Political agreement confirmed for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and its Strategic Innovation Agenda - Main contents
Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) that are more open, inclusive and transparent and the launch of two new KICs, one for the cultural and creative sector and another for water and marine and maritime sectors, are just some of the elements of the political agreement signed today by representatives of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the negotiators from the European Parliament.
The agreement includes a package of amendments to the regulations of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology i (EIT) and a decision on the EIT's Strategic Innovation Agenda.
Set up in 2008, the EIT is part of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2021-2027, Horizon Europe. The EIT's mission is to contribute to sustainable economic growth and to the competitiveness of Europe, by reinforcing the innovation capacity of all the Member States, while also aiming to provide a response to major societal challenges. It brings together universities, research laboratories and leading companies to form European partnerships - the aforementioned Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).
In turn, the Strategic Innovation Agenda complements the legislative framework of the EIT's operation for 2021 to 2027, as well as defining its priority areas and its strategy, in line with the Horizon Europe programme.
The agreement between the European co-legislators is aimed at optimising the operation of the EIT and defining its Strategic Innovation Agenda. The main features of the document can be found on the website of the Council of the EU.
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