Public consultation on a possible successor to PROGRESS 2007-2013 - Main contents
The Commission has undertaken the review of its financial instruments for the next post-2013 multiannual financial framework. The EU programme for employment and social solidarity, - PROGRESS (2007-2013), is also subject to a review. In this context, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion invites you to take part in the public consultation on a successor instrument.
PROGRESS was established to support financially the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. It aims to improve the application of EU law and achieve shared understanding and ownership of EU objectives and policies among the decision makers and stakeholders both at the EU level and in the Member States.
The programme supports studies, development of statistics and data on relevant subjects, funds European observatories and awareness campaigns, and provides financial support for legal and policy practitioners, expert networks and NGOs fighting social exclusion and discrimination. It has worked to bring together policymakers at EU, national and regional levels, experts and civil society representatives.
We would very much value your views on the achievements of the current programme and your expectations for its potential successor. This public consultation aims to collect your insights and suggestions regarding the design, added value, objectives, actions, budget and delivery of such a successor instrument. Your input can help us shape it to best address your current and future needs.
This public consultation targets key stakeholders of the PROGRESS programme, in particular relevant authorities in the participating countries, including public employment services, local and regional authorities, specialised bodies provided for under Union law; social and economic partners; NGOs; higher education institutions and research institutes, experts in evaluation, and the media. It covers all PROGRESS participating countries: EU Member States, EFTA/EEA and candidate countries, and one pre-candidate country.
The online consultation is open from 4 April to 27 May.