Commission proposes new programme “Citizens for Europe” for the period 2007-2013

Thursday, April 7 2005, 15:05

As part of the new generation of Community actions programmes for the period 2007-2013, the European Commission adopted yesterday a proposal for a programme for the promotion of active European citizenship. This programme, with a budget of EUR 207 million for the whole period, will take over the current programme coming to an end in 2006 and is a contribution to addressing a major challenge of the European Union, namely how to bridge the gap between the citizens and the European Union.

Welcoming the proposal, Commissioner Ján Figel' i stressed the need to involve citizens in the development of the EU: "One of the major challenges of this Commission will be to have European citizens develop a sense of belonging and forge a European identity, so that they can become more deeply involved in the development of the European Union" he said adding : "I believe that the future programme on active citizenship, rooted in our common history and culture and promoting and celebrating our shared values, such as freedom, fairness, tolerance and solidarity, will act as cement towards a more citizen-friendly Europe, "

To that end, the European Commission is proposing a programme which puts citizens at the centre, which offers them the opportunity to fully assume their responsibility as European citizens and which responds to the need to improve their participation in the construction of Europe. It will encourage cooperation between citizens and their organisations from different countries in order to meet, to act together and to develop their own ideas in a European environment which goes beyond a national vision and which respects their diversity. These intercultural exchanges will contribute to improving the mutual knowledge of the culture and history of the European peoples and will bring our common heritage to the fore and strengthen the basis for our common future. Mutual understanding, solidarity and a feeling of belonging to Europe are indeed the building blocks for the involvement of citizens and are reflected by each of the programme's actions.

The first action, "Active citizens for Europe", will focus on involving citizens directly, either through activities linked to town-twinning or through other kinds of citizens' projects.

The second action , "Active civil society for Europe" is targeted to Europe-wide civil society organisations, which will receive either structural support on the basis of their work programme or support to transnational projects.

The third action, "Together for Europe", will support high visibility events, studies and information tools, which will address the widest possible audience across frontiers and make Europe more tangible for its citizens.

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