Official visit of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to Finland

Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) i, published on Friday, May 19 2006.


19 May 2006

Press and Information


19 May 2006

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Official visit of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to Finland

The Court of Justice of the European Communities will pay an official visit to Finland from Sunday 21 May to Wednesday 24 May 2006. The delegation will be led by Mr Vassilios Skouris, President of the Court of Justice, and will be composed of Mr Peter Jann and Mr Allan Rosas, Presidents of Chambers, Ms Christine Stix-Hackl, First Advocate General, Mr Ji?í Malenovsky, President of Chamber, Mr Jean-Pierre Puissochet, Ms Ninon Colneric, Mr Stig von Bahr, Mr Antonio Tizzano, Mr José Narciso da Cunha Rodrigues, Ms Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, Mr George Arestis, Mr Anthony Borg Barthet and Mr Uno Lohmus, Judges, and Mr Roger Grass, Registrar.

The delegation from the Court of Justice will be received at the seat of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland by the President of the Supreme Court of Finland, Ms Pauliine Koskelo, and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Mr Pekka Hallberg, and the Judges of those two courts.

The President and Members of the Court of Justice will meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Erkki Tuomioja, and will be received at the President's Palace by the President of the Republic of Finland, Her Excellency Ms Tarja Halonen. The delegation will meet Mr Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland.

On the following day the President and Members of the Court of Justice will be received in Turku by Mr Antero Palaja, President of the Turku Court of Appeal, and Mr Mikko Pukkinen, Mayor of the City of Turku.

On the final day of the visit the delegation will be received by Ms Leena Luhtanen, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Finland, and by Members of the Finnish Parliament.

The visit takes place in the context of the continuous relations which the Court of Justice maintains with the highest institutions of the Member States. The Court of Justice received official visits in 1997 and 1999 from the then Ministers of Justice of the Republic of Finland.


Unofficial document for media use, not binding on the Court of Justice.

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