas only 7,425,000 u.a. were available for cost-sharing contracts. - . ,

An arduous task of selection had to be fulfilled, which took 6 ' ■

months and 6 meetings of the Advisory Committee on Programme Management for Environmental Research (ACPM). As a result, many sound proposals had to be rejected or reduced considerably because of :

funding limitations. ~ , . ' '

Eventually 202 projects were financed for a total of 7,463,920 u.a.

Following the recommendation of the ACPM,about 80 % of total funding has been allocated to research areas 1 and 2. Funding breakdown per topic, up to 31 December 1978, is as follows : - .

RESEARCH AREA 1 (Exposure-effect relationships)









Topic 11 (Heavy Metals) . _

Topic 12 (Organic micropollutants) and - 14 (New chemicals) combined

. Topic 13 (Asbestos and Fibers)

Topic 15 (Air Quality)

Topic 16 (Water Quality)

Topic 17 (Waste Heat) '

Topic 18 (Marine Pollution, including . •1' EURASEP) .

Topic 19 (Noise)

■ . 5,782,056

RESEARCH AREA 2 (ECDIN) . - . 376,720





RESEARCH AREA 3 ■ (Pollution abatement)

RESEARCH AREA 4 (Protection of the natural

environment,including ozone depletion) ••

Additional/ contribution to contracts 1st Progr.


Criteria for the selection of proposals were those recognized for the first programme, i.e. relevance to research programme and to environmental,policy, scientific quality, possibility of coordination with other projects in the indirect and direct actions1, prospects of success, and cost. Some priority was granted to those proposals

which a) -were the follow-up of promising research undertaken in the first :

. programme, (e.g. screening tests for genetic effects of chemicals) b) would lead to cooperatiyeprojects involving research organizations in several -member states (e.g. water quality and health, EURASEP (European Association of Scientists for Experiments on Pollution ) project on remote sensing of coastal water quality, ozone shield depletion). ..

An increased effort is also being made to enhance the coordination of .

Community-sponsored environmental■research (direct and indirect actions) -and national research programmes in the same field.’ The various contact groups set up during the first programme have renewed their activities and several new ones have been created. An attempt was made to coordinate all publicly funded, research in a specialized field, that of ozone shield depletion. A \

: series of research seminars (each one to be organised jointly with a member'

state agency) have been planned on various topics’of current interest to environmental policy2 Their aim.is to review work on hand in the member , states and at Community level, define present and future research require- . ments and promote coordinated planning of national and Community research programmes. , ■ . ’

The first such research seminar took place in Berlin (West) on ?th to ^ 9th December 1977. Sponsored by the Commission and the Umweltbundesamtr its main purpose, which was fulfilled, was to review research needs for the i '

ecological testing of chemicals in relation to the future implementation !

.of a Community Directive on the notification of new chemicals to be . marketed (O.J.’C 260 of 5 November 1976). ' '

- The second seminar, scheduled for July 1978 in Guildford, UK, and co-sponsored by the UK Department of the Environment and Department of Health and Social Security, will deal with the health effects and pathways to man of trace metals. . ^ ' . • - ,

. Parallel to these activities, the evaluation of the results2 from the first , Environmental Research Programme (indirect action) is progressively being . carried out. For instance, data obtained on lead toxicity have been reviewed by an independant expert and their applicability to Community directives ’ assessed3.. ... 1 ■ - • ' . ’ - .... ’• ' . . ; - ] ■'

Thus it may be stated that the last two years have seen a broad development of the endeavour initiated in 1973 to coordinate environmental research . throughout the Community, by means of joint funding of projects, concerted research actions, joint evaluation of results and planning of future work, and that this was made possible through the increased involvement of the ACPM • members in this enterprise. - .

Even though the results of the research undertaken during the first phase of the actual programme are, for obvious reasons, not yet final, it has been * ' possible to derive from them some indication with regard to parts of the

programme which should undergo a modification in the second phase. Further' more, the progress in implementing the European Community policy on the environment suggests the addition of few new topics. :


.v. In proposing a revision for the second phase of the programme

the following questions may be addressed : . . •

- to what extent should the content of the programme be ,

- modified to take account of current research requirements ?

. ” is the total level of funding adequate or should -it be . increased ? . r . • , .

’ - how should the second phase be implemented in terms of ■

. project definition, submission of proposals and selection criteria ? .

These points are discussed hereafter under the headings A. Programme ' Content, B. Total Funding, C. Implementation. .

A. PROGRAMME CONTENT , • ' . ■ ' ■ • -

The programme as a whole and its general motivation, as described . • in the communication from the Commission to the Council , - ^

(Doc. COM (75) 353 final) are still considered as valid: in - general, continued support should be given to research in all the_

' topics now covered by contracts. However, examination of current trends in the environmental field, at national and Community level, has led the Commission services, after consulting the . ACPM to propose that (a) greater emphasis be given to certain ' topics for which research is already funded ; (b) several new topics be introduced ; (c) shifts.of emphasis be effected within some topics ; (d) support be somewhat reduced for a few topics or subtopics. - . ■

Specific proposals are given in the following review of the detailed programme, in which topics and subtopics are described as in .

