Polish port improvement studies to benefit from EU co-funding - Main contents
The European Union will support with just over €500,000 from the TEN-T Programme a series of studies analysing the best approach to expand the quays and deepen the fairways of the inner part of the Port of Gdañsk in Poland.
The studies, which were selected for funding under the 2012 TEN-T Annual Call, will assess the economic, environmental and technical designs for upgrading the quay and dredging of the fairway in the inner Port of Gdañsk. They specifically concern 7 quays and will lay the groundwork for the works to dredge the fairway to 12 metres in order to improve both navigation and mooring/berthing conditions. This will bring the quays up to standard and improve their efficiency and capacity, which will in turn increase competitiveness of the Port and enable its continued development.
The studies are set to be completed by the end of 2015.