EUROSUR ready to better protect the Schengen borders and save migrants' lives - Main contents
Source: Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) i, published on Friday, November 29 2013.
On 2 December 2013 the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) becomes operational.
EUROSUR will make an important contribution in protecting our external borders and in saving lives of those who put themselves in danger to reach Europe's shores. It will equip the EU and its Member States with better tools to prevent cross-border crimes, such as drug trafficking or trafficking in human beings, but also to detect and provide assistance to small migrant boats in distress.
For more information:
IP/13/1182: EUROSUR kicks off: new tools to save migrants' lives and prevent crime at EU borders
MEMO/13/1070: EUROSUR: Protecting the Schengen external borders - protecting migrants' lives
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