Doc. COM (75) 353 final. .

1. RESEARCH AREA 1 - Research aimed at the establishment of criteria - (exposure-effect relationships) for pollutants with regard to their

effects on health and on the, environment ..

1.1. ■ • Heavy metals , '

1.1.1. methodology of monitoring metal contamination, especially in the marine environment,

1.1.2. fate and transformation in the environment, with emphasis on

physico-chemical state, sediment-water distribution and models, or descriptive parameters, of transport in water ... .

1.1.3. experimental research on direct and indirect health effects, with ’ emphasis oh metabolism, late and chronic manifestations and

. synergistic effects • ■ .

1.1.4. application of screening tests for late and chronic effects to a series of heavy metals, alone and in combination

1.1.5’. ecological effects in continental and marine environments, including base-line studies and methodological aspects.

2earch_ori_entat ions_and_obij_ect ives_for_1 -

Further research on health effects should include the study of ' pathways to man through food water and airland on metabolism of . metals which are given priority in the E.C. Action, Programme for 4

the Environment (e.g; Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, V, As). The results of such research will be used to update, .if already existing, or. prepare those documents4, called in general criteria documents, which are necessary as a scientific basis for Directives or for any ; measure decided at Community level to protect public health. The documents deal with the relationships between exposure/dose and health effects of pollutants. .

Research on environmental effects of metals provide data which will be used, in an analogous manner, to draft ecological criteria documents

£2D£!lQ2_E£22222i : because of a relatively large support during the first phase, support for second phase might be slightly reduced.

1.2'...' Organic micropollutants and 1.4.'New Chemicals . ^ ■ .

1.2.1. detection and measurement in water (to be carried out as concerted . ;

. action, . follow-up of COST Project n° 64b, see pages 18-19) ,

1.2.2. fate of organo-chlorine and organo-fluorine (freons) compounds ;

, in the environment (moved to topic 4.1.) . : • ' ■ '

1.2.3,. experimental research on metabolism and effects in mammalian - ...

' systems in order to .assess risks to human health derived from overalt exposure to micropollutants (see also point 1.6.3.)4

1.2.4. ecological.effects in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environ- ,

ments . _ ~ - '

1.2.5. development of screening methodology-to assess late and chronic • effects (in particular carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity).

Re sea r'c h_o ri^ent at ji ons_ and_obj^e^t Ive s for 1.2. and 1.4. " * -

^ The Commission has submitted to the Council on 21 September 1976 a proposal for a 6th amendment of the Directive of 27 June 1967 -

on dangerous substances*. This amendment aims at introducing a '

notification procedure for 'new chemicals' (this term is meant .

to cover also chemicals already on the market, if their pattern of use or the quantities produced change significantly).

Producers or importers will have to submit a base set of data on, among other things a) physico-chemical properties, b) toxic effects, including mutagenicity, c) ecological effects and d) biotic and abiotic degradability and bioaccumulation.

It is expected that, as a function of toxic properties and/or . quantity produced, -the base set will have to be complemented for many • chemicals by further, more comprehensive testing (Vstufenplan").

On the.other hand, a draft Directive on the control, of certain industrial 'activities at present in elaboration, will probably require similar . information on intermediary products, impurities and other by- ' products formed during the manufacturing process.- ■

For the implementation of these regulations, an appropriate methodology wil have to be established, in order to permit industry to comply with these requirements. In view of their importance in the regulatory process, these methods have to be carefully evaluated.

Consequently, the current research activities on the assessment of the

impact of synthetic chemicals on health and the environment .will be expanded. . The research needs in the

field of physico-chemical properties, degradability, accumulation and ecological effects of chemicals identified at the research seminar, organised by the Commission of the European Communities and the Umwelt-bundesamt/ held in Berlin in December 1977 will be taken account of under point 1.2.4. Under point 1.2.5. the on-going effort on the development of screening tests for genetic effects (mutagentcity, carcinogenicity) will be amplified and a thorough evaluation of these tests will be ’ attempted. ' . '. ' . ' " ■

Due consideration will be given also to assess the feasibility of '

correlating structure and physico-chemical properties of'chemicals __

with their effects and their behaviour in the environment. ,

Continuous attention should also be paid to pathways of organic micropollutants to man, via food,water and air.

Funding grogosal : support should be substantially increased.

1.3. Asbestos

1.3.1. improvement of analytical methods

1.3.2. epidemiological surveys . .

1.3.3. experimental research on effects

' ' ' . i . . .

Research orientations and objectives for 1.3.

