Economisch en Sociaal Comité stelt wijzigingen voor in ontwerp-Grondwet (en)

Source: EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, published on Thursday, December 4 2003, 13:52.
Auteur: Freddie Gjertsen

This paper outlines the points where the EESC calls for changes to the draft Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe. The EESC's proposals take the form of five requests for amendments, which are as follows: that their name be changed to the "European Economic and Social Council"; that advisory bodies be inserted, in Article I-18(2), in the list of institutions and bodies constituting the "Union's institutional framework"; that a parity is maintained with the Committee of the Regions by also granting the EESC the right to bring an action before the Court of Justice; that a new article be inserted (III-297) which, amongst others, outlines that the EESC shall assist the Union's legislative end executive institutions in the process of decision- and policy-making; and finally that the areas where the EESC must be consulted be enlarged.

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