Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) call opens - Main contents
A Marie Skłodowska-Curie scheme is now open for proposals, with the deadline for submissions on 28 April 2015. The scheme aims at promoting international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges. It also encourages knowledge sharing and bringing ideas from research to market.
This call for proposals has a budget of €80 million and is open until 28 April 2015. The Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) is a scheme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. It fosters a shared culture of research and innovation, supports creativity and entrepreneurship, and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes.
RISE involves organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based both within and without Europe. Support is provided for the development of partnerships in the form of joint research and innovation activities between the participants.
Participating organisations contribute directly to the implementation of the joint research and innovation activities by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members.
Activities are expected to build new - or enhance existing - networks of international and inter-sectoral cooperation. They should significantly strengthen the interaction between organisations in the academic and non-academic sectors, as well as between Europe and third countries. They are also expected to better align different cultures and expectations with a view to ensuring a more effective contribution of research and innovation to Europe's knowledge-based economy and society.
Evaluation is scheduled to start in May and the applicants should be informed by the results around end of September. All grant agreements should be signed the latest by the end of this year.
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