In response to increasing concern about asbestos and other Fibres in the general and working environment, research in this field mill stress studies on detection and quantitative determination/ on pathways -to man, as well as experimental research on effects and epidemiological surveys. It will not be limited to asbestos but consider other inorganic fibres as well,. , .

The European Parliament in its Resolution of 16th December 1977 - has also strongly recommended further research into dose/effect relationships for asbestos.

Detailed research requirements wilt be determined with the aid of experts on the basis of the Commission's report "Public Health Risks of Exposure to Asbestos"**. . . .

£2Q£!lQ2_E!I2E2i2i : Support should be substantially increased -1_.4. , New Chemicals : see 1.2.

1.5. Air quality - ' , , '

1.5.1. testing and application of remote sensing methods for the measurements ' of air pollutants (execution of joint field campaigns),

1.5.2. improvement of dispersion models for air pollutants in connection •

with field campaigns . ' ,

Research orientations and objectives for 1.5.1. and 1.5.2.

Instruments developed -during the first programme and the first phase of the 2nd programme have been tested in joint field 1 campaigns (1975, 1976/ 1977) around major sources of air pollution.

These should be repeated in different pollution situations/ possibly in conjunction with epidemiological surveys and with Concerted Action (see 1.5.3. and 1.5.4.)/ in order to assess the applicability

of these techniques in monitoring pollution.

*. 0.J, C 6/138 of 9. January 1978 " .

**Report-EUR 5653e, Pergamon Press,1977 :

~ Developments of new instrumentation for remote sensing of air pollution . should be continously followed and assessed by the contact group,.inclu-ding the JRC scientists working on.this subject. . '

£yi]ding_grogosal : Level of support could be slightly decreased. ■

1.5.3. physico-chemical conversion of atmospheric pollutants : to be

. carried-out as Concerted Action ' (follow-up of COST project .

61a, see pages 18-19) i .

1.5.4. epidemiological surveys . . '

.4_. ‘

The results of the epidemiological survey on the relationship between . go- and suspended particulate matter and respiratory disease in

. children, conducted, in the framework of the 1st Environmental Research Programme, could be hette.r interpreted if additional information on health effects of air pollutants were available.. Useful additional data ' coul'k be obtained by means.of another epidemiological survey conducted

in two or a maximum of three representative study areas. The working ,

; ' programme, not necessarily .the same as that of the first survey,might

require measurements of additional air pollutants.(e.g. NO ), an enlargement of population, groups, i.e. inclusion of adults and the use of more . than one method to detect lung function .impairment. ’

The data obtained would have application in updating or formulating Directives* on air quality. _ .

1.5.5. experimental research on effects of air pollutants in mammalian systems : to be pursued : see also 1.1.3. and 1.3.3.

1.5.6. field and experimental research on effects of air pollution on . vegetation especially on invisible damage (growth reduction) .

52222£2t!_2ll£Q£2£i2D2_2D^_2^i£2£li'22_l2E_li5i§i ■

Additional contracts as well as a coordination of on-going ■

research in the member states could be envisaged to complement . the few existing contracts in this area as welt as work carried out at the Joint Research Centre. Emphasis should be placed on "epidemiological

: sttjdies under field conditions, if their feasibility can be ascer- ‘

, tained. An ad hoc expert group will be called to determine detailed

research needs. The objective is to obtain supplementary information needed to set up quality objectives in this area, especially with regard to interaction between air pollutants in their effects on - plants. • ' : -

Funding grogosal :Moderate increase in support. .

1.6. Mater quality - . - . . ■ .

1.6.1. improvement of characterization of water quality in relation to

the implementation of the 1975 Council Directive 5 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction , ■ of drinking water in the member states. -

* e.g. A Resolution and a Directive under discussion are concerned with 1) the determination of criteria and 2) the health protection standards for SO’g and suspended particulate- matter in urban atmos. phere (O.J. C 63/76 of 19 March 1976)

1*6.2. epidemiologicat surveys on relations between water quality and

health parameters v ' .

1.6.3. experimental research on health effects and water characteristics

1.6.4. microbiological pollution , ■ ..

1.6.5. assessment of risks resulting from newly identified pollutants

including those resulting from treatment for the preparation "

. of drinking water ; , '

B2§22££!]_2£l20£.3£l2Q2_‘!D£L2!2i22£l¥22_f2£_l.;§.; , , -

Information bn the relationship between the health status of selected population groups and trace substances (e.g. heavy metals, organic micropollutants) in the drinking water they consume is needed especially in view of measures to be adopted at Community level concerning the quality of drinking water.on the basis of present or future Directives*. The 5 epidemiological surveys (1.6.2.) initiated in 1977 during the first phase of the present programme probably will be extended for an additional year. -Work under points

1.6.1. and 1.6.4* will be pursued. Special emphasis should be given to the assessment of risks under point 1.6.3. and 1.6.5. in relation to point 1.2., in particular 1.2.1. on the analysis of organic. , micropollutants in water . '

£2G^i02_E£2£222i • Level of support to be approximatly maintained.

