
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 72 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
24.03.2011  Proposition de DÉCISION DU CONSEIL relative à la reconduction du statut d'entreprise commune de la Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH (HKG).
Decision com(2011)141
24.03.2011  Extension of the advantages conferred on the Joint Undertaking Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH (HKG).
Decision com(2011)147
14.02.2011  Conclusion and provisional application of the Cooperation Agreement on Satellite Navigation between the EU and Norway.
Decision com(2011)51
08.12.2010  Energy market integrity and transparency.
Regulation com(2010)726
03.11.2010  Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.
Directive com(2010)618
31.05.2010  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 663/2009 establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy.
Regulation com(2010)283
08.09.2009  Signing of the 'Terms of Reference for the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation' (IPEEC) and the 'Memorandum concerning the hosting by the ...
Decision com(2009)438
26.06.2009  Signing and provisional application of the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) by the EC.
Decision com(2009)327
26.06.2009  Conclusion of the Statute of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) by the EC and on the exercise of its rights and obligations.
Decision com(2009)326
28.01.2009  Programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy.
Regulation com(2009)35
26.11.2008  Community framework for nuclear safety.
Directive com(2008)790
13.11.2008  Obligation on Member States to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products.
Directive com(2008)775
13.11.2008  Energy performance of buildings (recast).
Directive com(2008)780
19.09.2007  Amendment of Directive 2003/55/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas.
Directive com(2007)529
19.09.2007  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks.
Regulation com(2007)532
16.03.2007  Statutes for the Euratom Supply Agency.
Decision com(2007)119
05.10.2006  Conclusion of the Agreement with the Government of the USA on the coordination of energy-efficiency labelling programmes for office equipment.
Decision com(2006)581
04.10.2006  Community energy-efficiency labelling programme for office equipment (Recast).
Regulation com(2006)576
21.09.2006  Approval of the accession of Euratom to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities.
Decision com(2006)518
21.12.2005  Supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste and nuclear spent fuel.
Directive com(2005)673
14.09.2005  Signing by the EC of the Energy Community Treaty.
Decision com(2005)435
14.09.2005  Conclusion by the EC of the Energy Community Treaty.
Decision com(2005)435