A renewed framework for EU cooperation in the youth field 2010-2018 - Main contents
Brussels, 27 November 2009
A renewed framework for EU cooperation in the youth field 2010-2018
On November 27, EU Youth Ministers will meet in Brussels to adopt a new framework for EU cooperation in the youth field from 2010 until 2018.
The new framework of cooperation sets out overall objectives, priorities, working methods and follow-up systems. The overall objectives of the cooperation will be to create more and equal opportunities for all young people in education and in the labour market and to promote their active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity.
The decision has been preceded by extensive consultations with young people and youth organisations. A continued structured dialogue with youth is a key feature also of the future cooperation.
“I am very pleased that we during the Swedish Presidency will be able to reach an agreement among EU Member States on a new long-term framework of cooperation in the youth field. We believe the new framework will strengthen and improve the European cooperation, and also make it possible to deliver more concrete results. Investing in and empowering young women and men is crucial, not only for young people themselves, but also for a sustainable development and growth in the EU, not the least in the light of the economic crisis” says Christer Hallerby, State secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality.
“Our young people are a precious resource for Europe — they are our future, and we owe it to them to prepare them as best as possible for the challenges that await them. Based on the Commission proposal in April this year, on a new EU strategy for youth the Council will adopt on 27 November a new framework for EU cooperation in the youth field which sets the scene for policy collaboration on youth issues for the decade ahead, in the areas that affect young people the most: education, employment, creativity and entrepreneurship, social inclusion, health and sport, civic participation, and volunteering. This is good news for young people; it is good news for Europe's future”, says Maroš Šefcovic, Commissioner, Education, Training, Culture and Youth, European Commission
“ This framework sets an important step towards an integrated youth policy . We support the adoption of a cross-sectoral approach of youth policy, by setting a clear distinction between initiatives by youth ministries and the cross-sectoral initiatives necessary in other related policy fields. In 9 years we yearn to have a well oiled system ensuring that young people participate fully in the political decision making process and monitoring of the framework to ensure that youth policy meets the needs of young people”, says Tine Radinja, President European Youth Forum
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