1.7. Waste heat (thermal pollution) . v . .. . .; ... ,

The advisability of coordinating national research in this area under a concerted action will be assessed. , , ;

. f2D^lQ2_E£2E222i * the current effort may be maintained

1.8. Marine pollution , . v ^ , , ' ' .

1.8.1. development of methodology for monitoring sea water quality along ~

the coasts and in the estuaries of the Community ' '

1.8.2. R & D in chemical and biological sensors for pollution monitoring

1.8.3. research in situ and under controlled conditions on the effects

of pollutants (heavy metals, organic pollutants, hydrocarbons) . on marine life, including base-line studies and the identification and use of bio-indicators.

- - ■ . ■ ■ ■ • ■ " , ■ .

1) Council Directive concerning the quality of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the membei* states of

16 June 1975 • O.J.- L 194/26 , of. 25 July. 1975 .

2) A Directive is under discussion by the Council concerning the quality of water for human consumption (O.J. C 214 of

18 September 1975). '

£2§22£2£L2£l2E!£2£l2Q2_2D£L2!2iE££i¥es for 1.8. ' '

Work should be actively pursued and expanded on the effects of

pollution of all kinds in the marine environment. A special

effort should be made to study hydrocarbon pollution (including -

degradation by bacteria, applications thereof and possible

secondary effects of bacterial degradation products) in view of measures

to be adopted at Community level* following the recent major accidents.

With regard to possible research to be sponsored in the Mediterranean . .

environment,'care will be exercised to insure coordination with the UNEP programme in that area. - .

The information obtained is to be used in the definition of quality objectives and for emission standards in relation to Resolutions, Directives etc.** ‘

£ED£!ln9_E£2E2§2i : Substantial increase in effort'
. - '

Note that : . - • •

a) the EURASEP (European Association of Scientists for,Experiments on

Pollution) project will be continued (NIMBUS-G satellite due to be launched in late 1978), additional funding is contingent on the results of OCS (Ocean Colour Scanner) - Experiment 77 -

b) coastal-base line studies might be initiated as the result of current discussions in the f ramework of COST'activities (COST, project 47)

1.9. Noise pollution . ■ ■

1.9.1. epidemiological survey on noise and sleep disturbances and _

psychological performances ^ .

‘ 22222£E]]_2£l2Q£22l2D2_2Q^_2^iS2£ly22-l2£_lj:2ilj:

The pilot phase (77-78) results should be partly available by'. mid-1978 and allow the identification of certain specific effects . . to be studied further on enlarged samples of population. >

£2D^2D2_E£2E222i : Level of support unchanged. -

1.9.2. effects of vibrations and low frequency noises _

: and. ■ ■ . • . _ ''

1.9.3. effects of short and impulse noises

* e.g. Draft Council Resolution setting up an action programme of the

E.C. on the control and reduction of pollution caused by oil spills Vat, sea (C0MC78) 184 final) / .... .'

**1) Council Resolution of 3 March 1975 concerning prevention of marine pollution of terrestrial origin (O.J. C 168 of 25 July 1975)

2) Proposal for Directive on the quality requirements of water for. shellfish culture (O.J. C 283 of 30 November-1976) ,

R e s e a r ^h_o r at i_on s_ and_obj_e c t £ s_f o r__1 ji2 2_-_ and_ 1_ _'9 3__

These two subtopics have not been funded in the first phase -although valuable research was proposed. An ad-hoc expert ^

group should be called to recommend if and what research should ' be sponsored. , ,

£2D£!iQ2_E£2E2l2.L • modest support should be given .

2. RESEARCH AREA 2 (Environmental Information Management) ECDIN

Implementation of the 6th amendment to the 1967 Directive on dangerous substances6 will require a system to store and ,

retrieve the data submitted in the notification procedure for , .

new chemicals (see Research orientations and objectives for ‘

1.2. and 1.4.) taking into account the confidential character of some data. Other Directives and draft Directives, such as those pertaining to toxic and dangerous wastes7 and the control of certain industrial activities (in preparation) will also .

necessitate the collection and handling of large amounts of '

data on chemicals. ' ' '

ECDIN is suited to fulfi 11 this function and may become an operational network in the future. It will have to establish : working relationships with other information systems outside . the EC (US and UNEP, United Nations EnvironmentaL Programme).

, ' . . • ’

. In view of the future need of such a Community information \ system, the current research effort should be maintained at

the JRC and in the indirect action. ' .

■ f2Ddi_ng_2ro20sal : the present level of funding should be maintained.


