Annexes to COM(2024)223 - COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Guidelines for the analysis of the balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities for fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions according to Article 22 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Common Fisheries Policy - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2024)223 - COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Guidelines for the analysis of the balance ... |
document | COM(2024)223 |
date | May 21, 2024 |
1. Data parameters and fleet segmentation
In order to have standardised analyses, to facilitate comparisons and to avoid duplication of work, in accordance with COM(2014) 545 final, data parameters should be calculated according to data collected under the DCF.
For vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, indicator calculation may be further disaggregated by sub-segmentation at the most appropriate level5. In cases in which a sub-segmentation is provided, this should be in addition to the DCF, not in replacement. Furthermore, all supporting data for the calculations in the fleet report should also be provided in annex to the fleeet report according to the same, uniform sub-segmentation.
2. Biological indicators
In line with COM(2014) 545 final, both biological indicators (sustainable harvest indicator and stocks at risk indicator) should be in balance as part of demonstrating the balance of a fleet segment.
2.2.1 Sustainable harvest indicator
For fleet segments concerning vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, the calculation for the sustainable harvest indicator (SHI) as explained in section 10.1 of COM(2014)545 final may be simplified in one of the following ways:
- F and Fmsy values may be derived, in order of priority, from: (a) national assessments subjected to peer review, where the peer reviews are either publicly accessible or are provided as an annex to the fleet report; (b) national assessments not (yet) subjected to peer review, where the national assessments are provided as an annex to the fleet report, for peer review ;
- the indicator may be presented together with the actual coverage percentage and the number of stocks used to compute the value;
- estimates of F and Fmsy from one or more representative target species in the fishery can be used; in this context, assessments based on the productivity of species groupings may also be presented and used.
Regardless of the simplification applied by the Member State, all necessary data should be provided in annex to the fleet report to allow for further scrutiny by the STECF.
2.2.2 Stocks at risk indicator
In line with COM (2014) 545 final, for the calculation of the stocks at risk (SAR) indicator, Member States should count the number of stocks currently assessed as being at “high biological risk” that are exploited by the fleet segment in question.
Based on STECF advice, it is considered that the threshold values established in COM (2014) 545 final, which define whether stock(s) at risk are “exploited by” the fleet in question, could be modified6. Pending further assessment by the STECF and considering the special situation of fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, an alternative threshold could be set in the future for those fleet segments.
In the meantime, considering, on the one hand, the conclusions of the STECF on the threshold value for the SAR6 and, on the other hand, the special situation of fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, it is appropriate to enable the Member States to use, on a temporary basis, an alternative threshold.
Therefore, based on the available technical information on the application of the SAR indicator in fisheries of the outermost regions, Member States may consider, for fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, that a stock at risk is “exploited by” a fleet segment if the stock makes up more than 20% of the catches of the fleet segment, or if the fleet segment takes more than 10% of the catches of the stock. Member States should submit detailed data and explanations of the calculations applied as well as as the scientific reasons for the application of this alternative threshold value in an annex to the fleet report for further scrutiny by the STECF.
3. Vessel utilisation indicator
In line with COM (2014) 545 final, the vessel utilisation indicator is the average, for each fleet segment, of the ratio of the effort actually deployed to the maximum effort that could be exerted by the fleet.
Member States should have the possibility to use a version of this indicator that is based on theoretical, rather than actual, maximum activity level. This value should be determined by each Member State using an expert judgement and available information, taking into account. natural, technical and social conditions. This possibility is afforded to the Member States because the observed maximum number of days at sea within a fleet segment for each reference year could be limited by external factors, so this number may not reflect the true technical capacity of this fleet. Examples of external factors can be economic, environmental and social, as defined under section 12.2 of COM(2014) 545 final. As observed in Section 1, fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions are particularly exposed to such external factors.
Where Member States can justify the use of this version of the indicator as set out in section 12.2 of COM(2014) 545 final, this may be reflected in the choice of indicator VURnn. The grounds for the choice of nn should be provided along with all data required for the calculations in an annex to the fleet report.
4. Additional indicators
For fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, the Number of Overexploited Stocks (NOS) indicator and the Economic Dependency Indicator (EDI) may be provided as additional biological indicators and calculated according to STECF advice7.
Social indicators that can help illustrate the wider socio economic conditions in which the fleet operates may also be presented. This gives Member States an opportunity to provide additional illustrations of the situation of their fleet segments, consisting of the smallest and potentially most vulnerable vessels and businesses.
These additional indicators are not considered as alternative indicators and do not form part of the fleet balance calculation.
These guidelines, specific to fleet segments consisting of vessels of less than 12 metres in length in the outermost regions, will remain applicable pending the provision of further advice by the STECF on the indicators employed in the fleet-balance calculation and their appropriate thresholds, in particular from the STECF Expert Working Group on the outermost regions. They may in any case not be applied after the preparation of Member States’ fleet reports due by 31 May 2025.
1 COM(2022) 198 final
2 COM (2014) 545 final
3 Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 of 25 February 2008, concerning the establishment of a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy, OJ L 60, 5.3.2008.
4 In particular STECF PLEN 24-01
5 Member States should make best use of the economic data call’s submission form columns ACTIVITY, GEAR or FISHERY
6 STECF PLEN 24-01
7 For the calculation of these indicators, please consult STECF reports STECF-PLEN-24-01 and STECF-15-02 pp 76-78, taking n=10%