Video Far-right parties: 'Is Le Pen's far-right the new mainstream?'

Source: viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, published on Wednesday, October 21 2015.

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“If it looks like a duck and goes ‘quack’, it’s a duck!” - Alyn Smith i MEPtweet

Formed in June, Marine le Pen i’s far-right Europe of Nations and Freedom bloc has been making its presence felt in the European Parliament. Despite its mission to “destroy the EU from the inside”, the group is eligible to receive millions of euros in public funding, and its members get more speaking time in the chamber. No wonder it’s been ruffling feathers in Brussels.

But opponents say the group’s Euroscepticism is a far lesser threat than the fascist roots of its member parties: roots, they claim, are still in evidence today. In the second report of this two-part series, Ellie Mears investigates allegations of racism and Islamophobia, and the claim mainstream parties are echoing far-right rhetoric to win back votes.