3.1. Water pollution abatement ^ ’

3.1.1. Advanced biological and physico-chemical treatment of waste water '

. • 52§22£2J3_2£i£D£2£i2D§_2Dd_2^i22£ii(2§_f2£_2jilili '

In view of the implementation of Directives on the reduction of pollution in the aquatic environment and on drinking water there - . is a need to test the performance of advanced water treatment

methods and the relevance of existing parameters to test the . effectiveness of treatment. In addition, a review of national R & 0 activities in this field should be made to ascertain whether a concerted action should be launched, taking into account existing . international efforts. / .

3.1.2. Treatment and utilization of sewage sludges : (carried-out as Concerted Action^- "• . follow-up of COST project 68, see pages 18-19)

-3.2. Waste disposal : environmental implications . '

' no change ’ -

fyQd2ng_groeosaJ._for_Research_Area_3 : Abou^ 10% of avai lable funds should be allocated to this area. Special attention - should be given to the possibility of coordinating the development of clean technologies. ' . • .

4. . RESEARCH AREA 4 . . ■ . '

4.1. Ecosystems ecology and biogeochemical cycles ' ' _

To be combined with 4.4. Ecological consequences of land use planning and 4.5. Ecological consequences of modern agricultural .

. 5£§£HC£l3„2Ci§Qi3t ions_and_ob2ect2ves_for_4i1i. ; . ‘ ■

The objectives are to predict the effects of environmental disturbances ; caused by man- and to provide the basis for sound management of . the 'natural' environment. - - . - . . -

It is proposed to subdivide 4.1. as follows : ..

4.1.1. Ecosystems_stucH es . . • . • •

The Communities research effort should be intensified in view ,

of increasing concern with global environmental disturbances . -

"and also of the need to improve environmental impact and . assessment techniques. Besides basic ecological investigations . on the function of ecosystems, supporting studies for the .

ecological cartography project of the Action Programme should . ( be funded. A concerted action may also be envisaged. .

4.1.2. Ozone_shield_deg_let2on ■ . . '

There is still a considerable interest, and many questions still unanswered in. the field of ozone depletion research. Not all the - reactions involved have been assessed, nor the physico-chemical factors that govern them. The relative contributions of various chemical species such as the nitrogen oxides are not yet clear. _

) The coordination of on-going national research which has been , effected will thus be pursued, taking into account the cooperation

established in UNEP. ' .

4.1.3. CO^accumulation ' ' ■ ; " • -

The atmospheric concentration of- carbon dioxide has been steadily increasing since the beginning of the industrial _era. As a

■ consequence, there is a growing concern for its possible environmental impacts. CO 2 accumulation might have serious effects on climate its relevance to the overall carbon cycle deserves investigation ; its relation to fossil energy prpduction and deforestation problems

is evident. ' ' '

■ However, preliminary to any impact assessment study, research is

. needed in order to obtain precise data about sources, sinks, levels

and transfer rates between the various compartments of the ; environment. . ' ■ , , ' ■ . .

- The national efforts will be reviewed in order to assess the . feasibility and advisability of a Community-wide coordination - and possible cooperation with the important US programme in this ■ field. ' v .

£yQ^lQa_E£2E2§§J: A substantial increase in funding is proposed

for 4.1. . ■ ’ . : .,

4.2. Reclamation of derelict land . • .

■ £2D^lQ2_EC2E2§2i : Current effort to be maintained.

4.3. Applications of remote sensing techniques for the study of environmental disturbances

No contract research will be sponsored in view of the JRC projects in this area. . . ' ■

. 4.4. ^Ecological consequences of land use planning : see 4.1. •

,, 4.5. Ecological consequences of modern agriculture : see 4.1. '

, 4.6. Bird protection (new point)' ' ; ■ .

-' . 1 , ■ ; \ •

The future implementation of the Directive*, at present under discussion . by the' Council, on bird protection will require a research effort to cla'

. rify a number of points in population dynamics and habitat protection.

The Directive stipulates that research in this field should be coordina-. . ted at Community level. . , . V

£2Q^iD2_E£2E2§2i : To be funded at modest level. •

B. - TOTAL FUNDING - ' . ' •

The coordination of environmental research in the European Community .

. which was initiated in 1973 should be progressively developed to fulfill in the most efficient manner the research needs of environment a l-r-. policies at national and Community, .level. - . •;

In the short term, i.e. untit the end of the 2nd Programme (1980), there is a need, as stated above:

a) to continue support at about the current levels for research on cer-

. tain topics ^support for some topics should be somewhat reduced ;

b) to expand substantially the current effort in several topics and

to mount actions on new topics. •

;* O.J. :C 24 of 1 February 1977

Consequently, it is proposed to increase the maximum amount of funds' . allocated to the programme by 30 % nominally i.e. from 16 million .. units 6f account to an overall expenditure committments estimated at 20.8 million European units of account.

