Commission and Parliament join forces on urban development - Main contents
The European Commission joins forces with the European Parliament and URBACT on 18th June to present a recently published study "Urban Development in the EU: 50 Projects Supported by the ERDF in 2007-2013" and a collection of 6 thematic reports: "Cities of Tomorrow: Action Today".
The study by the Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the Parliament's Urban Intergroup presents 50 projects which received ERDF investment and offers an information package for selected cities, with detailed information on projects and results. The study represents a 'state of play' on how the cities have put local urban policies into action with ERDF investment from 2007-13. The cities highlighted reveal interesting ideas, solutions and cooperation or collaboration methods serving as inspiration for other urban areas and managing authorities. A detailed presentation of the study will be provided and will be followed by a panel discussion.
The second event presents 6 publications responding to the key urban challenges of the 21st century, set out in the Cities of Tomorrow report. They demonstrate that an integrated and participative approach is required, linked to the environmental, social and economic pillars of Europe2020. Participants will have an opportunity to find out about URBACT’s wider capitalisation work, and to experience a panel debate with URBACT experts and EU political representatives.
More information:
'Urban Development in the EU: 50 Projects Supported by the ERDF in 2007-2013'.
Series of URBACT Thematic Reports "Cities of Tomorrow: Action Today" on the URBACT Website
Information about the event on the URBACT website