This would make over 10 million eua available for research contracts in 1979-80^approximately half of which would be allocated to new research^i.e. new topics or expansion in currently covered topics, and half to the follow-up of current contracts, i.e. completion of projects underway and/or new orientations for research by the same contractors. ’ • . . ^ '

As far as the distribution of funds within the programme is concerned, it will be determined by the Commission services in consultation with the ACPM, after examination of the proposals. The following guidelines are suggested : , ■ -

Research Area 1 : about 65-70 % of total funds for second phase (1979-80) . ‘ -

1.1. Heavy metals : decreased funding in relation to .

1st phaSe . , .

■ 1.2. and 1.4. Organic micropollutants

and New Chemicals : substantial increase

1.3. Asbestos : increase , '

1.5. Air quality : modest increase •

1.6. Water quality: no change or slight decrease

1.7. Waste heat : no change - ■

1.8. Marine pollution : substantial increase .

,1.9. Noise : modest increase v

Research Area 2 : about 4 % of total funds : no change

Research Area 3 : about 10 % of total funds : substantial increase '

Research Area 4 : about 15-20 % of total funds : substantial increase..


The experience gained during the last few years, as well as the advice and guidance given by the ACPM have led the Commission services to the conclusion that the basic rules applied in managing the programme should be maintained but that certain aspects should be stressed.

Thus : ■ ; . ' . .

a) Detailed research requirements for new parts of the programme should ' be determined as much as possible by ad hoc expert groups, prior to inviting proposals for participation, either through published calls for tenders or by direct contacts with qualified research organizations. \ .

b) Discussion of preliminary results takes* place on the - • '

occasion of regular meetings of contractors working in

related fields. This 'contact group system' will be continued ' and strenghtened. Members of the , ACPM and ‘

independent, experts participate in such meetings during which the progress of the research work is evaluated and its ~

scientific value assessed. ^ .

c) More visits to contractors' laboratories will be made by Commission

staff (and ACPM members,whenever possible) to get better acquainted with research on hand. - - .

d) The organisatioh of research seminars and workshops covering Comrnu-: nity and non-Community research will, enable better consideration of the significance of results of contract research and to -establish priorities for further research. The publication of the proceeding's will facilitate the dissemination of knowledge ‘ acquired also through Commission sponsored research.

e) The evaluation of the results of contract research is effected on the basis of both preliminary and final reports submitted -by project leaders. It required the analysis of such reports by the Commission services and.the ACPM and,wherever possible,

- by independent experts . The correspondence between the research work proposed and that carried-out as well as the justification of possible modifications, are verified ; furthermore the results are evaluated in relation to their relevance to the objectives and principles of the Community environment policy.

At the same time the publication by project leaders of the results obtained in the course of contract research'in the open scientific . literature has an echo (i.e. requests of, reprints, .citation of . articles in the lists of bibliographic references) which . is a measure of the scientific value of the research.

Besides a purely scientific evaluation of the research carried out,

, an assessment must be made of the applicability of the results for the implementation of the E.C. environment policy and conclusions must be drawn on new orientations for future work. ,

f) Every effort should be made to increase the number of concerted actions in suitable areas. - ' .

Concerted actions, indeed,, may provide efficient means of enlarging the scope of Community coordination of environmental research based on the indirect action.

^Criteria for launching a concerted action in a given area should be as .

follows : . ■ • . ■ .

a) there has to be a significant amount of research on hand in most

member states, • . . .. . .

b) the member-states are willing to submit all their publicly-funded research

to the coordination at Community level.. . ,

c) the programme of the concerted action should be of a certain size

So far,in.the environmental field, one concerted action8 has been formally decided by the Council and two9 more have been proposed by the Commission to the Council. All three are the follow-up of COST projects.

A rew COST project (n° 47) on base-line studies in coastal ecology is also under preparation. On the other hand, coordination of national research has been established informally within the framework of the present programme, in the area of ozone shield depletion. .

"It is now proposed to assess the advisability and feasibility of initiating -concerted actions in several other areas (see below.)This will be done/ . although no.firm commitments can be made at present, in view of possible limitations in staff and financial means for the proper management of sue.) actions. . ' -

In most cases it may prove advisable to enhance the concertation of national research by allocating Community funds to well-defined, usually small8 research projects which would fill identified gaps in the existing " programmes. . . ,. -

. ' ■ ' - :

; ' . . . . -

List of current and possible concerted research actions in the environmental

field : .

On-going ' . ' - ' . . ' i '

1. .Treatment and utilization of sewage sludge (O.J. L 267 of 19 October

1977) '

Submitted to Council

2. Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, submitted

. ' on 1, February 1978 . ’

3. ■ Analysis of organic micropollutants in water, submitted ■

on 30 January 1978 . .

’ ■ -' . ' ) : , -

On-going,informal . .

4„ Ozone shield depletion • .

5. -EURASEP (remote-sensing of coastal water quality) with the JRC.

Under preparation , .

6. Base-line studies in coastal ecology (COST 47) .

Under consideration ' ^ ■ 7 '


Opinion of the Advisory Committee on Programme Management for Environmental Research on a proposal of the Commission regarding the revision of the Second Environmental Research Programme (indirect action : 1976-80)

In view of these existing and additional requirements the Committee considers it necessary to expand the overall programme as suggested by the Commission and recommends the adoption of the proposal regarding the revision of the Second Environmental Research Programme (indirect action : 1976-1980). ,



reviewing the second multiannual, research and development programme

for the European Economic Community in the environmental field (indirect action) adopted by Decision 76/311/EEC -

The Council of the European Communities, *

HAVING REGARD to the Treaty establishing the European Economic -Community, and in particular Article 235 thereof;

HAVING REGARD to the proposal of the Commission; .

HAVING REGARD to the opinion of the European Parliament; ’

HAVING REGARD to the-opinion of the Economic and Social Committee;v

WHEREAS the Council, in application of Article 235 establishing the European Economic Community, in its Decision 76/311/EEC adopted a multiannual research and development programme i# the environmental

, . , .t*: ■ 4 ,

field (indirect action); * - ' ‘

WHEREAS Article 4 of the abovementioned Decision provides for the review of the said programme; ■ , . . -

WHEREAS it therefore seems appropriate to review the programme; ■


„ ' .. . Article 1

The Annex to Decision 76/311/EEC shall, with effect from..................

be replaced by the Annex to this Decision. The Annex shall form an integral part of this Decision. , _

Article 2 ... - - , -

The overall expenditure commitments estimated at 16 million units of account shal be replaced by the overall expenditure commitments estimated at 20.8 million European units of account, the European unit of account being defined in ‘accordance with the financial regulations in force. The staff assigned to the programme remains fixed at 10 Community servants. .

Date For the Council

Done at

The President

. Annex to the proposal for a Council decision ■. reviewing the second •

Environmental Research Programme (1976-1980) indirect action

The topics included in the four research areas of the programme are as follows : . • . ■

Research area 1 (research aimed at the establishment of criteria, i.e. exposure-effect relationships for pollutants and environmental chemicals)

1. Heavy metals : especially pathway to man through food, water and air and their metabolism

2. Organic micropollutants and new chemicals : especially evaluation of the effects on health and the environment of synthetical chemicals

3. Asbestos and other fibrous materials : detection methods and health effects

4. Air quality : application of techniques for the remote sensing of ' air pollution ; effects on health and vegetation

5. Water quality : especially epidemiological survey on health status of selected population group in relation to drinking water quality

6. Waste heat : ecological and microclimatic effects

7., Marine pollution : especially effects of hydrocarbons and decontamina-1 tion methods . . .

8. Noise pollution continuation of the epidemiological survey on the ' noise effects on sleep ; effects of vibrations and low frequency noises

Research area 2 (R&D on environmental information management, concerning' essentially environmental chemicals) .

Continuation of collection and handling of data on chemicals in the framework of the ECDIN project. , '

Research area 3 (R&D on the reduction and prevention of pollutions and nuisances) .

Tests of advanced methods for water treatment. .

Research area 4 (R&D concerning the protection and the improvement of

the natural environment)

1. Ecosystems ecology and biogeochemical cycles/ especially studies of ecosystems (contribution to the establishment of an ecological cartography) ; ozone shield depletion in the stratosphere and CO^ accumulation in the atmosphere

2. Reclamation of derelict land '

3. Bird protection : population dynamics and habitat protection.






Environment research


- Application of Article 235 of the Treaty establishing the EEC

- Application of Article 4 of the Council Decision adopting the second research programme for the European Economic Community

■ in the environmental field- (indirect action)



4.1. Description :

Implementation and amplification of a coordinated environmental research programme, carried out by means of shared-cost contracts concluded with bodies in the Member States,

It will cover the following four research areas :

1) research designed to establish criteria (exposure/effect ratios) for pollutants and potentially toxic chemicals) ;


2) research and development on environmental information management with particular reference to chemicals likely to contaminate the environment


3) research and development on the reduction and prevention of pollution and nuisances

4) research and development related to the protection and improvement of the natural environment.

4.2. Objectives : .


To ensure accomplishment of the task of the

Community as set out in Article 2 of the Treaty establishing it, of promoting and developing economic activities harmoniously as part of a continuous and balanced expansion by providing scientific and technical support to the Action Programme on the environment.

4.3. Justification :

Coordination of the research carried out as part of the Environmental Research Programme will maxe it possible to optimize results by encouraging specialized national laboratories to find solutions to problems of common interest. A review of the abovementioned programme will make it possible to 'implement ano improve that cooroination.



5.0. Incidence on expenditure

5.0.0. Total cost during the term envisaged






. -on Community budget

- by national administrations

- by other sectors at national level


5..0.1. Multiannual schedule .

' * Commitment . .

■ \19761977 .1978197919801981
Total328.42012.081.5852.306.8005.501.000740.000/ ■
: / ‘Payment' -" . . •
Staff v ....508.500544.000574.000
Manag.121.200130.000137.000■ •
Techn. .25.00027.00029.000

5.0.2. Method of calculation . .

■ a) Personnel expenditure - . . '•

Needs were assessed on the basis of the officials /' required for the programme ^

\ - 6 category A officials

. 1 category B official

- 3 category C officials

Apart from these posts the calculations take account of . the parameters set for the purpose of drawing up the preliminary draft budget for the financial year 1979.

No increase in purchasing power has been provided for.

. A change in the weighting applicable to remuneration was

the only alteration introduced to take account of the general trend in prices within the Community.

b) Expenditure for administrative and technical operations

They cover travel, mission and meeting expenses as well . ; as the cost of scientific and technical assistance

whenever it proves necessary for the implementation . of the programme. ■ . -

c) Expenditure in respect of contracts .

• • • ' ■ ' - • , . • • . ' •

Since the nature of the work and the qualifications of

the contracting parties vary, it is impossible to introduce a standard method of calculation.

However/ the Advisory Committee on Programme Management ' (ACPM) will always be consulted on the allocation -of funds. • .

d> Multiannual forecasts , . .

The rates fixed for calculating estimates are :

1979 - 1.07 ; 1980 - 1.31 ; 1981 - 1.20

5.1. . Implications in respect of revenue .

6. ' Type of control to be applied - ^ -

. Scientific controls : Management Committees

' ACPM -

, Officials appointed by DG XII

Administrative controls :

Budget implementation : Financial Control .

Regularity of expenditure : Contracts Division of DG XII . and Financial Control.


7.0. ' _ , ■


7.2. . '

7.3. Funds to be included in future (s) budget Cs)


The current direct—action programme (1977-80) carried out at the Ispra establishment of the Joint Research Centre, includes four main projects (air, water, chemicals, natural resources).


A volume of final reports on research carried out during the First ,Environmental Research Programme is available. Doc. EUR 5970, 1978,


The report "Evaluation of EEC-sponsored research.in view of Community's ~ Directives : biological effects of inorganic lead", was prepared by an ' expert, on the basis of results of cont.ract research concerning’one topic of the First Environmental Research Programme- (in press). .


1) Annex 1 to Directive 77/312/EEC of 29 March 1977 "Biological

screening of the population for lead" ( O.J. L 105, 28 April 1977) - ' •

2) Report prepared by a Working Group of experts for the C.E.C.

"Criteria for Cadmium"(EUR-5967, Pergamon Press 1978) - ■■

3) idem for mercury (in press)

4) Directive under discussion by the Council concerning the.air quality standard for atmospheric lead (q.J. C 151 of 7 July

. ' 1975). . ' . ■ ' .


O.J. L 194 of 25 July 1975 , .


O.J. C 260 of 5 November 1976


O.J. t 194 of 19 August 1976


Concerted action on sewage, sludge decided by the Council on _ .

. 27 September 1977 CO.J, L 267 of 19 October 1977) '


During its Meetings of 30 November 1977, 26 January 1978 and 6 March 1978 the Advisory Committee on Programme Management for Environmental Research has examined in detail the proposal of the Commission regarding the revision of the Second Environmental Research Programme (indirect action : 1976-1980). It has also reviewed the management of this research programme,and in particular the steps taken to achieve an increasing degree of coordination between national and Community activities in this field'. . • . .

It agreed unanimously that the scientific content of the proposal is based on a sound assessment of the current and foreseeable research requirements of the Community Action Programme on the Environment, with regard both to the new topics proposed for introduction in the programme and to topics earmarked for expansion. • .

The Committee concurred that significant progress has been achieved in . coordinating national and Community activities in environmental research since the inception of the 1st indirect action programme (1973-1975) by means of research seminars, working group meetings, and also through informal contacts among its members, etc... This effort, together with the systematic evaluation of results which has been initiated, should be intensified in the future, in order to increase research productivity both in quantity and quality and to facilitate the application of its results by potential users throughout the Community. '

In conclusion, the-Committee recommends : "

1) that many projects in the existing programme should be extended for

a further period to enable their successful completion, others should be terminated -within the first phase ; ,

2) that research should be expanded considerably on several specific problems already under investigation ;

3) that new topics should be included in the programme taking into account

national research activities ; - .

4) that co-ordinating activities should continue to be strenghtened and broadened with consideration of concerted action, where appropriate ;

5) that evaluation procedures.should be developed (e.g. critical analysis

of research results, assessment of their applicability for the Implementation of the Community environment policy). •